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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Hey you finally got something right. None of those "transgressions" will see a court room. They have nothing to do with usapa's DFR. Judge Silver is not going to allow usapa to turn her court room into a circus of irrelevant false accusations. The DFR is not about anything except the behavior of usapa and the company. Leonidas is not on trial. Usapa is.

Tuesday is going to be fun. After reading usapa's latest work of fiction filed with the court I expect judge Silver to put a big smack down on usapa. Arrogance or ignorance I can't decide which after reading that filing from usapa. Either usapa thinks judge Silver is stupid and can be manipulated or Shamanski is the dumbest lawyer on the planet with a severe reading comprehension problem.

After reading the desperate usapa pleading AMR has a good idea about usapa and confirmed their fear that it is usapa trying to delay the merger. AMR and the UCC is not going put up with it. Just like AMR feared usapa wants to delay the seniority integrations for years. Not this time boys. Delay is over and the money men have had it with usapa.

I agree with much of what you say Clear...especially about the fun on Tuesday, but I'm not totally convinced that Silver won't just smile politely at Siegel and tell him to tell Parker to "Put his Big-Boy pants" on!

I mean really, it's LCC and AMR that want to get this past them while avoiding any question of liability down the road. If Silver agrees with USAPA that it's not ripe, what is to prevent him from declaring that LCC & AMR both understand the MOU to be a JCBA (which they both say in their court-submitted documents) and that the Nicolau will be implemented at POR in combination with the MOU?

Doing so would get him and the "New American" of the hook of future liability via hybrid-DFR and it would assure that the American/US Airways pilot SLI would proceed unencombered with litigation & delays.
Just catching up on my reading of the case law cited by USAPA in their filing. Did any of you catch ‎Hanley v Continental Airlines? A union goes AGAINST an award (ala NIC,) takes Frontier employees that were ON THE STREET and puts them DOH (their FRONTIER DOH!) A group in the union sued, and lost. DOH is noted as a LUP, even if one group is disadvantaged.

I had not seen this one, after years of reading this stuff.

And to not spill too much of the surprise, there was another group on the same property that was NOT given DOH..can you say old man NIC!

Here was a case of one union stepping up and enforcing DOH, and being backed up by the courts.

But Silver probably won't be looking at any case law. It will be a quick and dirty hearing in which she declares ripeness and forces the NIC on all of us.

Already setting up the excuses and failure of usapa?

Are we going to have to once again listen to more false accusations of bias judge? How is it no judge in the country has agreed with usapa on anything? NY, NC, AZ, DC, fourth circuit? Usapa has accused all these judges of not understanding the law. What is the common denominator in all these failures! East pilots.
I agree with much of what you say Clear...especially about the fun on Tuesday, but I'm not totally convinced that Silver won't just smile politely at Siegel and tell him to tell Parker to "Put his Big-Boy pants" on!

I mean really, it's LCC and AMR that want to get this past them while avoiding any question of liability down the road. If Silver agrees with USAPA that it's not ripe, what is to prevent him from declaring that LCC & AMR both understand the MOU to be a JCBA (which they both say in their court-submitted documents) and that the Nicolau will be implemented at POR in combination with the MOU?

Doing so would get him and the "New American" of the hook of future liability via hybrid-DFR and it would assure that the American/US Airways pilot SLI would proceed unencombered with litigation & delays.
Could very well work out that way.

If the company makes the decision to abide by their word and contract. No venue to appeal to either.

I suppose it could be considered a minor dispute and go to arbitration. What might an arbitrator decide about how binding arbitration is?
Speaking of minor dispute. Anyone read the hypocrisy from the grievance committee?

They don't like the way the LOA 93 minor dispute system board is going. So they have threatened to take the minor dispute out of its proper venue and take it to federal court.

Now in the hypocritical act as usual usapa is telling the court that our DFR major dispute really is a minor dispute and belongs at the system board.

Two faced, speaking out of both sides of their mouths scum bag union.

Are none of you east guys embarrassed by this deviant behavior?
Speaking of minor dispute. Anyone read the hypocrisy from the grievance committee?

They don't like the way the LOA 93 minor dispute system board is going. So they have threatened to take the minor dispute out of its proper venue and take it to federal court.

Now in the hypocritical act as usual usapa is telling the court that our DFR major dispute really is a minor dispute and belongs at the system board.

Two faced, speaking out of both sides of their mouths scum bag union.

Are none of you east guys embarrassed by this deviant behavior?
And, exactly why do YOU care? It doesn't affect you in the least.

No, we're embarrassed by you and your west buddies behavior. What a bunch of children. Why don't you aholes just grow up?
We continue to have a busy docket. One final brief is due on May 9, 2013, and that is Defendant USAPA’s Reply to Plaintiff West Pilots’ Response to USAPA’s Motion to Dismiss. The following day, May 10, 2013, all parties will file a joint status report containing a proposed schedule for the May 14, 2013, 10 a.m. preliminary injunction hearing at the Sandra Day O'Connor U.S. Courthouse, 401 W. Washington Street, Phoenix, Arizona, Courtroom 601.

And, exactly why do YOU care? It doesn't affect you in the least.

No, we're embarrassed by you and your west buddies behavior. What a bunch of children. Why don't you aholes just grow up?
Union dues being spent on a loser grievance does affect me. A union that fails to treat ALL pilots fairly does affect me. The fact that usapa failed to arbitrate the west distance learning grievance did affect me. Yet usapa now wants to not only arbitrate an east grievance they want to spend additional money in federal court. That does affect me.

The fact that usapa argues on one side that a minor dispute against the company should be in federal court. On the other side they say a DFR belongs at the system board. The hypocrisy affects me. System boards are for dispute between the company and the union. Not between the union and members. Once again usapa gets it wrong.

The douchbaggery of usapa and east pilots affects me.
Union dues being spent on a loser grievance does affect me. A union that fails to treat ALL pilots fairly does affect me. The fact that usapa failed to arbitrate the west distance learning grievance did affect me. Yet usapa now wants to not only arbitrate an east grievance they want to spend additional money in federal court. That does affect me.

The fact that usapa argues on one side that a minor dispute against the company should be in federal court. On the other side they say a DFR belongs at the system board. The hypocrisy affects me. System boards are for dispute between the company and the union. Not between the union and members. Once again usapa gets it wrong.

The douchbaggery of usapa and east pilots affects me.
Be prepared for douchbaggery the likes of which you've never seen after they get slammed with the injunction and before they are wiped off the face of the Earth by APA. The nutjobs are going to try and burn the asylum.......although they are still under yet another injunction for their ham-handed illegal job action. I bet the company can relieve USAPA of every last dime in the bank in short order when they go into full panic mode.

Perfect. Going into SLI with the APA totally penniless...HA! He idiots pay back day is coming.
Be prepared for douchbaggery the likes of which you've never seen after they get slammed with the injunction and before they are wiped off the face of the Earth by APA. The nutjobs are going to try and burn the asylum.......although they are still under yet another injunction for their ham-handed illegal job action. I bet the company can relieve USAPA of every last dime in the bank in short order when they go into full panic mode.

Perfect. Going into SLI with the APA totally penniless...HA! He idiots pay back day is coming.

Outstanding post and very true. These scumbags don't possess an ounce of ethics in their degenerate bodies. Hit 'em and hit 'em hard. It's the only thing these clowns understand.
I agree with much of what you say Clear...especially about the fun on Tuesday, but I'm not totally convinced that Silver won't just smile politely at Siegel and tell him to tell Parker to "Put his Big-Boy pants" on!

I mean really, it's LCC and AMR that want to get this past them while avoiding any question of liability down the road. If Silver agrees with USAPA that it's not ripe, what is to prevent him from declaring that LCC & AMR both understand the MOU to be a JCBA (which they both say in their court-submitted documents) and that the Nicolau will be implemented at POR in combination with the MOU?

Doing so would get him and the "New American" of the hook of future liability via hybrid-DFR and it would assure that the American/US Airways pilot SLI would proceed unencombered with litigation & delays.

"h. US Airways agrees that neither this Memorandum nor the JCBA shall provide a basis for

changing the seniority lists currently in effect at US Airways other than through the process set forth in

this Paragraph 10."

If any parties to that little paragraph conspire to violate it, any single pilot could get a reinstatement to his rightful position, and damages, in a New York minute.

Scott Kirby, "No."
Just catching up on my reading of the case law cited by USAPA in their filing. Did any of you catch ‎Hanley v Continental Airlines? A union goes AGAINST an award (ala NIC,) takes Frontier employees that were ON THE STREET and puts them DOH (their FRONTIER DOH!) A group in the union sued, and lost. DOH is noted as a LUP, even if one group is disadvantaged.

I had not seen this one, after years of reading this stuff.

And to not spill too much of the surprise, there was another group on the same property that was NOT given DOH..can you say old man NIC!

Here was a case of one union stepping up and enforcing DOH, and being backed up by the courts.

But Silver probably won't be looking at any case law. It will be a quick and dirty hearing in which she declares ripeness and forces the NIC on all of us.

Read it also, filled with case law, imagine that! But let me guess , SILVER will reverse herself impose an injunction and beg DUI DOUG not to drive intoxicated in PHX and give him a get outa jail free card if he keeps those jobs in town!

"h. US Airways agrees that neither this Memorandum nor the JCBA shall provide a basis for

changing the seniority lists currently in effect at US Airways other than through the process set forth in

this Paragraph 10."

If any parties to that little paragraph conspire to violate it, any single pilot could get a reinstatement to his rightful position, and damages, in a New York minute.

Scott Kirby, "No."
Lists like plural?
Be prepared for douchbaggery the likes of which you've never seen after they get slammed with the injunction and before they are wiped off the face of the Earth by APA. The nutjobs are going to try and burn the asylum.......although they are still under yet another injunction for their ham-handed illegal job action. I bet the company can relieve USAPA of every last dime in the bank in short order when they go into full panic mode.

Perfect. Going into SLI with the APA totally penniless...HA! He idiots pay back day is coming.
Guess "PHOENIXTASYLAND" is open for the summer,do they have a water park?
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