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Atheists and diversity

xUT said:
Are North Koreans atheist or theists?
Those that want to live must be very dedicated theists indeed, considering Kim Jong-il (Eternal Party General Secretary) and Kim Il-sung (Eternal President of the Republic) are deified in the state, and all North Koreans must show compulsory, constant love and admiration for them or risk grave peril. 
Mostly white? Is that really a shock? White males are nerds who believe that they will make a difference by seeking acceptance among those that are different from their beliefs. Most whites think that they are intellectually superior. These specimens must hide their racial tendencies towards all that they perceive are their inferiors by destroying the beliefs of a superior being that overshadows their self intelligence of themselves.

The white boys that perceive themselves as superior intellectuals are just wannabes who think they are given a "special" card that makes the rest of us look stupid.
Lets put this under WTF WAS I THINKING!
Hair... 😛
Point taken.
xUT said:
This is GOOD!
MJ was one of the best...
First Brother to go Honk......
signals said:
White males are nerds who believe that they will make a difference by seeking acceptance among those that are different from their beliefs.
Most whites think that they are intellectually superior.
These specimens must hide their racial tendencies towards all that they perceive are their inferiors by destroying the beliefs of a superior being that overshadows their self intelligence of themselves.
That is very telling thank you.
You have made your stance quite clear.
You don't like white people we get it.
signals said:
The white boys that perceive themselves as superior intellectuals are just wannabes who think they are given a "special" card that makes the rest of us look stupid.
You mean like a "Race Card"?
Do tell.
Florida baker threatened after former Arizona pastor’s anti-LGBT ‘social experiment’

WKMG-TV reported that Sharon Haller started getting harassed after she got a phone call from Joshua Feuerstein on Thursday, asking her to make a sheet cake bearing the statement, “We do not support gay marriage.”

Haller told the Orlando Sentinel that she has been besieged by hateful phone calls and online remarks since Feuerstein posted the video.

“People said we should go kill ourselves,” she said. “They are being very threatening.”


To quote xUT: bubububububuttttt.......

According to the Sentinel, Feuerstein’s call may have violated a Florida law requiring consent from all parties before any phone call can be recorded. The law also covers phone calls made from another state.

To further quote xUT: 😛 you just can't make this chit up........... LOL
If the religious right would stop trying to legislate morality this would be a non-event and people could just go on with their life.

Hopefully in June or July the SCOTUS will step up and end this fiasco. My biggest fear is that they will find some way to make a narrow ruling that will have limited impact. I bet the GOP is worried about that as well. You know they want this over and done with also. I know none of them want to have to answer a single question on this issue. They wold much rather just say that the court ruled and that is the law now..... gets them off the hook.
Ms Tree said:
If the religious right would stop trying to legislate morality this would be a non-event and people could just go on with their life. Hopefully in June or July the SCOTUS will step up and end this fiasco. My biggest fear is that they will find some way to make a narrow ruling that will have limited impact. I bet the GOP is worried about that as well. You know they want this over and done with also. I know none of them want to have to answer a single question on this issue. They wold much rather just say that the court ruled and that is the law now..... gets them off the hook.
Define religious right.
Do a search for the names of the people who are standing behind Gov Spence as he is signing the original bill. That should give you a good starting point.
Ms Tree said:
Do a search for the names of the people who are standing behind Gov Spence as he is signing the original bill. That should give you a good starting point.
I am asking YOU to define it not Google.
On second thought. You want to know how I define the religious right. Someone who think they can take their religious beliefs and apply then to everyone else. In other words. People like you, South and a few others on here.
Ms Tree said:
On second thought. You want to know how I define the religious right. Someone who think they can take their religious beliefs and apply then to everyone else. In other words. People like you, South and a few others on here.
sounds like a description of many muslims these days, of course I know they really only want a job

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