by the way , I was thinking about this today, But I think Mr Odell would be a Capt sooner if we stay separate and he stays EAST.
Mr. Odell has enough east seniority to be Captain O'Dell in August if he had so desired.
by the way , I was thinking about this today, But I think Mr Odell would be a Capt sooner if we stay separate and he stays EAST.
I'm not telling the truth? This is from someone who denied the fact the East had furloughed pilots. What's next? Denying the holocaust?
This is getting weirder by the hour.
BEST GUESS, look to the MOU experation, that is when it will all be sorted, ( JAN 2019)! Till the seperate ops! MM!
I never denied we had furloughed pilots. What I said is we had none at the time of the merger.
There's a lot more than ripeness happening now. Prepare yourself to be blindsided for the umpteenth time. You should know by now that your "Union" is 95% full of it when communicating with the devoted. This is getting adjudicated by the POR. There is no more magic delay button.No need. The RLA is on USAPA's side per the Ninth Circuit and Judge Silver.
The two companies just want this over and will say anything to get it there. A finding of ripeness on Tuesday, though highly unlikely, only starts the Addington trial all over again from square one all the way through appeals. How long did that take last time?
For some reason the westholes are equating a "Ripe" ruling with the end of the game and institution of the Nicolau shame. Oh, how wrong that is. It would only begin a new battle.
And why do you consider East pilots scabs sir? Be specific, it would make my day.
BOOKMARK IT OTIS! My guess SILVER, SYSTEM BOARD OUT OF HER JURISDICTION! 2019 the list will be consructed from 3 lists! LOS conditions and restrictions with a 7 year fence! Taking any merged list free of C&R's to 2026! LUV that ATTRITION TRAIN!I hope you are right. Best of both worlds....MOU pay and East attrition!
I think if you look at that list with the "3" arbitrated panel you are footloose with the phrase "similar merger methodology", apples and oranges are similar being they are fruits, sorta like their similarity to yourself!It's ironic that the NW/Delta merger had a similar merger methodology to our seniority arbitration. I did not see any melt-downs over there. No wonder Delta wanted no part of a merger with US Airways. They saw trouble and wanted no part of it.
USAPA! "[/font][/color][/i][/size]
The West Class threatened physical violence on pilots that stepped up to be reps early on. If this ever goes to a DFR trial, all this will finally come out via sworn written statements. The next one won't be a Wake circus. It will all come out, even the most recent smash down of non-Leo Merger committee members. They turned down two postions on the Committee because they were not "Leo."
But no worries, the world will never see those transgressions. There will be no need.
"Just sent the scabs an email telling them to take me off dues check-off. Hopefully I will owe them money when they go away."
Things have gone to far to forgive.
They will get what comes to them.
I will always have a list of their names.
I did not cause this.
I did not create this.
I did not want this.
They brought this on. Their actions brought this on.
And it will infect me until the end of my career.
Never forgotten.
Scum bags!
That's just so profound!!!!"They take from us daily.
They have been allowed to take from us daily.
They cause harm at every opportunity.
Things have gone to far to forgive.
They will get what comes to them.
I will always have a list of their names.
I did not cause this.
I did not create this.
I did not want this.
They brought this on. Their actions brought this on.
And it will infect me until the end of my career.
Never forgotten.
Scum bags!
A+ for passion. 🙂 I think all West pilots should owe USAPA huge amounts of unpaid dues when it goes away. There are no more votes (that is what we hear the West say) and there is no way the company could fire anyone now because they will be too busy doing merger stuff, counting their money, and buying new vacation homes, yachts, and brandy.
No chance of being fired for failure to pay dues to a dying union, right? We all know you can normally be fired for refusing to pay dues... However, can you be fired for failing to pay past dues to a new union ??? ... evidently the poster thinks he won't be fired for refusing to pay those dues he owes USAPA as a precondition to become a member in good standing with APA.
Ergo... He thinks his obligations under a former union don't transfer to the new union. And APA won't/cannot enforce the binding requirements he was subject to under a former union...
Do you get it yet? He apparently will object to APA enforcing something he didn't like from the former union, but thinks USAPA must enforce something he likes from a former union. Hypocrite much?![]()