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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Here comes Mike Cleary with more BS. Why don't you post another old video or 20 years old article that has nothing to do with today.

Better idea why don't you get your medical back and go fly the line like the rest of us.

Your dispatches from the summer of 2011 were enlightening. All the complaining and you were working for your company all along. The AA guys were will be very interested in your anti union activities.
International flight and the captain is taking his break in seat 1A crew rest seat. A west guy takes a picture of the captain on his break. Lets call the west pilot sneaky Pete. So PB photo boy submits photo to the company and Captain gets called on the carpet for being out of uniform. East guys watch your backs.


Probably Captain Gay. He travels to CLT on days off for injunction hearings. Forward to all your AA friends.
Because you cried and Mommy ALPA felt bad for you. That's why. Just like when a child is upset upon learning there is no tooth fairy, (DOH)

The ever changing alpa merger policy.

UAL alpa update.

"May 29, 2013

Today we updated the MEC on the progress of the SLI arbitration. While we are only about half-way through the process – more arbitration (Rebuttal), post-hearing briefs, executive session and the award still to come – the MEC requested an overview and the opportunity to ask us questions that some of you have raised with your LEC representatives. This update passes on as much information as we can to you, recognizing that we do not want to prejudice our case by disclosing evidence we have not yet presented to the Board.

During the meeting, we described and explained our proposal, which is based on a hybrid methodology of 50 percent weighting of longevity and 50 percent weighting of status and category to honor these two factors of ALPA merger policy. The proposal also addressed the third factor of merger policy, career expectations, by including limited widebody conditions and restrictions to protect these jobs for the first officers and captains of both pre-merged groups. We also discussed the factors that led us to present this proposal. As we described to the MEC, we analyzed hundreds of methodologies and weighed them against numerous valuation tools and found that our proposed list was the most fair and equitable for ALL involved. Further, as we stated in our pre-hearing briefs to the Arbitration panel:

It is enough to say that our proposal is shaped by the history and words of Merger Policy and the facts that will be developed in the months ahead. It is a proposal that balances the three factors laid out in Merger Policy – status and category, longevity and career expectations – as they ought to apply in this case. We cannot predict what the Continental Committee’s proposal will be, but we want to be clear that we do not make this proposal to set the far end of a bracket, expecting that the Board will find some compromise between what it sees as two competing extremes.

We have also received numerous emails, calls and texts from many of you. We have attempted to address your questions and concerns, but we understand that many of you still have questions. To better understand our methodology and proposed list construction, we strongly urge you not to rely on rumors and hearsay but rather to review our exhibits and the hearing transcripts. The relevant exhibits on the list construction and methodology itself are in reverse chronological order starting with Volume 5 (Ruark), and are themselves based on many of the exhibits in Volume 4 (Harwood, Madruga, Gillen), etc. If you read only Volume 5, it should give you enough of our methodology to generally understand our proposed list, but reading the other volumes and the transcripts for our full week of presentation will provide a more complete understanding of our methodology and proposed list. You should also read the CAL exhibits and the transcript of their case so you can better understand the competing version of facts and the essence of their proposal. Again, we caution you not to rely on out-of-context quotes or exhibits, and certainly not on others’ characterizations of our presentation and our proposal.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your questions and feedback and to understand what we have been spending our own time and effort doing - representing the interests of ALL 7,700 pilots on the UAL seniority list.
May 29, 2013
Here comes Mike Cleary with more BS. Why don't you post another old video or 20 years old article that has nothing to do with today.

How about a twitter from a west pilot falsely accusing the East pilots of a job action and reporting back his BS to the west pilots. APA was very interested in this.

Now there is a proper, moronic post. Way to go Major! Funny how some of my east compatriots think just because we've delayed this that everything becomes a do-over.

Unbelievable in how you still think you're fooling anybody on this site. How stupid can you be? (and they let you fly airplanes...gawd)

" Michelle from Corp. Comm. gave me a ride back to the hotel."

Steven Gay

This is the Mesa pilots that wants your seats East pilots, an attempted land grab.


"One evening he had a chance conversation with a Continental Airlines pilot at a party."

So Steve, you met a CAL scab at a party? Then,

"“As it turned out, I was lucky to hit all the gates at the right time, I got hired at Mesa, quickly became a captain there and was hired at America West right when they were starting their expansion after bankruptcy.” In 2005, America West bought US Airways Group and adopted the US Airways name."

Steve, update your article and tell them about the USAPA brick wall you encountered.
Now there is a proper, moronic post. Way to go Major! Funny how some of my east compatriots think just because we've delayed this that everything becomes a do-over.

The first black bird in this video is an example of how Move thinks he is fooling everyone, when only fooling himself.

International flight and the captain is taking his break in seat 1A crew rest seat. A west guy takes a picture of the captain on his break. Lets call the west pilot sneaky Pete. So PB photo boy submits photo to the company and Captain gets called on the carpet for being out of uniform. East guys watch your backs.


You know, I believe that this "incident" occurred almost ONE YEAR AGO. Lots more to this little story kids. Hater is crying "wolf", again.

Don't worry kids, this will be over very soon.

Perhaps, but as I recall that was a soundbyte from LCC management as they waved the "neutral" flag. Amazingly, the company got 6+ years of bankruptcy wages from you guys all for waving the "neutral flag".

According to industry "experts", that may not have been the case. No more history lessons. No more do overs. Final is final and binding is binding (both before and now). I will ultimately let the court system do my talking for me.


PS The only dwellers that I've been tempted to "ignor" is Claxon & Mutatis. The problem is that the posts from Frick & Frack are so darned funny, it makes me laugh. You just can't buy that kind of entertainment.

How quickly you go from loving me to hating me......
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