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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Any argument that he suggests is refutted by the fact that the present language in all its form is BK language. There is no BK for US anymore. So lets get to it and change contract language to reflect that. PERIOD!

Play us? I don't think so!
Hey "33"...

He's being political again! First, there is no “bar”… the N/C is asking for a fair agreement that amends the concessions we took during BK, with a little meat left on the bone after that!

Is that too much to ask? Apparently, the Company thinks so-- they would prefer to keep us at post BK wages and benefits well into the “New AA” era!
political? I wish.
Sorry roabily but your pollyanna views continue to tie politics into every 4th word.
First off, asking for %10 + 2% the next two years sets us behind amr bankrupt contract. Secondly, if that is what they proposed then that also means they will meet somewhere below. Morons indeed.these guys are way outmatched by hemingway who is abusing them.
Hemengway is playing them perfectly and they will definately settle for plenty less than tem percent. Ten percent was their high proposal. Lmao
political? I wish.
Sorry roabily but your pollyanna views continue to tie politics into every 4th word.
First off, asking for %10 + 2% the next two years sets us behind amr bankrupt contract. Secondly, if that is what they proposed then that also means they will meet somewhere below. Morons indeed.these guys are way outmatched by hemingway who is abusing them.
Hemengway is playing them perfectly and they will definately settle for plenty less than tem percent. Ten percent was their high proposal. Lmao

that is what voting No is for but you seem to be correct if ten is the asking number then less willcertainly be settled for.
10% was that initated by the iam or by the monkeys running the airline?
Hey "33"...

He's being political again! First, there is no “bar”… the N/C is asking for a fair agreement that amends the concessions we took during BK, with a little meat left on the bone after that!

Is that too much to ask? Apparently, the Company thinks so-- they would prefer to keep us at post BK wages and benefits well into the “New AA” era!
The way I understand it is the NC is only asking wages equal to those that will be realized by the TWU members at AA, with the MOU, agreed to with the TWU. That MOU will put the Fleet Service at AA approximately 10% above the Fleet at US by the end of the year in terms of hourly wage, if the merger proceeds as anticipated. Hemhaw can call this an outragous demand all he wants but I believe it is a reasonable proposal.
Sincere thanks to the NC members who took the time to visit my station today to update, enlighten and educate the members on the status of our contract negotiations. Communication is the foundation to building solidarity among the the membership. I believe the station visits are the first step in accomplishing this goal. IMO... for Fleet Service at US; the goal is a fair contract, ratified under section 6 negotiations first, before entering into Transition Negotiations.
Section 6 negotiations = leverage for the union.
Transition negotiations = no leverage for the union.
Why do you think the company wants us to go directly to Transition Talks? If the company views reasonable proposals by the IAM under section 6 as "extreme and outrageous" what would lead any member to believe they would willingly agree to those proposals in transition talks? When the membership understands the significant difference, in terms of leverage, between Section 6 negotiations and transition talks, they will come to understand why the company wants us to move directly to a transition agreement. In the meantime... it would be in the best interest of the group that everyone understand the difference between the two. This is what the station visits, by our NC members, are all about. I support their efforts.
that is what voting No is for but you seem to be correct if ten is the asking number then less willcertainly be settled for.
Where are you guys getting that 10% was the beginning asking number. We have asked to be released from mediation, meaning that we have already came down as much as we can possibly come down on the main issues, and we aren't willing to move anymore. This is called a impass and that why we asked to be released. You guys act like we are still in the back and forth give stage. You don't ask to be released, if you still plan on negotiating more. The 10% is where we are now. And we can't take any less than that.
orgac that sounds like you had a real nice sta visit in your other post regarding the 10% that makes sense when the aa twu is factored in now i get the pic that sounds reasonable but i have a funny feeling that the al "i hate labor" hemmoraging hemmingway just wants the airline and the union to go straight to transitional talks thereby they would have the leverage i sure hope the nmb would rule soon but of course i highly doubt the nmb would rule anytime soon. as for the nc team good luck in the future talks and i hope that you folks get as much as you can info wise from as many members as you can
keep up the strong efforts there cb and p rez and nc team
It was great visiting your station today. You have your members well informed, and they asked very informative questions. It's always good to see a station that's educated on what's going on. Keep up the good work.
First off, asking for %10 + 2% the next two years sets us behind amr bankrupt contract.

They asked for 10% plus 2% for every year including past the amendable date. Where did you see that it was only two years?

Where are you guys getting that 10% was the beginning asking number. We have asked to be released from mediation, meaning that we have already came down as much as we can possibly come down on the main issues, and we aren't willing to move anymore. This is called a impass and that why we asked to be released. You guys act like we are still in the back and forth give stage. You don't ask to be released, if you still plan on negotiating more. The 10% is where we are now. And we can't take any less than that.

I think some are having reading comprehension issues with the companys letter regarding the request for release.

On that note, I'd also say that it might be time for the union to put out the last offers by both the union and company seeing as how the company is already publishing some of that info.
On that note, I'd also say that it might be time for the union to put out the last offers by both the union and company seeing as how the company is already publishing some of that info.

I think that's a great ideal
You guys act like we are still in the back and forth give stage. You don't ask to be released, if you still plan on negotiating more. The 10% is where we are now. And we can't take any less than that.

Well seeing as A.H. has put the info out to public opinion by addressing the NMB with his response letter, i think its high time for some to realize just how little he thinks of our hard work. He firmly believes that $50 ( sometimes) payouts are more than fair. Well A.H., you dont have the BK judge to back you up this time. I cant think of 1 contract he has negotiated in good faith without the help of a BK judge. Correct me if im wrong please. The only other time was under a non-union environment.
Well those days are over and whats fair is fair. $$$$$,0000000,$$ in profit = close to where we were before the last two BK's.
What im hoping is that the closer we get to this merger, the more questions will be asked form stockholders and such as to why A.H. hasn't gotten this deal done!.....
Well its not done because we are not in BK......And.......Neither will the New American!
Do you all realize its the same letter he wrote to the board in regard to M&R asking to be released, all he did was change it to fleet.
So are you implying that the facts of the letter are incorrect? I don't care if he's lazy or cares enough to write a letter specifically for each, I care about the content of the letter. That content provides statements of what the IAM Fleet NC has asked for.
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