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Atheists and diversity

Ms Tree said:
These are your opinions of morality and you just proved my point
That is your version. My version is the truth.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Placing a child in a home with two adults living an unnatural homosexual lifestyle is immoral.
You can keep pushing the morality angle all you want but the fact is homosexual behavior IS unnatural. You also refuse to acknowledge the high rate of disease spread by MSM acts. This is documented data by the CDC. You can also quote results of "studies" that say these children grow up physically and mentally healthy, I can show you studies that state the children suffer psychological damage from being raised in that situation. If you think it is fine to normalize same sex couples raising children maybe you should look at the results of young men that have grown up with no father figure in their lives. I will give you a clue, a lot of them are in prison.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Allowing abortions of convenience without even a thought of the father is immoral.
All I ever hear from you is "equal rights". Do you not believe in equal rights for men? It takes 2 people (a man in a women in case you were confused.... which you are) to make a baby.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Forcing people on an insurance exchange with threat of a fine is immoral.
You agree with the government telling private citizens they are required to make a private purchase under threat of fine?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Forcing people to join a UNION as a condition of employment is immoral.
Last time I checked that was called extortion, and that is against the law. Unless of course you are a UNION in the pocket of a bunch of Democrats.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Excessive taxes on cigarettes is immoral.
You complain about having to drive 10 miles to get a bottle of whisky yet don't seem to have a problem with NY taxing $5.95 for cigarettes.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Banning large sodas because libtards think they know what is best for other people is immoral.
Well at least we agree on something. 
Liberals always have some idea about whats best for others, like Michelle Obama championing changes to the school lunch program. How about all these schools trying to ban lunches brought from home because they feel they know what is better for the children than their own parents.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
and yes....... forcing someone to pay for someone else their whole working life IS immoral. 
How can you call something that some people are literally on their whole life a "safety net"?
Do you think it is fair to tax someone who works for their money their whole working life to support someone gaming the system? That is the government implementing "forced charity" on the populace.
Money given with no expectation of eventually becoming self sustaining is not a safety net, it is a handout. 
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
That is your version. My version is the truth.
You can keep pushing the morality angle all you want but the fact is homosexual behavior IS unnatural. You also refuse to acknowledge the high rate of disease spread by MSM acts. This is documented data by the CDC. You can also quote results of "studies" that say these children grow up physically and mentally healthy, I can show you studies that state the children suffer psychological damage from being raised in that situation. If you think it is fine to normalize same sex couples raising children maybe you should look at the results of young men that have grown up with no father figure in their lives. I will give you a clue, a lot of them are in prison.
All I ever hear from you is "equal rights". Do you not believe in equal rights for men? It takes 2 people (a man in a women in case you were confused.... which you are) to make a baby.
You agree with the government telling private citizens they are required to make a private purchase under threat of fine?
Last time I checked that was called extortion, and that is against the law. Unless of course you are a UNION in the pocket of a bunch of Democrats.
You complain about having to drive 10 miles to get a bottle of whisky yet don't seem to have a problem with NY taxing $5.95 for cigarettes.
Well at least we agree on something. 
Liberals always have some idea about whats best for others, like Michelle Obama championing changes to the school lunch program. How about all these schools trying to ban lunches brought from home because they feel they know what is better for the children than their own parents.
How can you call something that some people are literally on their whole life a "safety net"?
Do you think it is fair to tax someone who works for their money their whole working life to support someone gaming the system? That is the government implementing "forced charity" on the populace.
Money given with no expectation of eventually becoming self sustaining is not a safety net, it is a handout. 

No comment.

How can it be unnatural if it occurs naturally in nature?

I can show you peer reviewed studies. Pretty sure you cannot do the same. I have looked and have yet to find one. The same sex male couples should be twice as good? Perhaps you could also look at the statistics of children who grew up in heterosexual house holds. Not to mention the fact that over half of marriages end in divorce so those kids are being shuttled back and forth between two parents who have a failed relationship as an example to the kids. There is not a single peer reviewed study that shows children raised by same sex partners are at any disadvantage as those raised by hetero couples. The only concern should be if the parents love their kids. That is what makes a health kid.

Yes I do believe in equal rights. The problem occurs that if you only have two people involved either one has to have a majority vote or one person will be held hostage to the other. Since the woman is the one carrying the baby and the father knew what would happen if he had unprotected sex then as far as I am concerned he gives up his right to dictate to the women what she may or may not do with her body. If a man has an equal say then the woman essentially has no say. How is that fair?

Yes. At some point in nearly everyones life they will need health care. I am tired of paying for the care of those who choose not to pay for coverage. I am a proponent of single payer. I think it holds the best hope of reforming the US health care system

Cigarettes cost the US tax payer a fortune. According to Cancer.org smokers cost us close to $1 trillion from 2000-2004. Unlike liquor, there is no such thing as a n acceptable amount of smoking. Alcohol can be consumed responsibly and not harm ones self or others. Studies have shown that limited amounts of red whine can reduce cholesterol.

What is wrong with feeding children health food? Study after study has shown that kids who eat better learn better. Just because the schools are not spending the money to prepare the foods properly is not the fault of Obama or the nutrition program. Feeding the kids what they want is irresponsible. When I walk through a grocery store and see what people put in their baskets and then see how they look there is a direct correlation between the two. Childhood obesity is at a record high in the US. Trying to fix that should be a top priority. I'm not a fan of banning lunches. I always brought my own lunch. Mine was healthy. Wheat bread, non-process cheese. Fruit. I saw what my peers ate. Wonder bread with American cheese. Chips and a soda. So while I may not be a fan of banning home lunches, I definitely understand the need for it. As long as the meal provided by the school is at least as healthy as the ones I brought, I'm all for it.

Just because people abuse a program does not mean the program is bad.

Every program is going to have people who abuse it. I do not believe that is any reason to abandon the system. Checks and balances can be put in place. In some cases a program may need to be overhauled.

I agree with that. I'd like to see employment, education, community service or any other number of things as a condition of assistance.
I don't believe we can ever see eye to eye on most of the other issues. Our viewpoints are just too far apart.
I really rather drop the discussion because it really is a pointless endeavor on both sides. Neither one of us is going to convince the other.
Of course mine is the RIGHT version 🙂.
Ms Tree said:
I agree with that. I'd like to see employment, education, community service or any other number of things as a condition of assistance.
I will say I am happy we at least found common ground on this issue. 
I am satisfied with that.
I did not say that to you so what do you care?
I did not use your name, I used your quote. If you feel you were misrepresented than clarify your position. Nobody is stopping you from doing so.
Feel free to put me on ignore. At any rate as soon as the "association" vote happens I am retiring from this forum so eventually your "problem" will self correct. Being mad at me is not going to accomplish anything because I am indifferent to your opinion of me. You are only making yourself unhappy.  If that is worth it to you than please continue your tirade.
Have a nice day. 🙂
Perhaps you should click on my earlier link and look at the post that I was referring to. You may understand why you are the laughing stock in this forum.

Otherwise, continue to believe that denial is a river in Egypt, dumb@$$!
I did not say that to you so what do you care?
You are either an outright liar or in a psychotic state of denial. You can't erase the written word, and yes that statement WAS swung in my direction.

Then again, you actually think animals matter, and in your extremist word...they do!
I don't believe we can ever see eye to eye on most of the other issues. Our viewpoints are just too far apart.
I really rather drop the discussion because it really is a pointless endeavor on both sides. Neither one of us is going to convince the other.
Of course mine is the RIGHT version 🙂.
I will say I am happy we at least found common ground on this issue. 
I am satisfied with that.
You can't see eye to eye with a mirror. Society and social interaction with HUMAN BEINGS must be a real enigma for you.
That is your version. My version is the truth.
Ladies and gentleman, let us all bow down to the self-proclaimed GOD ALMIGHTY! This was followed by a diatribe of Blah, Blah, Blah, et nauseum!

La la is a true parasite who believes it's his way or the highway. His or hers ideology does not allow for error on his part. His version is the truth, by whose decree? Why him or herself, of course!

This from a GOD IS RIGHT advocate who believes that animals matter moreso than humans. God puts people first, regardless of beliefs.

Since your version is the truth(according to the quote), what does God say about putting animal life over human o ye brainiac of the gods???
Give it up Signals. He is a tunnel vision drone who will not accept any view or opinion unless it came from him or his minions Located in the mirror you spoke Of.
signals said:
Perhaps you should click on my earlier link and look at the post that I was referring to. You may understand why you are the laughing stock in this forum.

Otherwise, continue to believe that denial is a river in Egypt, dumb@$$!
I am beyond caring at this point.
Thank you for the suggestion.
5 posts in a row all directed at me. Someone has some anger issues.
signals said:
La la is a true parasite who believes it's his way or the highway. His or hers ideology does not allow for error on his part. 
I am very confident in my viewpoint. I would not say I am beyond error.

signals said:
His version is the truth, by whose decree? Why him or herself, of course!
That's right.

signals said:
This from a GOD IS RIGHT advocate who believes that animals matter moreso than humans. God puts people first, regardless of beliefs.

Since your version is the truth(according to the quote), what does God say about putting animal life over human o ye brainiac of the gods???
What are you talking about?
I am very confident in my viewpoint. I would not say I am beyond error.

That's right.


What are you talking about?
I have stood corrected many times and have admitted to being wrong. You?

Since your short term memory is flooded by your delusional logic, what I was talking about is our discussion about animals and their rights. I believe animals don't have rights, you believe they do. Since it is MAN who is violating your perceived animal rights, it goes without saying that you think animals matter more than the man violating their rights.
signals said:
I have stood corrected many times and have admitted to being wrong. You?
I try to make sure I research before I post to keep from putting myself in that situation.
Sometimes (rarely) someone makes a post that shifts my perspective somewhat.
That is the advantage of this form of communication. I have a chance to reflect and research what I want to say before I post.
If you have "stood corrected" and "admitted to being wrong" many times maybe you should do the same before you post.
signals said:
Since your short term memory is flooded by your delusional logic, what I was talking about is our discussion about animals and their rights. I believe animals don't have rights, you believe they do. Since it is MAN who is violating your perceived animal rights, it goes without saying that you think animals matter more than the man violating their rights.
I don't believe people should act irresponsible or cruel to an animal on a whim.
I believe if we have alternatives to harming or killing animals, say in scientific experiment or product testing we should use them.
Your belief stems from the fact that the bible says man shall have dominion over the earth correct?
Do you not feel that with that dominion we have a responsibility to use it wisely?
Never did I say I put an animals life over a humans. 

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