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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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So what is the bargaining agent for all us airways pilots doing for the west pilots if what you say is true?

Presumably working to fairly ensure you keep the actual "career expectations" and "jobs you brought" to this impending merger. By my estimation; that'd be PHX, some narrow-bodies, unfortunately furloughed people (by their own choice now), some desert dust, a few waay-cool-dude-T-shirts, infantile attitude, and a whole lot of whining. 🙂

Perhaps you can call someone from the APA to testify that they will instead; absolutely insist on all AWA extracts becoming instant captains on whatever AMR aircraft they choose....? 😉 Finding APA reps happy to testify to that should prove no problem for you. After all; does not "the rest of the world" fully endorse your greedy fantasies, and in fact; hold all of you mighty "spartans" in utter awe? 🙂

PS: Don't forget to send "youse" finest cadre of culture-savvy diplomats to intiate talks with the APA in their inestimable style: "..and we hate you guys"..."You know why I hate you guys!?"..."I hate all of youse!" 🙂
So what is the bargaining agent for all us airways pilots doing for the west pilots if what you say is true?

Other than trying to pull the handle?

Clearly admitting that usapa does not represent the west fairly.

Hmmm. Even if I were admitting that, what's the difference? I'm just an old crew dog MIGS with one vote.

You gonna put me on the stand? :lol: :lol: :lol:
How is it that every west pilot can hold a captain seat combined yet we have not upgraded for 8 years?

How is that any real mystery? You're simply reaping the predictable "benefits" of being short-sighted, greed-soaked...and downright stupid.
Hmmm. Even if I were admitting that, what's the difference? I'm just an old crew dog MIGS with one vote.

You gonna put me on the stand? :lol: :lol: :lol:
No. What that says is you are demanding and allowing that your union not treat the west pilots firmly.

Usapa has said that the line pilots control the union. You the line pilots what want is happening to the west.

You better pray that the APA members have a little more fairness in their heart than east pilots.
You better pray that the APA members have a little more fairness in their heart than east pilots.

"a little more fairness in their heart"..? Aww....That's just so cute!...Downright precious, in fact! 🙂 No problem there though. Just ask any of those from TWA. Seriously: Do you live your entire life solely within the confines of Fantasyland?
I figured out what our LUP is and its a strong one. I do believe we have a chance now.

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]MR. SZYMANSKI: We haven't had any discussions [/background][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]because they don't want to discuss anything other than the[/background][background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]Nicolau Award and I don't want the Court to misunderstand the [/background]fact that doing the Nicolau Award itself as it is, as it stands, is a realistic possibility. It isn't. It just -- it isn't. [background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]But we are willing to say --[/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]THE COURT: Why isn't it?[/background]

[background=rgb(250, 250, 250)]MR. SZYMANSKI: Because we think it was unfair.[/background]
What part of "they don't care about the internal order of our seniority list" do you not grasp?

Really, then why all the crowing about ripeness... why woud they care? It seems many are talking out of both sides of their mouths.
BPR Special Meeting Recap

In accordance with the USAPA Constitution & Bylaws Article V Section 3 and USAPA UOM Section 3 Paragraph II.a.1, Vice President Steve Bradford, acting in the place of President Gary Hummel, called a Special Meeting of the USAPA Board of Pilot Representatives in Charlotte, on Monday, May 20, 2013. The purpose and agenda for this meeting was:

To receive a briefing from Counsel as to the proceedings in Addington v USAPA, 13-CV-00471-ROS (District of Arizona)
To fund the Ad Hoc Committees line item to support the Ad-Hoc settlement discussions representatives in their meetings with the Plaintiffs in the Addington case as called for in Judge Silver’s order.
To provide the Board the opportunity to communicate with the representatives appointed as to their duties and responsibilities in those discussions.
Motions, Resolutions, and Votes in this Recap are not official until Meeting Minutes are approved.

Note - In accordance with the USAPA Constitution and Bylaws Article X, and to comply with Judge Silver’s order, VP Bradford appointed an Ad Hoc Committee Settlement Discussions Representatives Committee to explore possible solutions to the Addington v USAPA, 13-CV-00471-ROS (District of Arizona). The members of the committee are:

Jess Pauley, Chairman
Kevin Barry
Steve Crimi
Bob Davison
Tom Kubik

Vice President Steve Bradford chaired the meeting in President Hummel's absence, and called it to order at approximately 2:10 PM.

A motion to approve the agenda was moved/seconded (Crimi/Dugstad) and approved unanimously.

Next, a motion to go into closed session (Stein/Taylor) was approved 10-1 (No - PHX Velez).

At approximately 5:40, the Board returned to open session and unanimously released the following resolution from the closed session, moved/seconded by Taylor/Music and approved 9-2 (No - CLT McKee, Ingram):

Whereas the parties in the Phoenix litigation have been ordered by Judge Silver to engage in settlement discussions regarding the possible settlement of the action, and

Whereas the Ad Hoc Settlement Discussions Representatives Committee has been appointed to enter into settlement discussions;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the BPR gives the Ad Hoc Settlement Discussions Representatives Committee the power to enter into discussions with the plaintiffs in Addington v USAPA, 13-CV-00471-ROS (District of Arizona). The results of these settlement discussions must be submitted to the Board of Pilot Representatives on or before June 5, 2013 for consideration, and if appropriate approval and/or pilot ratification, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT the Board of Pilot Representatives authorizes the funding of the Ad Hoc Committee unallocated line item to $100,000.

Note - As is the normal procedure in settlement discussions, all parties to the informational conference call on Friday, May 17, and today's closed Special BPR Meeting, were required to sign and adhere to a non-disclosure agreement. Due the non-disclosure agreement, and on the advice of legal counsel, the Ad Hoc Committee and other parties present in the meeting are strictly precluded from saying anything about the settlement discussions. We have set up a separate email account for this Ad Hoc Committee: settlementadhoc@usairlinepilots.org. Note, however, that due to the non-disclosure agreement, the Committee will be unable to say anything about the settlement discussions.

Without exception, the Board adjourned at approximately 5:45 PM.

USAPA Communications
Stifle it Gunny.

Or what Move2CLT/dca319?...You'll threaten to pull out your Xbox, mighty "spartan"? Why such personal contempt for military ranks? Isn't just "being" a "spartan" sufficiently nurturing for you? You seriously need professional help.
Even Doyaljudicata will not show his face here anymore. The generals of Lyingitas have been decimated in PHX. Only Horner shows to make a last ditch appeal. Him and the loquacious Captain Gay. Who poses a plea disguised as a question now.
Horner and Doyal supplied the Army with false hope and no legal ammunition. It is not advisable to have anything resembling a meet and greet. It would quickly turn out to resemble a scene in today's streets of Greece. The generals of Lyingitas are scorned.
These guys have ruined the careers of many west pilots, to think alot of the senior guys could have been on our widebodies by now and all those upgrades that were kept from their west pilots, and are now facing a 5 yr fence our our widebodies with the upcoming C&R, this little AFO group has really done some damage. Oh well, NIC or nothing, looks like nothing. Your own pilots are starting to turn on you.
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