Atheists and diversity

Ms Tree said:
On second thought. You want to know how I define the religious right. Someone who think they can take their religious beliefs and apply then to everyone else. In other words. People like you, South and a few others on here.
And you and others like you, are not trying to force your beliefs on me?
1. Need more government interference
2. Individuals should not have right to defend themselves
3.That others deserve the money I worked for
4. That abortions are ok "For any reason"
5. Isis members need jobs

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
cltrat said:
sounds like a description of many muslims these days, of course I know they really only want a job

Perhaps the religious right and the radical Muslims share more than I thought.
southwind said:
And you and others like you, are not trying to force your beliefs on me?
1. Need more government interference
2. Individuals should not have right to defend themselves
3.That others deserve the money I worked for
4. That abortions are ok "For any reason"
5. Isis members need jobs

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

What gov interference?
What specific laws are you referring to?
Both parties use tax monies for their own benefit
Not your body. None of your business.
Not what was said but that has already been discussed.

All of this has nothing to do with the fact that IN tried to pass a law legalizing bigotry and got bi!tch slapped by corporate America (many of them republican supporters) for trying to do it. They backed down really quick. The religious right is going to be the down fall of the GOP yet.
signals said:
Only one is the actual killer and invader. Guess who?
yeah I guess I've missed the religious right beheading and burning people  alive on the news, sure been a lot of muslims doing it though
That is very telling thank you.
You have made your stance quite clear.
You don't like white people we get it.
You mean like a "Race Card"?
Do tell.
Fool! You continue to burn your bridges. Keep up the good work.

My reference was about the fact that most atheists are WHITE. Another fact I was referring to was the white libtards as YOU call them using their right to use any slur without any consequences.

Now please continue to attack our mutual enemies, but when it comes to you, I'll be cheering for them...and that includes Ms Tree!
On second thought. You want to know how I define the religious right. Someone who think they can take their religious beliefs and apply then to everyone else. In other words. People like you, South and a few others on here.
And yet you are OK with people who can stump on the rights of those who have religious rights under the Constitution. Then again snakes do have forked tongues.
Ms Tree said:
On second thought. You want to know how I define the religious right. Someone who think they can take their religious beliefs and apply then to everyone else. In other words. People like you, South and a few others on here.
Or force someones sexual deviancy into acceptance.
delldude said:
Or force someones sexual deviancy into acceptance.
You know....I have been walking this earth for over 57 years and I have yet to encounter anyone engaging in deviant sex in public.  What they do behind closed doors is none of my business.  For all I know, a hetero couple might have a pet donkey that they include in their bedroom activities.  More power to them.   Not sure why what someone does in the privacy of their own home is such an issue with the righties. 
The religious right (as do many other religious fanatics) seem to feel the need to save people from them selves regardless of whether the person wants to be saved or needs to be saved. Their morality trumps all others because they are true believers and only they know the truth.

They say it's a choice but they never made the choice them selves.
They say it's to protect the sanctity of marriage but say nothing of the divorce rate in the US.
They say it is to protect the children but there is virtually no evidence to support the contention that children are any worse or better off with same sex or traditional parents.
They say a lot of stuff and have zero evidence to support their legal claim.

Utah seemed to have figured it out. The got bi-partisan support and the support of the LDS for their bill. It explicitly protects the rights of gays as well as religious beliefs. They seem to understand that what equality means and they are protecting the rights of everyone. The LDS does not support marriage equality but hopefully that will be rectified soon enough by the SCOTUS. The rest of the states would do well to follow their example.
cltrat said:
yeah I guess I've missed the religious right beheading and burning people  alive on the news, sure been a lot of muslims doing it though
Ms Tree said:
Not recently but there are historical parallels.
When Christianity had been around as long as Islam has now there were gruesome public executions aplenty to be seen for any number of supposed crimes: heresy, blasphemy, apostasy, and of course, witchcraft.  Once Europeans started thinking of themselves as self-interested beings with inherent rights instead of simply the property and playthings of an angry God (and his representatives on Earth) the centuries-long development of secular society began which eventually came to neuter that Christian fervor that all too often ended with bloodlust.  That has yet to happen to most of the Muslim world, and if it has will take many, many more generations before that religion gives the same appearance of benignity as Christianity does today.
KCFlyer said:
 Not sure why what someone does in the privacy of their own home is such an issue with the righties. 
I think it has something to do with that book they're always raving about.
Seven of the 10 least religious countries are in Europe. The other three are China, Japan and South Korea. Seven of the 10 most religious countries are in the developing world, headed by Ghana and Nigeria. When the data are tabulated by region, those most likely to describe themselves as atheists are from north Asia (42 percent) and western Europe (14 percent). At the other end are south Asia (0 percent), and Latin America and Africa (2 percent each).
Interesting to note that those European countries most commonly identified as the most irreligious also rank among the highest for quality of life and the lowest for violent crime.  I guess no one told them that without belief in a personal deity their country is guaranteed to be a dysfunctional, immoral cesspit.

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