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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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My career was doing GREAT prior to May 2005.

Hmm....Hired in 2000, with a whopping 5 years under your belt...and, most amusingly; you actually feel entitled to even discuss a "career", much less extrapolate any entire one, based on that AWAsome 5 years alone? How about the last 8 years? How'd those go for you? Last time I looked, 8 was a larger number than 5. No matter. Thanks again for the dependable laughs and..umm..."logic", of course. 🙂
I agree your solution would be a reasonable solution and it would be ratified, but it appears the West doesn't remember what happened when the East MEC came back to Nicolau and said they were happy with their position, as is. Now the West is coming back to Silver with "Nic or nothing" and give us attorney fees too.

Maybe Silver can come up with something that will surprise us all. We'll see.

I have great disdain for the ALPA-MEC-sponsored Merger Committee at the time for even allowing One-Trick-Pony Nicolau to become the arbitrator. Talk about "head up and locked!"

But to be fair to them in the aftermath, they were given those DOH marching orders by the MEC and the membership at the time. One-Trick-Pony resented the fact that they would not kiss his butt and come off of what they were assigned to do, so, rather than come up with a fair result, he punished the east (as he threatened to do in some not-so-subtle ways) and created the windfall result in violation of ALPA merger policy.
Don't be sad for me Mark. My career was doing GREAT prior to May 2005. I hate cruise ships. The Titanic was a classic example. Then AWA Holding chose to tie up. OOPS.

It's all going to be just fine. Law, justice, common sense & ethics will prevail. Sit back and relax.


BTW - I would expect me to LIVE UP TO MY WORD, and not do some chicken-stuff move - like changing my name for a different outcome.

The Titanic was not a cruise ship. It was an ocean liner. There is a difference.
I have great disdain for the ALPA-MEC-sponsored Merger Committee at the time for even allowing One-Trick-Pony Nicolau to become the arbitrator. Talk about "head up and locked!"

But to be fair to them in the aftermath, they were given those DOH marching orders by the MEC and the membership at the time. One-Trick-Pony resented the fact that they would not kiss his butt and come off of what they were assigned to do, so, rather than come up with a fair result, he punished the east (as he threatened to do in some not-so-subtle ways) and created the windfall result in violation of ALPA merger policy.
Other than your opinion. Who in authority has said that the Nicolau violated ALPA merger policy?

The exec board who determines merger policy said there was no violation? No court has said the ALPA merger policy was violated.

Where is your proof? Because you don't like it is not evidence.
Other than your opinion. Who in authority has said that the Nicolau violated ALPA merger policy?

The exec board who determines merger policy said there was no violation? No court has said the ALPA merger policy was violated.

Where is your proof? Because you don't like it is not evidence.

"Here comes Captain Gay, with another lecture disguised as a question...NO." Scott Kirby
From the fantasy land of usapa and what they consider to be “facts” document 114-1. For a union that is supposed to be an expert on ripeness you really fell down on this.

1. At the time of the merger between America West and US Airways in 2005, America West was about to file for bankruptcy. (Doc. 74-6, USAPA Ex. “105,” US Airways Master Executive Council (“MEC&rdquo😉 Presentation to ALPA Executive Council, May 21, 2007, p. 18)

So now it is good enough and ripeness now is defined as “about to”. Great usapa is about to try and screw the west. The case must be ripe now. BTW the source for this revelation is a usapa consultant and the pretty little waterfall of dots and the invented term “captain years”. Not any official document or SEC filing.

Another example. Either usapa has a severe reading comprehension problem or they just flat lie and have no idea what the fact means. Here shamanski is trying to cry to the court that the evil ALPA merger policy would not allow the east pilots to even consider the self-proclaimed gold standard of DOH.

14. At the time of the seniority integration arbitration before Arbitrator Nicolau, ALPA’s Merger Policy did not allow an arbitrator to consider date of hire or longevity principles in integrating two airlines’ seniority lists. (Doc. 74-4, USAPA Ex. “103,” ALPA Merger Policy dated August 10, 2005)

From the Nicolau award.
These factors, as could be predicted, led to great differences In the Parties' concepts of a fair and equitable merger. In basic outline, US Airways argued for a Date of Hire list, adjusted for Length of Service, subject to certain seven-year conditions and restrictions, a model that placed the most senior America West pilot far down the seniority list and merged a number of furloughed US Airways pilots above active pilots at America West.

This, however, does not justify ratios beginning at the top of the list as America West proposes, for there are compensating factors such a methodology ignores. Though Date of Hire, whether adjusted for Length of Service or not, is no longer listed as a determinant or even stated as a integration criterion, there are occasions when consideration should be given to that factor.

Though America West pilots can therefore expect some gain from factors US Airways brought to the merger, this by no means justifies the proposal on which US Airways insists. As previously stated, giving sole consideration to date of hire and length of service would put the senior America West pilot some 900 to 1100 numbers down the combined list. US Airways proposed restrictions, both as to aircraft and length, would unduly deprive too many senior America West pilots of upgrade opportunities for too long a time, and would also put a number of active America West pilots below long-furloughed US Airway

Yet here are just three examples of where the east argued for DOH or LOS. Nowhere in the award or the transcripts did Nicolau say he could not or did not consider DOH/LOS or was not allowed to consider DOH. That statement from usapa is a flat out lie, not a fact. If any of you think that the judge is going to read that and not understand that usapa is lying you are very mistaken. What happens when the judge has been lied to by Shamanski in court and now reads more provable lies in what usapa considers “facts”? During the hearing she said that she did not want to be put in the position to determine the credibility of the lawyers. Thank you usapa for proving that your lawyer has no credibility. Lying to a federal judge will bring very bad things down on you and your client.

I just can’t understand how individuals or a group can stand in front of a judge and boldly lie with no regret, no remorse or no sense of guilt.
"Here comes Captain Gay, with another lecture disguised as a question...NO." Scott Kirby
Here comes Mike Cleary with more BS. Why don't you post another old video or 20 years old article that has nothing to do with today.

Better idea why don't you get your medical back and go fly the line like the rest of us.
Who in authority has said that the Nicolau violated ALPA merger policy?

Seriously? Oh gee!...I dunno!....Umm....Perhaps around 3,000 east pilots, all of the many thousands of other pilots who've subsequently been subjected to arbitration, and even alpo themselves, by way of again addressing LOS as a consideration and establishing panels of 3 arbitrators?

Tell us the truth for even once here. What planet do you actually live on, since It sure-as-hell isn't earth?
I just can’t understand how individuals or a group can stand in front of a judge and boldly lie with no regret, no remorse or no sense of guilt.

Really? Thanks again for the predictable laughs. 🙂 You actually figure courts and such to somehow be magical places, where all of human nature changes upon entry? Seriously? Did you miss the O.J. Simpson trial?...Never, ever watched any congressional hearings at all, or what? Sigh! You really need to (if even just occassionaly) exit Fantasyland and get out more kid. 😉
Other than your opinion. Who in authority has said that the Nicolau violated ALPA merger policy?

Why trouble yourself about mere opinions regarding things that no longer matter. You should be much more concerned whether or not any authority presently will implement the Nic. 🙂
Why don't you post another old video or 20 years old article that has nothing to do with today.

Why shouldn't he, since all you're doing is constantly whining about some old proposal from over 6 years ago, that has nothing to do with today?
Other than your opinion. Who in authority has said that the Nicolau violated ALPA merger policy?

The exec board who determines merger policy said there was no violation? No court has said the ALPA merger policy was violated.

Where is your proof? Because you don't like it is not evidence.
. Wye did ALPA arrange why river?
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