IMHO, had AWA at Wye River proposed LOS with east pilots locked out of PHX and LAS bids for all eternity, and west pilots allowed to move east by LOS, we might not be having these discussions. "Brainiac" Nicolau could have come up with the same compromise, and we would still be ALPA. But, Noooooooo! Brainiac had to show those east pilots who's boss, and stick it in their craw. And here we are.
But "Nic or nothing" was, and is, the mantra. The east refused Nic with such zeal that they did the unthinkable ("You won't get 200 cards." Yeah, right.) So that leaves the west with the only alternative they wanted: nothing (as their own lawyer warned,) and their own operation earned.
But there's still a chance. No one is asking me, but LOS with fences as I indicated would still work, IMHO. And Judge Silver hasn't phoned, either.