You seem especially upset Captain Gay. You and Mark Doyal. Doyal is especially upset. I would not attempt to wire him with any electrical device presently, ESPECIALLY a polygraph machine. Heck, I would keep an I pod away from him.Speaking of minor dispute. Anyone read the hypocrisy from the grievance committee?
They don't like the way the LOA 93 minor dispute system board is going. So they have threatened to take the minor dispute out of its proper venue and take it to federal court.
Now in the hypocritical act as usual usapa is telling the court that our DFR major dispute really is a minor dispute and belongs at the system board.
Two faced, speaking out of both sides of their mouths scum bag union.
Are none of you east guys embarrassed by this deviant behavior?
Just sit back and watch Judge Silver do what she has to do, and we all know that is comply with the DIRECTIVE from the 9 th or suffer the fate Wacky Wake did.
Now you just settle down and enjoy your weekend.