It's true. The first ASAP program started with the AA APA in 1994. The first mechanic program was started by the TWU at AA in 1998. We even were honored by the White House. Pretty cool especially since we aren't a "professional" union like AMFA.
American Airlines' ASAP Program Honored at White House.
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FORT WORTH, Texas, Jan. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- President Clinton and FAA Administrator Jane Garvey today applauded one of American Airlines' innovative aviation safety programs as a model that will be implemented industrywide.
American Airlines Chairman Don Carty joined Clinton, Garvey, Allied Pilots Association President Rich LaVoy and Mark D'Angelis, from the Transport Workers Union representing AA mechanics and dispatchers, in a White House ceremony for the announcement.
The program, called the Aviation Safety Action Partnership, or ASAP, was developed at American in 1994 in close collaboration with the APA and the Federal Aviation Administration. In 1998, the program was expanded to include aircraft mechanics and airline dispatchers.
ASAP encourages pilots and mechanics to voluntarily report any incident that might raise a safety concern or any circumstances where safety might have been compromised. A team of representatives from the airline, the union and the FAA then reviews the events.
"With the unions' encouragement and cooperation, this program has been a huge success," Carty said. "During the past five years, a large number of voluntary reports have been made by employees -- either through American's computer system or through a special telephone hotline -- and those reports have solved or helped prevent many actual or potential safety problems.
"The ASAP program is a model of what can be done when business, labor and an enlightened government agency work together positively," Carty said. "Without question, the outstanding leadership of Jane Garvey at the FAA has allowed this and other safety initiatives to thrive."
Everyone connected with the program believes that an open sharing of information disclosing possible violations, combined with a cooperative, non- punitive approach to solving problems, enhances and promotes aviation safety. The resolution of reported events has reflected emphasis on correcting the problems rather than punitive action against the pilot, Carty said.
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