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Fed. appeals court upholds 'under God' in pledge

I am thinking he is not (White-minority class) and would not know what a civil right was if he denied it.

US Gov't been the biggest abuser of civil rights Pal. Whitey been dissed for quite some time here in the good o'ol USA

Longer than minorities?
Screwing one group to 'better' another is right?

I do not think the premise of AA is faulty but I think the implementation is. DO you have an idea of how to level the playing filed after hundreds of years of inequity (to put it nicely)? I have a few ideas but I'd like to hear someone elses first.
Never said the minority could never voice their opinion, I said, "If the minority doesn't like what the majority likes, then they need to get the &#@! out !

I am curious if you will believe the same way when you are part of the minority. The way that the Hispanic population is reproducing that could come to pass in certain states.

Do you support prohibition? At one point supposedly the 'majority' supported it. Here in TX the 'majority' says you cannot buy alcohol before 12n on Sun.

The majority of the country says that DI/Creationism is not a science and should not be taught in school.

A majority of the people in the country were in favor of the Jim Crow laws and segregation of the all aspects of society. Do you believe the majority should have had their way till Civil Rights act of 1964 made their actions illegal?

A majority of people supported 'separate but equal' (see above). Do you agree that the majority was right based on the fact that they were the majority?

How about what happened to the Native Americans, witches, Japanese Americans and the list goes on. History is replete with what I believe are abuses of the majority.

The COTUS is there to protect the minorities. Unfortunately when those put in charge of enforcing the COTUS are part of the majority, sometimes those rights get squashed until sounder minds prevail.
I am thinking he is not (White-minority class) and would not know what a civil right was if he denied it.

US Gov't been the biggest abuser of civil rights Pal. Whitey been dissed for quite some time here in the good o'ol USA
I am assuming you mean the administration of Title VII and/or affirmative action.

That would be an entire new subject/thread. I will say that in my opinion, affirmative action is probably the most misunderstood employment law of our land. ( I am not saying that applies to you).

When people say that whites are minorities due to the administration of Title VII or an affirmative action program they are working for someone who does not know how to implement the law. Moreover, they do not know what it really means and how it applies to the workplace. I have no problem competing with more applicants from formerly underrepresented classes in the workplace.

Read this

If you want to go in depth on this, feel free to start a thread on it.

Back on topic:

I have no problem with anyone pledging to god for anything. I just do not think anyone (or their children) should be forced to say it in any setting that is either fully or partially funded with public (taxpayer) monies. If they choose to sit there, or stand silent, that is their right.
In short....I think it was Scalia that said in effect that the CRA of 64 and spun programs that came from it are Unconstitutional.
This kind of ties into the whole concept of moral absolutes.

If we are to have a truly "Color Blind" society where everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and perhaps even God, then doesn't logic dictate that any program that interferes with Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness either positively or negatively inherently wrong?

Would that logic then also extend to Gay unions? Female Reproductive Rights?

If we are going to have a society where people live, work & play as they choose. marry and procreate as they choose then Government meddling in a feeble effort to level the playing field or address some other real or percieved social injustice is more harmful then the very discrimination and bigotry they seek to compensate for.

If we view this in politicals terms the steps to the right after the Republicans are Libertarian followed by Anarchy. Interestingly if we go to the left the steps after Democrats are Communism and Anarchy. So politically we are not linear, rather circular in nature. As a society we've shown little stomach for Communisn or Libertarianism and none for Anarchy.

In this case I think the closer we can get to a libertarian anarchist model the more vibrant and productive society will be.
Good thing you were not in charge when civil rights were being discussed.

Please explain how the word "God" in the pledge of allegiance or the word "God" on the dollar bill infringes on any of your rights. When you stand and say the pledge , you could always say, "One nation, under "insert any word of your choice here", and move on with your life ! Instead people like you want to impose your "Minority" views on the "Majority" of people !

If you don't believe in the religion this country was founded on, fine, no problem , thats your right.................but, you do not have the "right" to "impose" your "minority" views on every topic, on the masses ! You do however have the right to voice your opinion !

And please don't put words in my mouth ! There are certain rights that are obvious, such as ones of race !

And please don't get me started on "illeagal" Aliens ! I believe everyone in the world has a right to better themselves, by coming to my country.................."Leagally". Not by sneaking across the border, downloading 5 kids, and saying, " But you can't send us back, we have 5 kids that are American Citizens...............time to change the law, just like your Liberal friends in Canada did !

Subject: The Fence

If you ever wondered what side of the fence
you sit on, this is a great test!

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
(Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for
it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
Please explain how the word "God" in the pledge of allegiance or the word "God" on the dollar bill infringes on any of your rights. When you stand and say the pledge , you could always say, "One nation, under "insert any word of your choice here", and move on with your life ! Instead people like you want to impose your "Minority" views on the "Majority" of people !

If you don't believe in the religion this country was founded on, fine, no problem , thats your right.................but, you do not have the "right" to "impose" your "minority" views on every topic, on the masses ! You do however have the right to voice your opinion !

And please don't put words in my mouth ! There are certain rights that are obvious, such as ones of race !

And please don't get me started on "illeagal" Aliens ! I believe everyone in the world has a right to better themselves, by coming to my country.................."Leagally". Not by sneaking across the border, downloading 5 kids, and saying, " But you can't send us back, we have 5 kids that are American Citizens...............time to change the law, just like your Liberal friends in Canada did !

Because I see it as a state endorsement of god which is a violation of the 1st amendment of the COTUS. The pledge is the pledge. It is not al-la-cart. Deleting words is not an option. Why did you have to go in and change it in the first place? Do you even know why? It worked just fine in it's ORIGINAL form. No, us minorities just want you to abide by the COTUS that should guide all actions undertaken by this nation and it's governing bodies.

Show me in the COTUS that this nation was founded on christianity. One would have thought if it had, there would be at least a mention of christianity at least once. I looked and it is not mentioned. Not once.

I never said you believed in certain things. I asked if you thought that the majority should have had the right to do what they did. A majority rule is a majority rule. Whether it is a right that you value or not, the result is still the same.

I don't think I mentioned immigration. I don't care for the anchor baby rule either.

Subject: The Fence

If you ever wondered what side of the fence
you sit on, this is a great test!

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
Or try and pass laws that require responsible ownership of weapons as opposed to NRA'ers tht try and eliminate and restriction on any weapon of any type.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
Can you provide an example of such a effort?

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
and votes against equal rights for gays until he is exposed as a hypocrite and resigns in disgrace
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
because narrow minded bigots deny equal rights that are guaranteed by the COTUS

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
so there was not a single conservative who accepted a mortgage assistance or walked out on a upside down loan? If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
Power of the dollar at work. Imus does not have the popularity to be an ass, ORielly and Oberman do.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
(Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)
No. We want you to keep your religion on private property. Unless you want me to put up a wicca, satanic, shinto, budist... etc beside your manger? Do you?

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for
it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
No, we just give a crap about our fellow man and want to see everyone have affordable health care in one of the formerly richest nations in the world. We also realize that it is cheaper to provide preventive care than emergency care. Something that some folks have not figured out.
In one of the formerly richest nations.

Fixed it for ya' !

In a formerly rich nation, before Obama and his posse got ahold of it !

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