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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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The meetings went very well, and the attendance was good. The Membership was very engaged with the N/C regarding the Company’s aloof attitude, and failure to offer a fair agreement in section six.

Contrary to what Tim Nelson said about some officers "talking down" to the Membership in ORD at those meetings… I saw no evidence of it here in CLT. In fact, every person in attendance was treated with respect by the N/C, no matter how immaterial or preposterous their inquiries were.

I will say this as well… the Membership definitely got the message as just how unappreciative the Company is of them. Everyone understood that we all sacrificed for the better part of a decade to make them profitable, and consequently helped to place them in a situation to become the world’s largest-- most profitable carrier!

Boy did they get it! The anger spilled over into conversations even after the meetings had adjourned! What really impressed me is as to how CLT is actually lining up behind the N/C in droves, and pledging to support them fully throughout the entire process!

Sounds great
question here: i had heard from a coworker today at work that said the iam is talkin to lawyers pertaining to the merger and contracts etc and he was telling me that from what he had heard is that the labor unrest at both airlines could undermine the merger and he said that US must get contracts with the iam before the jcba and that 141 could take a strike vote.. i do know that the 141 has not heard back from the nmb pertaining to the release and i would not expect the nmb to rule in favor but if they did and we struck the presid would block it thats just what he had heard
There is nothing preventing the merger due to no CBAs on the east side.

142 hasnt heard back from the NMB and filed several months ago for a release.
but if they did and we struck the presid would block it thats just what he had heard

The President can DELAY it for eithe 90 or 120 days, but I can't remember which. I believe he basically orders the NMB (or is it the NLRB?) to stay their action. Once that time is up the 30 day cooling off period begins (or presumably contines if it already started).
the latest letter from management to the NMB sheds light on what the IAM is asking for and what the company position is. What the letter doesn't describe is the ridiculous proposal that management gave the union, i.e, what amounts as 1% pay raises, no scope, no nothing.
attached is a letter from management to the NMB. Gives specifics about what the IAM is asking for.
Gotta go in through the window to get in this site now. At any rate, I finally made it through
That letter tim if true were the contract itd be a shot down easily got to keep scope.

as for the board forums most of the time it comes up as a driver error or something i sent an email to the board but no replies yet
Im disappointed robbed again. Disappointed in that we had to hear what our nc was asking for thru management. And also disappointed in that the nc has set the bar real low. Lets hope they at least are seeking full scope enhancements withouth 141 rising drop dead dates
I find it hilarious that they insist a 2% automatic increase after the amendable date is inappropriate. If they would negotiate in good faith we wouldnt' even need to worry about that. If they don't like it I've got a perfect concession for them. No 2% post amendable date, but three needs to be a clause in the CBA that once the new agreement is reached, however long that takes, there is a signing bonus backdated to the amendable date, and will be paid out to all affected employees, including those who leave.
Im disappointed robbed again. Disappointed in that we had to hear what our nc was asking for thru management. And also disappointed in that the nc has set the bar real low. Lets hope they at least are seeking full scope enhancements withouth 141 rising drop dead dates

The Bar Low?.....Did i get the wrong impression ?...My interpretation is the bar is not low at all. ....or maybe im gullible !!
The Bar Low?.....Did i get the wrong impression ?...My interpretation is the bar is not low at all. ....or maybe im gullible !!
Hey "33"...

He's being political again! First, there is no “bar”… the N/C is asking for a fair agreement that amends the concessions we took during BK, with a little meat left on the bone after that!

Is that too much to ask? Apparently, the Company thinks so-- they would prefer to keep us at post BK wages and benefits well into the “New AA” era!
I'd like to know what details you're working from Tim. Do you have knowledge of the specifics mentioned but not detailed by the company in their letter? The only difinitive statement there is 10% plus 2% annually for pay. Everything else specified is generics, with the mention of "rich benefits".
while 10% plus the 2% is a fair thing it dont take a rocket scientist to figure out that some goony clown like allan "i hate labor" hemmeraging hemmenway would give just 2% we the fsa have the leverage and got to use it weve got to enhance scope and protect all we have now
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