Not a lead or qualified either. Staffing is the main problem for which I am addressing over the next month. When parttime employees leave in the morning and before they come in for the pm shift is the problem. I will be walking gate to gate on arrivals and departures and addressing with management right there on the spot and taking down flight information etc. and then going to the director with my findings. It is never ok to work without the proper staffing and I hope that PHX employees will get me or a shop steward involved when incurring staffing issues. I need everything from time, gate, flt #, a/c # etc. I need this information to go back to the management team to hammer this issue.
P. Rez
I suggest you go find some of the heavy flights to Hawaii, CLT, PHL or LAX where 160 bags, plus a couple thousand pounds of cargo are common on a B757 or A321 and it is a lead with 2 assist. Hopefully, there is a local runner assigned (which often is not the case as those part-time people do not arrive for afternoon coverage until 6 pm), otherwise the flight will be down to one person to load the bin while the lead scans and tosses the bags on the belt alone. I have worked these gates with leads, and they make radio calls for additional help and rarely do they get any. Personally, I think it is more about covering their ass when the plane goes out late, but usually the leads just push themselves and the assist to get it out on time instead of suffering the wrath of a Manager... so much for working safe.