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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Am I being too greedy to dream of 737-800s?

I'd think not Bean. My best guess, and certainly best wishes for all with many years left (east or west) is that you'll have a fine career with American. None of our current little fracas should much at all interfere with that happening.
I'd think not Bean. My best guess, and certainly best wishes for all with many years left, is that you'll have a fine career with American. None of our current little fracas should much at all interfere with that happening.

Thanks, I'll try and stay optimistic. I hope you enjoy your remaining years here and retire well.

Thanks, I'll try and stay optimistic. I hope you enjoy your remaining years here and retire well.


You've reason for that optimism, imo at least, and thank you for your kind thoughts....Once it's finally over for me: I'll sure miss the high alt view outta' the office window, and the true privelege of working with some amazingly great people, both in the cockpit and cabin. The rest of it, the TSA/FAA "security" and conniving/thieving corporate BS from absurdly arrogant, greed-soaked, infantile narcicissts that likely can't even decently parallel park their own cars....not-so-much. 🙂
Why rush things? Seriously though; that works for me, as I'd be afforded a "spartan"-free cockpit for the duration of my time.

You just can't wrap your ego around swinging gear for the young rookies. I understand. That said, I would be happy as well, never having to share air with an easthole.
I'll save her a left seat in the 330. It'll be in coach, near the lav.
I would bet none of us (east and west) will have any big planes by the time this is done, as Doug said in his video "we only plan on keeping the dominant wide body fleet" and that ain't ours I'm sorry to say.
If I had to wager, I'd say more like 2 years. Think of it like an 8 year fence. Of course because of their large number of widebodies I'd guess there will be additional fences for American.


Our mess will be finished by the POR.
That said, I would be happy as well, never having to share air with an easthole.

You're welcome to keep swinging your "gear" in the wind, or as it suits you on the internet. 🙂 No worries about having to "share air with an easthole" here, since none of you little "spartan" punks are at all interested in even an essentially harmless flying wager. 😉
Rumor is that Hummel will out of the hospital and on his feet by the end of the week.
(It's at least third-hand info...I am not connected with USAPA other than as a dues-paying MIG.)

Thanks for passing that on, truly glad to hear it.

Wanna bet? That's rhetorical because I really don't want to have any real contact with you.

I'd be happy to bet! But aren't you, on the other hand, just a pathetic little "spartan"/"knight"/"dire wolf"/pimple on the AOL "internet-tough-guy" comedy circuit?...Which is likewise, an equally rhetorical "question". 🙂

So...No news on when you're getting your nic son? What's that? NEVER!? Aww...My heart almost bleeds for you. What a true tragedy that you can't just arrogantly usurp many years of working life and experience from others, just to suit your infantile greed. 😉
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