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August/September 2013 Fleet Discussion

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Tim your lying again.

We went on strike in October of 1992 and Bob Bynum was President, not Will, and Ozzie was VP, I ran the office during the strike.

And it was mostly about 10 gse mechanics and one avionics guiy and a few stock clerks.

Once again tim your posting misinformation.
Really, lying about what? I dont care what you say, will had the strongest following. Btw all you did was make coffe but nobody was asking. You didnt run squat and eventually got fired for being lazy by skipping out of work and falsyfying union time off. Go get a job and stop welching off the public dime. Hint: u might do better if u ever quit wasting your time on the internet doing sidebar work for the iam. Sheesh!
Tim you are the biggest liar out there, I never abused union time, so if you are making the accusation prove it!

I made the strike schedules, picket line assignments and many more things, was a liason to the media and checking with out stations.

You weren't on stilke nor even a union member at the time, I bet you even performed struck work while we were out for the six days.

You are the king of lies, your so sad that you could never get the power you longed for, you really need to call the EAS and get help, since you don't know fiction from reality.

Must be sad to be you, and you say you are a man of the cloth, boy I bet God is truly disapointed in you.

Maybe I shall just call the king of lies.
I believe your obsessed with me, and keep making up lies, your pretty good at it, but not good enough.

Hey buy any gift cards lately to bribe someone into signing an A-Card, you got plenty of skeletons timmy.
Speaking of a-cards, where are those a-cards for the association? Or are you still lying to everyone that they cant lose their union in the vote?
Deflect and dont answer your typical M.O.

Speaking cards, when you filed short at AirTran, you didnt learn your lesson when you filed short at US years ago?

Is that why you bought A-Cards by bribing them with gift cards?

Describes you perfectly:

Lying is the act of both knowingly and intentionally/willfully making a false statement. Most people do so out of fear. Pathological lying is considered a mental illness, because it takes over rational judgment and progresses into the fantasy world and back.
Excessive lying is a common symptom of several mental illnesses. For instance people who suffer from antisocial personality disorder use lying to benefit from others. Some individuals with borderline personality disorder lie for attention by claiming they’ve been treated poorly (though it is not diagnostic). Pathological lying, on the other hand, can be described as an addiction to lying. It is when an individual consistently lies for no personal gain. The lies are commonly transparent and often seem rather pointless.

There are many consequences of being a pathological liar. Due to lack of trust, most pathological liars' relationships and friendships fail. If the disease continues to progress, lying could become so severe as to cause legal problems, including but not limited to fraud.

Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person suffering from pathological lying. No research has been performed regarding the use of pharmaceutical medication to treat pathological liars. Some research suggests that certain people may have a “predisposition to lying”.

Pathological lying is a complex phenomenon, differing from other mental illnesses. It has many life-changing consequences for those who must live with the illness. Currently, there is not enough research in the area of pathological lying to guarantee a cure.
About every post in regards to your obsession with are filled with lies, yet when you are asked to prove it you ignore it.

Typical timmy.
Why dont you quit firebombing the thread and go back to bothering the mx that are voting?
Cripes, i make an honest statement giving clt and cashion credit for sticking together, and you interject yourself in the conversation listing all the things you did for the strike and at the same time calling me a liar for claiming that cashion had a big part of it. Did anyone ask you what you did in the strike? Does anyone care that you made some phone calls and checked off a few list? Nope.
What war are you fighting and why are you here? You dont know fleet service and you dont even work in this industry. Sheesh! Ok 700 u and bynum did everything...is that better?
Cashion wasnt an officer, Bynum was the one who was President during the strike.

You were wrong, you got the date wrong and who was in charge.

Maybe the threads wouldnt go off topic if you stopped lying about me, you keep lying and posting misinformation I will correct it every time!

Facts timmy, just the facts.

I think Tim does a great job educating and informing the membership on negotiations, the IAM, and bringing the members together. I mean he went to the trouble to inform the UA members on the awful T/A and the clear deficiencies in SCOPE, health care, etc. The videos he produced are articulate and informational while the 141 video was Ira, Sito and Rich congratulating themselves on an agreement that doesn't deliver. Not sure what you keep posting about but I enjoy Tim's posts.

When did i ever say cashion was the president? Cashion had alot of pull. But just because i give the guy credit, you gotta become a d**k and interject yourself. Ok u got me in a real big lie, u struck in 92 and i said 93 or 94. You da Man!
Thank you for the kind words. After all of the evidence and accusations that 700 brought up 8+ years ago, the truth remains,ie, the iam hired me and the members paid me well.My record as director of organizing is unmatched and shows the passion and commitment i have on the membership dime. Each usairways hub nominated me over the establishment. And to this day, sito and delaney blame me for shutting down the ua ta.
If i were such a monster, no hub that knew me the best would have nominated me. The iam wouldnt have hired me. The united members wouldnt have listened to me.
700 is heart and soul establishment and is on here by iam directive to firebomb and quote mine all those who dont bow down to the iam.
If i say anything, it is a lie to 700 even if i say cashion locked clt down, which he did. As an aside, if i remember correctly, he kicked bynums arse in an election shortly thereafter.
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