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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Clueless 700?

Who was clueless reeling in 20,000 members with a winning edge strategy that tossed away the dopey iam organizing book, and did away with 10 years of organizing futility as the iam lost 35,000 airline members at the same time i won the 2 major organizing drives i strategized and directed?
I dont have a clue? Who kicked sitos arse and his bull #$@ monumental ta right back up his arse by mobilizing facebook, media outlets and videos to get out the right information and education that gave the members the truth that exposed the iam lies? Clueless? Not hardly. The iam spent over $1million getting out the yes vote and i spent $12.99 buck. The complete establidhment including most local chairmen came out in support. But i wasnt the only one who stood up, many like me got out my material and videos educating the members against the outright fraud of the iam.
Does that make me anti iam? No, actually im plenty still engaged with the iam constitution. But i dont bow down to the iam leaders who hosed over united and hawaiian. Many of us are also holding the iam accountable in the section 6 talks. We offer our support to the nc for saying and doing all the right things.
But if they start the bs wheel again about how the mythical transition talks is going to be the jackpot as they get a mini contract, then they can be sure that they seriously miscalculated the membership and most on this board.
Btw, sito cant put 4 words together without dropping F bombs. He needs to take an english class to broaden his vocabulary. Maybe a few math clesses while he is at it.
Our members really have a great shot to get a solid contract. Especially since management wants joint talks. Screw moving the merger forward. Screw helping hands. Not until fleet service gets some gosh darn respect. Im freakn tired of waiting each april to see what other brothers and sisters are going to get whacked. Ive had it! Its time these arsehat management start committing to our members instead of talking down and issuing threats. Any ta had better be north of the sorry arse bankrupt amr contract. That means that its about time the company pony up the same health care for our part timers as full timers, same retirement contribution, etc. And several dollars more an hour. $20 bucks sucks and is thoroughly insulting.
We have drifted off topic, once again, with personal character attacks and past history. In the meantime this meaningless bickering further erodes solidarity. From what I have viewed on this thread Tim stands behind the actions taken, thus far, by the NC and District leadership regarding Section 6 negotiations with US Fleet Service. For the sake of all of our futures we need to focus on putting the past behind us and standing united. Our NC desperately needs this if they are to be successful in obtaining a fair contract for US Fleet under Section 6. Let's focus on the future and not the past. IMO... if we can accomplish this... it is and will be in the members' best interests. IMo... continuing to focus on the past is counter productive to advancing the best interests of the Fleet Service membership at this point. It's time to put it to rest!
it would be interesting if there could be the current amr and the current us fsa contract details put in here and see what many on here would think and compare. then could offer more opinions to the nd team as they await the next move btwn the meetings and the nmb answer regarding the release... though i do believe they will turn that down

as for any new agreement it truly should be major improvements over the 08 contract but i do not think its time to add amr when the govt has not even given the approval yet
First off, it is thoroughly insulting to compare to amr bankrupt contract if we approach negotiations. To be clear, united hoodwinked the iam141 eboard into using the amr contract as the baseline in ua talks, instead of their iam united ta.
So, for sure, parker will want to use the sucky amr contract.
Amazingly, its much better than the contract canale blew up for our members at usairways. I know some agcs are touting our contract as superior and point to more sick time in the usairways contract. But under a closer view id say that amrs 6 sick days a year are better than usairways 10 when applying sick leave. Remember at usairways, you get hosed with onlyhalf pay for the first two days and you better bring a doctors slip if u r going to be out 3 days. Id rather not lose any time and get paid full as they do at amr. Part time rules are better at amr. Pay will be $2 more an hour in a couple months at amr. More stations in scope but barely for amr. Amr has 5 super cargo centers under scope where usairways has a big one in phx. Usairways has two large catering centers (we better fight to keep this) and the iam also has the tower work (better make sure we keep that). Medical is a wash. Full timers pay less health cost at usairways, but part timers at amr dont have to pay double for insurance. Company contributions to retirement is a wash. 5.5% match for ft and pt at amr. 5.5% iampf at usair for ft but only 3% for pt topped out.
Amr twu members will own 4.8% of the combined company (nice), usairways members will own 0%. A couple more holidays for usairways and double time opportunity for usairways.

Thats a cliff note comparison that should be proofread.
Usairways made more profits than most other carriers last year and continuing into this year. Thats the context of negotiations. $2 billion a year in baggage fees collected and priority boarding. More money than u can shake a stick at. Give us some!
Usairways made more profits than most other carriers last year and continuing into this year. Thats the context of negotiations. $2 billion a year in baggage fees collected and priority boarding. More money than u can shake a stick at. Give us some!

And yet as Bob Owens has said the unions are only asking for industry standard wages.

Well, our nc said they are asking for something north of where amr is at now. Just gotta make sure we keep the bargaining agents accountable like we did when the iam 141 eboard voted unanimously to hammer the united workers and support management.
Explain to me why the IAM was so quick to give away the store in scope, you would think they would want to keep as many dues payers on the payroll as possible. Did they strike a backroom deal for ZW to outsource all the mainline stations so the IAM still collects dues? I know the T/A allowed unlimited split shifts and increases in part time which will result in more dues.

Josh, Giving up the scope necessarily was going to mean a loss of members at various stations contracted out. Also, the chance of air willy picking up that work would be too risky, so the question is how did the iam protect and increase revenue of dues by coughing up scope?
The answer is unlimited part time. The iam is the one who sought the unlimited part time to maintain and increase dues. Remember two pt equals double revenue. Any jobs air willy would have secured would have just been more icing on the cake. It was a great contract for the iam as far as revenue building, and a great contract for the company. Howevet both entities raped the masses.
700, u r correct. I said protected under scope. For instance ord can be contracted out along with another 15+ stations. Most are only open because of the tender metcies of management. The 12 month loa bought some time though.
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