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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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I don't like Ted Reed one bit. But reading that article on the aftermath of 9/11 brings back some memories of a dark time. I remember reading an article in Newsweek on all the airlines and the issues they faced. One line in particular struck me: 'of the nine major airlines, America West and USairways are almost certain to disappear.'

Somehow we didn't, and ended up together, and then almost did(2008.) Back in 08 when we were bumping up against financial insolvency, I couldn't get that Newsweek article out of my head, what if they end up right, and we go out together?

Anyhow, some of us have born greater pain than others in the last decade, and I don't want to minimize others pain, but I'm grateful to have not missed a paycheck in my entire airline piloting career. Despite it all, I think this disfuntional family was destined to be together, and as bad as it sometimes seems, it could have been worse.

Sometimes I'm not quite sure who's watching over me, but it seems like someone is.
I don't like Ted Reed one bit. But reading that article on the aftermath of 9/11 brings back some memories of a dark time. I remember reading an article in Newsweek on all the airlines and the issues they faced. One line in particular struck me: 'of the nine major airlines, America West and USairways are almost certain to disappear.'

Somehow we didn't, and ended up together, and then almost did(2008.) Back in 08 when we were bumping up against financial insolvency, I couldn't get that Newsweek article out of my head, what if they end up right, and we go out together?

Anyhow, some of us have born greater pain than others in the last decade, and I don't want to minimize others pain, but I'm grateful to have not missed a paycheck in my entire airline piloting career. Despite it all, I think this disfuntional family was destined to be together, and as bad as it sometimes seems, it could have been worse.

Sometimes I'm not quite sure who's watching over me, but it seems like someone is.

Good post LS.
I'll just bet you're a hoot to fly with. I'm looking forward to it. ....... This is Sparta!!

Easilly accomplished.....Wager's always open, "spartan". 🙂 "This is Sparta!!"..? Not-so-much. THIS is more your "sparta": https://www.youtube....h?v=0dh0kdrlid8 Pay no attention, of course, to the "Learning to Fly?" pop up add, if it appears. 😉

"Have a great night,...." To you and yours as well.
I don't like Ted Reed one bit. But reading that article on the aftermath of 9/11 brings back some memories of a dark time. I remember reading an article in Newsweek on all the airlines and the issues they faced. One line in particular struck me: 'of the nine major airlines, America West and USairways are almost certain to disappear.'

Somehow we didn't, and ended up together, and then almost did(2008.) Back in 08 when we were bumping up against financial insolvency, I couldn't get that Newsweek article out of my head, what if they end up right, and we go out together?

Anyhow, some of us have born greater pain than others in the last decade, and I don't want to minimize others pain, but I'm grateful to have not missed a paycheck in my entire airline piloting career. Despite it all, I think this disfuntional family was destined to be together, and as bad as it sometimes seems, it could have been worse.

Sometimes I'm not quite sure who's watching over me, but it seems like someone is.

"but I'm grateful to have not missed a paycheck in my entire airline piloting career. "

A fine post and well said LS. Some of us have simply been luckier than others.
I don't like Ted Reed one bit. But reading that article on the aftermath of 9/11 brings back some memories of a dark time. I remember reading an article in Newsweek on all the airlines and the issues they faced. One line in particular struck me: 'of the nine major airlines, America West and USairways are almost certain to disappear.'

Somehow we didn't, and ended up together, and then almost did(2008.) Back in 08 when we were bumping up against financial insolvency, I couldn't get that Newsweek article out of my head, what if they end up right, and we go out together?

Anyhow, some of us have born greater pain than others in the last decade, and I don't want to minimize others pain, but I'm grateful to have not missed a paycheck in my entire airline piloting career. Despite it all, I think this disfuntional family was destined to be together, and as bad as it sometimes seems, it could have been worse.

Sometimes I'm not quite sure who's watching over me, but it seems like someone is.

Yep, other than this minor dispute, I got your back if I can.
None of us deserve another day of wondering where the next paycheck is coming from....god bless ya....
I don't like Ted Reed one bit. But reading that article on the aftermath of 9/11 brings back some memories of a dark time. I remember reading an article in Newsweek on all the airlines and the issues they faced. One line in particular struck me: 'of the nine major airlines, America West and USairways are almost certain to disappear.'

Somehow we didn't, and ended up together, and then almost did(2008.) Back in 08 when we were bumping up against financial insolvency, I couldn't get that Newsweek article out of my head, what if they end up right, and we go out together?

Anyhow, some of us have born greater pain than others in the last decade, and I don't want to minimize others pain, but I'm grateful to have not missed a paycheck in my entire airline piloting career. Despite it all, I think this disfuntional family was destined to be together, and as bad as it sometimes seems, it could have been worse.

Sometimes I'm not quite sure who's watching over me, but it seems like someone is.

Great perspective. Thanks.
I don't like Ted Reed one bit. But reading that article on the aftermath of 9/11 brings back some memories of a dark time. I remember reading an article in Newsweek on all the airlines and the issues they faced. One line in particular struck me: 'of the nine major airlines, America West and USairways are almost certain to disappear.'

Somehow we didn't, and ended up together, and then almost did(2008.) Back in 08 when we were bumping up against financial insolvency, I couldn't get that Newsweek article out of my head, what if they end up right, and we go out together?

Anyhow, some of us have born greater pain than others in the last decade, and I don't want to minimize others pain, but I'm grateful to have not missed a paycheck in my entire airline piloting career. Despite it all, I think this disfuntional family was destined to be together, and as bad as it sometimes seems, it could have been worse.

Sometimes I'm not quite sure who's watching over me, but it seems like someone is.
You say that this dysfunctional family needs to get together. Fine, when is that going to happen? When are you east pilots going to stop demanding separate ops and all the benefits of this merger and allow us to actually get together?

Usapa tells the court they need unity to fight the larger group (APA) yet continue to divide the us airways pilots be demanding what you could not get in N/M/A or forcing with a union change.

When will you eastie acknowledge there was a merger and the west pilots are part of it?
You say that this dysfunctional family needs to get together. Fine, when is that going to happen? When are you east pilots going to stop demanding separate ops and all the benefits of this merger and allow us to actually get together?

Usapa tells the court they need unity to fight the larger group (APA) yet continue to divide the us airways pilots be demanding what you could not get in N/M/A or forcing with a union change.

When will you eastie acknowledge there was a merger and the west pilots are part of it?

You know as well as anyone that the east and west will never get together on their own. One of two things will happen, and I believe it will be before the POR of the upcoming merger: The court will mandate or Parker will come off of his "neutrality".

Should be an interesting summer.
You know as well as anyone that the east and west will never get together on their own. One of two things will happen, and I believe it will be before the POR of the upcoming merger: The court will mandate or Parker will come off of his "neutrality".

Should be an interesting summer.

Interesting summer indeed. When USAPA has their going out of business sale, I wonder if they can find that missing laptop?
Humorous read of USAPAS proposed stipulated facts. Is it possible to provide the court any more evidence that Symanski's "clients" are ONLY the east pilots using the money from the general dues fund paid into by East and West? I doubt it.

USAPA has never,ever, understood what their roll as a union really is. They have no idea what fair representation means, how to do it, what it looks like, but most importantly, they couldn't give a schit less to find out. Those stipulated "facts" are completely unsubstantiated jokes. Perhaps Siegle will weigh in at some point and illustrate to Silver whose stipulated facts are actually facts and not some pathetic attempt at rewriting history in a hopeless attempt to find some kind of legitimate purpose for their behavior. USAPA should have just said they couldn't agree on stipulated facts, but in true USAPA fashion, they can't help but stepping on their own cranks. Well done!
You say that this dysfunctional family needs to get together. Fine, when is that going to happen? ...

Did you miss the news? There has been a referendum on USAPA. A new MOU passed by more than 3 out of 4 and one group even voted 98% approval. Where you been? The majority have figured it out and have moved on. Marty has made his last hoorah for his attorney's fees and is fading fast. Most everyone knows how it will work out and have moved on. The board is almost empty.

So long

"Whew.. Yep, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in awhile you could miss it. You're still here? Its over! Go home. Go."

http://www.dailymoti...f-it-s-over_fun <<<------- Daily motion is best version 🙂

Interesting summer indeed. When USAPA has their going out of business sale, I wonder if they can find that missing laptop?

I just hope that when the LLC named AOL has it's going out of business sale some crack head doesn't buy our personal data file.
I don't like Ted Reed one bit. But reading that article on the aftermath of 9/11 brings back some memories of a dark time. I remember reading an article in Newsweek on all the airlines and the issues they faced. One line in particular struck me: 'of the nine major airlines, America West and USairways are almost certain to disappear.'

Somehow we didn't, and ended up together, and then almost did(2008.) Back in 08 when we were bumping up against financial insolvency, I couldn't get that Newsweek article out of my head, what if they end up right, and we go out together?

Anyhow, some of us have born greater pain than others in the last decade, and I don't want to minimize others pain, but I'm grateful to have not missed a paycheck in my entire airline piloting career. Despite it all, I think this disfuntional family was destined to be together, and as bad as it sometimes seems, it could have been worse.

Sometimes I'm not quite sure who's watching over me, but it seems like someone is.

Good post as usual LS.
Thanks for keeping the seats warm on those "wide bodies"
Guess you have not heard, won't be any wideboies it seems now all our 767s will be parked by the end of 14, that's the latest, can't wait for those 195's!!!!!! bet the 330's are gone within 4 to 5 years.
Humorous read of USAPAS proposed stipulated facts. Is it possible to provide the court any more evidence that Symanski's "clients" are ONLY the east pilots using the money from the general dues fund paid into by East and West? I doubt it.

USAPA has never,ever, understood what their roll as a union really is. They have no idea what fair representation means, how to do it, what it looks like, but most importantly, they couldn't give a schit less to find out. Those stipulated "facts" are completely unsubstantiated jokes. Perhaps Siegle will weigh in at some point and illustrate to Silver whose stipulated facts are actually facts and not some pathetic attempt at rewriting history in a hopeless attempt to find some kind of legitimate purpose for their behavior. USAPA should have just said they couldn't agree on stipulated facts, but in true USAPA fashion, they can't help but stepping on their own cranks. Well done!
OK, Now tell me with a staight face, that the Nic wasn't a windfall. Every west pilot can hold a captains position on the last east bid, nope no windfall there.
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