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Article 4 Industry Comparable Pay rate

It was on the news in CLT, PHX, PHL and DCA.
And in the newspapers, I have posted links and pics on other threads, use Google, its a good source.
Secret pickets?
Must suck to be an angry person.
Just because you arent aware, doesnt mean they didnt happen, how come there are pics all over the internet and the local media where it happened if you say they are secret?
And I guess you will have to Ask Lombardo and Pantoja why the TWU wasnt involved, maybe cause in CLT, PHX, and PHL there arent TWU Rampers to support the ramp and dont know if those stations have TWU Mechanics staffed for AA.
And the PMUS has been dealing with Glass, Hemenway and Parker way before you, no one trusts them and the IAM and its reps are quite knowledgeable on dealing with them, why dont  you think there isnt a CBA after almost three years of Section 6 Negotiations?
Blogs really don't count as Media Coverage and CLT, PHX and PHL are secondary cities. Pickets in three small cities is what I might expect from a Union representing Spirit or Chatagua but not a Union representing USAIR.  Don't you have workers in NY, MIA, LAX and ORD?
PHX and PHL are both staffed by TWU mechanics.
We have asked , we were told the IAM does not want our help and would let us know when they did. 
Charlotte Observer and the TV Stations arent blogs.
It also made Reuters which is a Worldwide Media Company.
Also in the Wall Street Journal, last time I checked thats not a blog.
Made Bloomberg news also.

Shall I continue?
Convenient you left those news sources out of your post.
Charlotte Observer and the TV Stations arent blogs.
It also made Reuters which is a Worldwide Media Company.
Also in the Wall Street Journal, last time I checked thats not a blog.
Made Bloomberg news also.

Shall I continue?
Convenient you left those news sources out of your post.
WSJ, Reuters and Bloomberg were press releases from the IAM, they all refer to the website, not stories. USAIR is a nationwide carrier, the NEW AA is the largest carrier in the country with workers in most major cities, three secondary cities is BS. Weak. And it got ZERO national media coverage. The media isn't taking it very seriously, apparently neither is the IAM. If I didn't hear about it you can be pretty sure that 99.9% of the people in this country, even 99% of the people who board AA planes every day have heard nothing about it. So was the picket designed to tell IAM members "hey look we are picketing, we are fighting, so don't say we aren't doing anything", or to inform the thousands of passengers that board AA planes everyday that AA may be looking at a strike soon?
If we have an alliance with the TWU and IAM, why isn't the TWU and IAM joinging forces to help in the US Air negotiations? after all we have the powerful AFL/CIO, politocal influence, and Transport trades at our disposal. The US Air contract is critical to both groups and there is nothing being pushed or communicated to us.  Our TWU leadership is sleeping again or abiding by the IAM to stay out. Either way, the non-action demonstrates the inability to have an impact and the big talk all along about how much clout our representatives have is non-existant.  If we needed to call in some favors for support the last few years itb was the time and now we are faced with a showdoiwn at US Air and nothing!  Their contract is important to the US Air employees just as much as it is important to us but our representatives have not conveyed that to the membership or alleged supporting community.
If one thing we have learned is that we must support our class and craft contracts no matter what airline is negotiating as they will use that against everyone else down the line.  Case and point.....The company considered the US Air contract the same if not better than the TWU contract.  So they are using our failed contract against the US Air mechanics and related.  
we must support all contracts in negotiations from this point forward for our class and craft and our careers.
word on the street is that Parker wants a cost neutral contract for US Air.  Meaning that if the US Air Mechanics want the same hourly rate as the AA mechanics they have to give up something else to get it. (.EX....sick time, vacation time.....)  that is not negotiating!
^^ I have been saying this all along. The company wants parity in contracts and the IAM and TWU are quiet about the whole negotiating process at USAir. Something is brewing and it is not in favor of the members at USAir. The only brewing is a future deal between the company union (TWU) and the soon to join in IAM. The alliance will be the final nail in the coffin if we allow it. Where is the union support for the AMT's at USAir? The IAM is in a hush, hush mode. Why? Something is going on and it looks like another deal in the works. For who?
Bob Owens said:
Basically what you are saying is that with Little and Videtich running the show we should not have expected a contract that brings us anywhere near what our peers have and should have accepted a zero cost (to the company) contract, seven years after rolling over and giving the company a deal that would net them in excess of $2.1 Billion in concessions from us,(that's $2.1 billion out of our pockets into theirs, that we should have agreed to new concessions and continue to give them in excess of $310 million a year in concessions when they were projecting profits), because with Little and Videtich running the show things can only get worse.
Show me an example of where after four years of talks, two years of mediation and a rejected TA the NMB did not, upon request, release the parties. You claim the NMB will not release anyone if its going to eventuate in a stike, then explain this:
The NMB is part of a process, its not their job to weigh in and make determinations on what impact a strike will have, that's up to elected people in the government, first the President, then the Congress. Their job is to mediate, and when they feel mediation has not helped they step out, which is exactly what they did at AA in the summer of 2011. They said they did not want to waste government resources on talks between us because it would not help. It was Little and Videtich that said they wanted to continue talks and not request a release and they brought in Fleet service to make sure the vote passed.
As far as the IAM not being released at US, did they bring back the companys last offer to the membership? Do they really want to be released or did they just throw that out there to make their members believe they are fighting? Lets face it, you don't hear a damn thing about it. No picket lines in major cities, maybe out in a cornfield in South Carolina but nothing in NY, PHL LAX etc, nothing in the news, nada. If they really wanted a release they would be making some noise about it.
Very good and valid points.  
1AA said:
^^ I have been saying this all along. The company wants parity in contracts and the IAM and TWU are quiet about the whole negotiating process at USAir. Something is brewing and it is not in favor of the members at USAir. The only brewing is a future deal between the company union (TWU) and the soon to join in IAM. The alliance will be the final nail in the coffin if we allow it. Where is the union support for the AMT's at USAir? The IAM is in a hush, hush mode. Why? Something is going on and it looks like another deal in the works. For who?
More than likely more secret behind close door deals.  The twu is too comfy with the co, just like the teamsters were here at SWA.   Your 100% correct if you guys allow this alliance to go thru, not only the final nail, but,  more of the same-same that has been happening to you guys for the past 3 decades and longer.  Only now it will include the Us mechanics as well.    An extremely sad situation to sit hear and watch from the outside.  I really hope you guys follow thru this time...
June 13, 2014
Your District 142 negotiating committee met with US Airways and representatives of the National Mediation Board (NMB) in Washington, DC the week of June 9, 2014. After 4 days of negotiations, positive movement has been made towards a Tentative Agreement. Your Committee came to DC this week with the expectations of achieving an agreement to bring back for the memberships approval.
While we have not completed our goal yet, we will stay and work into the weekend to achieve this goal.
Your continued support and solidarity is imperative. We will update the membership as to the outcome of these negotiations as movement is accomplished.
  WOW    700uw
that's awesome!
I bet since you IAM guys know how to handle US Air we are going to see an industry leading contract come out of this! Its just a fluke that your paid worse than we are even though we have a contract that was BK driven.  If things don't work out for your industrial union you can use our (twu) excuse play book since we are alliance "BROS" now.  Tell your guys that you will strike if provoked or maybe if you want to stall negotiations to wait for the other groups to catch up in negotiations you can say an injustice to one is an injustice to all.. Hell just tell them you will gettem next time bother if it gets too much to deal with!   We at the twu have an answer or slogan plus T shirt to match for any situation that you guys may encounter. Lets get our play books together and we can fool the membership on any contract situation or scenario that comes up. Between the two industrial unions we can play this out for at least a few more years anyway. Its time to unite the unelected  ("""screw the members they just pay our salaries and have no voice""") and get our stories straight so we will be better prepared to deal with the dues payers (membership)  when sh!t hits the fan because we cut a side deal with the company. What do you say 700?             
scorpion 2 said:
  WOW    700uw
that's awesome!
I bet since you IAM guys know how to handle US Air we are going to see an industry leading contract come out of this! Its just a fluke that your paid worse than we are even though we have a contract that was BK driven.  If things don't work out for your industrial union you can use our (twu) excuse play book since we are alliance "BROS" now.  Tell your guys that you will strike if provoked or maybe if you want to stall negotiations to wait for the other groups to catch up in negotiations you can say an injustice to one is an injustice to all.. Hell just tell them you will gettem next time bother if it gets too much to deal with!   We at the twu have an answer or slogan plus T shirt to match for any situation that you guys may encounter. Lets get our play books together and we can fool the membership on any contract situation or scenario that comes up. Between the two industrial unions we can play this out for at least a few more years anyway. Its time to unite the unelected  ("""screw the members they just pay our salaries and have no voice""") and get our stories straight so we will be better prepared to deal with the dues payers (membership)  when sh!t hits the fan because we cut a side deal with the company. What do you say 700?             
your statement "it is time to unite the unelected" is the quote of the year!   
why are we listening to to the leaders who drag our careers down.  We are individuals and must stop waiting on the other guy and put some effort in ourselves.  We must accept that in order to achieve anything we must dedicate some time in a cause.  We have said this many times but it is fitting, you are either part of the solution or part of the problem.  If anyone thinks that better contracts are going to be handed to us is misguided.  we are going to have to battle for it and  it will only happen if we all of us make a small committment and a little bit of sacrifice.  We also must join forces with US Air as one unit with the same goals with or without the blessings of the elected leadership.
Blaming the elected leaders has truth but is a broken record and we can no longer use as them as our excuse.  We have to make a change, not later, but now!   So make your choice, will you continue to be part of the problem, or part of the solution?  
AMFA 2014
No I call this an update:
[SIZE=24pt]Machinists, US Airways Reach Tentative Agreement on Contracts for 11,000[/SIZE]

June 16, 2014   

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today announced it reached tentative agreements with US Airways on contracts covering approximately 11,000 mechanic and related, fleet service, maintenance training specialist and stock clerk employees.

The three-year accords provide for substantial wage hikes, significant job security improvements and maintain industry-best healthcare benefits, among many other improvements. A ratification schedule is being developed.

"We thank the negotiating committees for their dedication and resolve during these difficult negotiations," said IAM District 141 and 142 Presidents Rich Delaney and Tom Higginbotham in a joint statement. "These tentative agreements provide a solid starting point for joint collective bargaining with our Transport Workers Union (TWU) brothers and sisters.”

The IAM has been in negotiations with US Airways for the mechanic and related, fleet service, maintenance training specialist and stock clerk employees for approximately three years and has demanded a fair contract first for IAM-represented pre-merger US Airways workers before any merger-related issues would be discussed.

"My sincere thanks to the IAM membership at US Airways," said General Vice President Sito Pantoja. "When these tentative contracts are ratified by IAM members at US Airways, the IAM-TWU Alliance will then begin the process of negotiating joint contacts that will cover over 30,000 alliance members at the 'new' American Airlines. These tentative agreements provide unprecedented job security provisions that will protect IAM members as the merger of US Airways and American Airlines proceeds. I'd also like to thank the NMB, and especially Chairwoman Linda Puchala, for their help in bringing these negotiations to a successful conclusion.”

The IAM and TWU, the union that represents ground workers at pre-merger American Airlines, formed a representation alliance last year after the merger of US Airways and American Airlines was announced.

For more detailed information visit
www.iamdl142.org and www.iam141.org.


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Oh the good ole highlight sheet. It covers all groups. Very vague at best.
I am curious to see the concessions in the T/A. There are always give backs. The pay raises are a joke. 1.5% increments over time. 3% bump is hardly any compensation. License premium is less than AA. I would like to see the details to compare parity if any was agreed upon. No mention of profit sharing. The highlights covers M&R. Details would be nice for just the M&E group. What happened to holidays and rate of pay? Same, worse or better?

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