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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Speaking of minor dispute. Anyone read the hypocrisy from the grievance committee?

They don't like the way the LOA 93 minor dispute system board is going. So they have threatened to take the minor dispute out of its proper venue and take it to federal court.

Now in the hypocritical act as usual usapa is telling the court that our DFR major dispute really is a minor dispute and belongs at the system board.

Two faced, speaking out of both sides of their mouths scum bag union.

Are none of you east guys embarrassed by this deviant behavior?
You seem especially upset Captain Gay. You and Mark Doyal. Doyal is especially upset. I would not attempt to wire him with any electrical device presently, ESPECIALLY a polygraph machine. Heck, I would keep an I pod away from him.
Just sit back and watch Judge Silver do what she has to do, and we all know that is comply with the DIRECTIVE from the 9 th or suffer the fate Wacky Wake did.
Now you just settle down and enjoy your weekend.
Already setting up the excuses and failure of usapa?

Are we going to have to once again listen to more false accusations of bias judge? How is it no judge in the country has agreed with usapa on anything? NY, NC, AZ, DC, fourth circuit? Usapa has accused all these judges of not understanding the law. What is the common denominator in all these failures! East pilots.
What a liar you have become. Even Scott Kirby squirms at your odd behavior and attempts to lecture him. "NO"

"h. US Airways agrees that neither this Memorandum nor the JCBA shall provide a basis for

changing the seniority lists currently in effect at US Airways other than through the process set forth in

this Paragraph 10."

If any parties to that little paragraph conspire to violate it, any single pilot could get a reinstatement to his rightful position, and damages, in a New York minute.

Just stopping by to remind you that the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list in effect and covering all LCC pilots.

Oh, and there is also the separate ops lists, which will become moot as the conditions of the TA have been satisfied.

But, even then, nobody wants to change the lists outside of the method described in this paragraph 10. Well, nobody except the scab union supporters.
Speaking of minor dispute. Anyone read the hypocrisy from the grievance committee?

They don't like the way the LOA 93 minor dispute system board is going. So they have threatened to take the minor dispute out of its proper venue and take it to federal court.

Now in the hypocritical act as usual usapa is telling the court that our DFR major dispute really is a minor dispute and belongs at the system board.

Two faced, speaking out of both sides of their mouths scum bag union.

Are none of you east guys embarrassed by this deviant behavior?

Regarding Plaintiffs response of opposition to USAPA's motion to dismiss... especially regarding USAPA's claim (and the company's) that it is a minor dispute...

"Plaintiffs’ response makes no argument to the contrary (i.e. no argument countering the "minor dispute) and their claim should therefore be dismissed."

Maybe Marty could ask to submit an amendment to Silver and show that USAPA doesn't mind having minor disputes in federal court... He wouldn't have to deny it is a minor dispute and he could at least answer. :lol:
Just stopping by to remind you that the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list in effect and covering all LCC pilots.

Oh, and there is also the separate ops lists, which will become moot as the conditions of the TA have been satisfied.

But, even then, nobody wants to change the lists outside of the method described in this paragraph 10. Well, nobody except the scab union supporters.

Glad you took the recall. A wise move in light of your pending AA merger.
Back to your 190 studies now.
Just stopping by to remind you that the Nic is still the only accepted system seniority list in effect and covering all LCC pilots.

Oh, and there is also the separate ops lists, which will become moot as the conditions of the TA have been satisfied.

But, even then, nobody wants to change the lists outside of the method described in this paragraph 10. Well, nobody except the scab union supporters.
In effect? remind us EASTIES of that on the next bid , the one with 200 new hires!
Be prepared for douchbaggery the likes of which you've never seen after they get slammed with the injunction and before they are wiped off the face of the Earth by APA. The nutjobs are going to try and burn the asylum.......although they are still under yet another injunction for their ham-handed illegal job action. I bet the company can relieve USAPA of every last dime in the bank in short order when they go into full panic mode.

Perfect. Going into SLI with the APA totally penniless...HA! He idiots pay back day is coming.

No, didn't you hear? They think they can use the courts to delay justice for 7 years and then get a seven year fence. Man, how do they make this stuff up? I'm hoping it was sarcasm, either that or they're totaly out to lunch bat sh!t crazy. Totally nuts.

Outstanding post and very true. These scumbags don't possess an ounce of ethics in their degenerate bodies. Hit 'em and hit 'em hard. It's the only thing these clowns understand.

Kind of like Cowboy justice? Wet Willies not appreciated. Especially when bent over by USAPA.

No, didn't you hear? They think they can use the courts to delay justice for 7 years and then get a seven year fence. Man, how do they make this stuff up? I'm hoping it was sarcasm, either that or they're totaly out to lunch bat sh!t crazy. Totally nuts.

BEAN, BEAN, BEAN, the only delay is the reality of the WEST situation, remember at 'WYE RIVER" you were warned ," the risk is all on your side!" Your are correct the delay of justice to the EAST pilots (the ones that actually pay this franchises bill) is long overdue!
No, didn't you hear? They think they can use the courts to delay justice for 7 years and then get a seven year fence. Man, how do they make this stuff up? I'm hoping it was sarcasm, either that or they're totaly out to lunch bat sh!t crazy. Totally nuts.


Justice? Hardly. Your attempts to put unfurloughed 17 yr pilots with new hires unleashed a genie you will NEVER be able to put back in the bottle.
Next week will be the end of the scourge known as Leonidas. Get your hits in now because the western posters will be scarce come Wednesday.
The Plaintiff demands and injunction against USAPA and USAirways, making them use the Nic:

Plaintiff says, May 3: "This Court, therefore, must issue an order that requires both USAirways and USAPA (and their successors) to use the Nicolau Award seniority order to integrate pilot seniority in accordance with the MOU."

Notice the Plaintiff does not demand the Nic be used immediately at the POR (which they allege is the triggering "Single Agreement" called for in the 2005 TA, that supposedly now makes the Nic effective and their claim ripe). Let's not miss this change. The Plaintiff is NOT asking for the Nic to be Effective at the POR (the date that they allege is the Single Agreement making the Nic effective), but instead the Plaintiff is now arguing that the Judge, by fiat, order the Nicolau Award be used according to the terms of the MOU, as an effective list during SLI with American.

For dubious reasons the Plaintiff has abandoned their demand that the Nic be used according to the terms of the TA (which is the only reason there ever was a Nic, or the possibility of using it).

If Silver agrees with them to only require USAir and USAPA to use the Nic as part of the MB process, then there is not an ounce of harm prior to that.

Nucking Futts I say!
Your Mom says get back in the basement, the band's coming over to practice.

This band and song pretty much sum up the entire debacle. You couldn't assemble a bigger bunch of crackpots if you tried. Only Franke could pull that off. And he did.
Grown men sending feces through the mail and calling a safety hotline with prank calls.

And you are not telling the truth. The court was clear the actions were wrong, just not to the level of Federal RICO. (Not final and binding?) But good on USAPA for the old college try. What a bunch of children, calling and not even knowing their caller id was recorded. Stupid.

I used to have some regret about that action. No more. Well deserved.


Which sounds like a justification for the acts that provoked the RICO suit to start with.

And yet, it's not. It is a piece of free advice (usually which you folks rarely take). You are your own worst enemys. The industry is laughing at your continuted obstinance & douchebaggery.
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