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How can I deny something you cannot even give an example of. All you have are insults and hot air.

You said that liberals have passed legislation that governs morality and you cannot come up with even one example.
southwind said:
Yep, a Libtard doesn't need any help to look and sound stupid!

And yep, "Racist Road" is a one way street!
Liberals are wussies.  I mean, I haven't seen where any have attached "tard" on anything to describe the other side...which is a shame because "libtard" has a kind of jerky pronunciation, but "conservatard" kind or just rolls off the tongue naturally.  We really missed an opportunity, but I've noticed that when someone is losing a debate, or cannot make a point, "tard" is invoked. 
Reply to KCFlyer post: " I haven't seen where any have attached "tard" on anything to describe the other side..."


A person who is politically conservative to an extreme degree, often with no sound intellectual basis for his or her beliefs.

Conservatards believe that loud volume, beligerence, and personal attacks trump logic and reasoning in any argument. In a conservatard's eyes, logic and reasoning are used by communists and hippies to warp the minds of the innocent young, and therefore must be avoided at all costs.

When engaged in political discourse, conservatards change subjects often; preferring to point out unrelated (or even fabricated) examples of liberal folly rather than directly addressing the topic at hand. Some conservatards like to use large words like "misunderestimate" and "nukular" to impress others with their advanced grasp of English vocabulary, and by extension, their intelligence.

Conservatards generally have no concept of history, and in fact, may not even be able to read above a third grade level. Most of their belief structure is dictated to them by a television.

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You said:
You live in a constant state of denial so why even go through the effort.

Your post stating that I am not a "bridge" but you used my name to advance your "agenda" against a so-called "libtard" puts you at the level of the libtards that you wish to discredit.

Follow the discussion and quit wasting my time on trivial evidence.
Hatu said:
A person who is politically conservative to an extreme degree, often with no sound intellectual basis for his or her beliefs.

Conservatards believe that loud volume, beligerence, and personal attacks trump logic and reasoning in any argument. In a conservatard's eyes, logic and reasoning are used by communists and hippies to warp the minds of the innocent young, and therefore must be avoided at all costs.
Liberals want to put Hillary Clinton in office. A hateful, abusive, violent, lying doormat caught in scandal after scandal that has a lot of dead bodies connected to her.
Where is the "logic" in that?
signals said:
You said:
You live in a constant state of denial so why even go through the effort.
I did not say that to you so what do you care?
signals said:
Your post stating that I am not a "bridge" but you used my name to advance your "agenda" against a so-called "libtard" puts you at the level of the libtards that you wish to discredit.
I did not use your name, I used your quote. If you feel you were misrepresented than clarify your position. Nobody is stopping you from doing so.
signals said:
Follow the discussion and quit wasting my time on trivial evidence.
Feel free to put me on ignore. At any rate as soon as the "association" vote happens I am retiring from this forum so eventually your "problem" will self correct. Being mad at me is not going to accomplish anything because I am indifferent to your opinion of me. You are only making yourself unhappy.  If that is worth it to you than please continue your tirade.
Have a nice day. 🙂
southwind said:
He gave you examples....your just playing stupid! Or are you not playing?
Safety nets have nothing to do with morality and the legislation was passed with bipartisan support.

Morality legislation are laws that dictate who can marry who, what days you can buy alcohol on, making the bible a state book, teaching creationism along science.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
If anyone tries to legislate morality it is the libtards.
Liberals use a combination of media, Political Correctness (libtard peer pressure), and legislation to impose law on the citizens of the United States.
Any luck?  I would not have thought you would have such a hard time finding examples.  
Your example of the social safety nets does not even seem to meet your own criteria.  You made mention of PC and the media which are fairly recent phenomenon.  Social Security was signed into law in 1934.  Unemployment insurance started in WI in 1932 if I recall correctly.  Medicare and Medicade started in 1965.  Food stamps started in 1959.
Certainly you can find an example from this century?  
Ms Tree said:
Safety nets have nothing to do with morality and the legislation was passed with bipartisan support.
Safety net?
When you have people taking advantage of programs for decades at a time they cease to be "safety nets" and become a way of life. 
Ms Tree said:
Safety nets have nothing to do with morality and the legislation was passed with bipartisan support.

Morality legislation are laws that dictate who can marry who, what days you can buy alcohol on, making the bible a state book, teaching creationism along science.
I don't subscribe to your definition.
When the government imposes a cultural change on the majority that is immoral.
Placing a child in a home with two adults living an unnatural homosexual lifestyle is immoral.
Allowing abortions of convenience without even a thought of the father is immoral.
Forcing people on an insurance exchange with threat of a fine is immoral.
Forcing people to join a UNION as a condition of employment is immoral.
Excessive taxes on cigarettes is immoral.
Banning large sodas because libtards think they know what is best for other people is immoral.
Feeding hungry children food so bad they rather throw it in the trash is immoral. 
and yes....... forcing someone to pay for someone else their whole working life IS immoral. 
This is not something we are going to agree on. 
These are your opinions of morality and you just proved my point. You wish to force your morality on others. No one is forcing you to do any of the above except the soda thing and that failed as it should have.

As for your first point, was abolishing slavery and granting equal rights in 1964 immoral? Was granting suffrage in 1920 immoral?

You can't paint with as broad a brush as you wish but the conservatives have imposed their morality on the populace far far more than the liberals ever have. Look at the blue laws all over the country. I still have to drive about 10 miles to get a bottle of whisky to cook with because some nimrod thought alcohol is bad. Try and buy it on Sunday before noon and you are SOL here in TX. The laws are slowly getting reversed but not without a fight.

The TN House just passed a bill making the bible the state book. Never mind that it is a blatant violation of th the COTUS and that they are wasting tax payer money and time to consider this BS and is for some stupid reason the Senate and the Gov allow this to pass there will be a law suit brought up so fast the inl won't have time to dry. That will mean more money wasted. The ste AG even said the bill is against the law.
Ms Tree said:
The TN House just passed a bill making the bible the state book. Never mind that it is a blatant violation of th the COTUS and that they are wasting tax payer money and time to consider this BS and is for some stupid reason the Senate and the Gov allow this to pass there will be a law suit brought up so fast the inl won't have time to dry. That will mean more money wasted. The ste AG even said the bill is against the law.
Oh I think they should let them keep it their state book, it's a charming example of 'too little too late', sort of like the Defense of Marriage Act; when you have to pass federal legislation to protect marriage it's clear the institution is beyond defending.  Anyways I think it's refreshing seeing the State of Tennessee endorsing historical fiction.

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