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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Steve Gillen, United Airlines pilot and Jim Brucia, Continental pilot were "pilot neutrals" in the Nicolau seniority arbtration involving US Airways and america west pilots.

United and Continental are going through their own pilot seniority in house alpa arbitration currently.

During the US Airways, america west in house not legal pilot seniority arbitration, Gillen was for slotting and stapling, Brucia acted like he was for longevity. Now, as members of their perspective merger committees, brucia is for slotting and stapling, gillen is for longevity when it comes to their careers.

john prater, Continental pilot and former alpa pilots union president and paul rice United pilot and former alpa pilots union vice president thought they were going to merge with US Airways during the america west US Airways seniority debacle. IMHO they wanted to fix things for the future merger. USAPA was voted in April 2008, very very shortly afterwards United and US Airways called off their merger attempt.

It will be my pleasure to keep you up to date about this alpa hypocrisy during the UAL, Cal in house new longevity policy change.
Three arbitrators are required by alpa now due to the Nicolau debacle.

"The next series of ISL Arbitration Hearings will be held May 11-15 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, 1330 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, D.C. This hotel is located just a short walk from L'Enfant Plaza (which is also a hub for the Metro trains). Hearings are scheduled to extend for nine hours each day and will likely begin each day at 9 a.m. and end by 6 p.m., with up to a 90-minute break for lunch. Signage will be posted in the hotel entry and/or lobby to direct members to the hearing room for that day. [font=Trebuchet MS'] Most of the meeting rooms are located on the lower level of the hotel – down the escalator or elevator from the lobby level.[/font]​

The United MEC Merger Committee will present its case throughout this round of hearings.

All hearings will be open to pilots and their families.

MEC Communications anticipates posting transcripts of each day's hearing on the "ISL Information Central" website as soon as the transcripts are available. During the first round of hearings in April, transcripts were made available the morning after each day's hearing. We expect that same process to be followed during this round of hearings."
How specifically does USAPA work against its members?

West pilot are working against fellow union members, the following link was just the start of their illegal activities.


Dismissed with Prejudice.

One of the Cactus 18 has a blog about USAPA's lawsuit against pilots it claims to represent.



My name is David Braid. I am a former America West Airline pilot. This is the story of how and why myself and 23 other AWA pilot were sued in federal court for millions of dollars by the new union at US Airways. A new association that was formed by the former US air (east) pilots to get out of final and binding seniority arbitration.


Fourth Circuit rules. WE WIN!!!!!

July 30, 2010
Download Final ruling 4th circuit

On May 30, 2008 a RICO law suit was filed against me and 23 other America West pilots by our new union Us Airline Pilots Association. After being dismissed from federal court with prejudice without even going to trial. The case was so poor the judge would not even let them try again. USAPA than filed an appeal in the Fourth Circuit court of Appeals in Richmond.
Today 26 months later we finally have our answer. The Fourth Circuit in a unanimous decision upheld or affirmed the district court. This is a tremendous win for all of the Cactus 18 today. Hopefully this will put an end to the vicious and unfounded attack that the leadership of USAPA has aimed our way. Unfortunately I fear that this case may not be over.
USAPA is under pressure to deliver a contract and after two years of telling the pilots that we were criminals and had done something wrong. After spending upwards of $300,000.00 of pilot dues money they have nothing to show for it.
This is the response that the Communications Chairman put out after their loss.
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond Affirms Dismissal

Today the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, issued its ruling on USAPA's appeal of the dismissal of its lawsuit brought in 2008. USAPA filed the suit, alleging violations of the RICO Statute, against certain pilots who were alleged to be engaged in an overt attempt to deny all US Airways pilots their right to collectively bargain by attempting to destroy our union and performing other harmful and destructive acts to disrupt the union’s ability to perform its representational responsibilities. The appeals court today affirmed the dismissal. Attorneys for the Association are reviewing the ruling presently for potential next steps.

Even after losing twice in two different courts in their own backyard these guys still can not admit they were wrong and let it go. The right thing to do would be to apologize and maybe even offer to pay our legal fees for this ordeal. But in typical fashion USAPA threatens to continue the attack and division.
Since this case went to appeal USAPA has been threatening to file in State court of North Carolina if we did not accept some lame settlement deal and admit quilt. It is extremely hard to admit guilt to something that none of us did. Now the courts support that truth, we did not engage in any RICO activity.
The Cactus 18 will have little choice but to defend ourselves again. But unlike last time when we had to educate our pilots on the evil that was being done and explain that we truly were innocent. This time we have the full support of the entire west pilot group and we are beginning to gather support from the east line pilot also. If the USAPA leadership decides to continue on this ill-advised campaign we will go on the offensive and counter sue.
Currently our lawyers are investigating the possibilities of legal action to recover our costs. But if USAPA decides to make the fatal mistake of filing any further legal action we will be forced to not only collect damages but punitive damages also.
A malicious intent law suit would cost this union and the people responsible a load of money.
To bring this journey to an end I want to thank the other Cactus 18 member and the AWAPPA guys. We all stuck together through some extremely critical decisions at any time any of us could have caved in to the pressure and taken a dangerous deal. But we all stuck together and rode out the storm. I would also like to thank my fellow west pilots that supported us during the case. Your words of encouragement and financial support were critical in our success. Also I would like to thank everyone that took the time to read this blog. Hopefully it explained what was going on with this case as it is difficult to do in a short amount of time.
Thank you all.
Dissmissed with Predjudice.

One of the Cactus 18 has a blog about USAPA's lawsuit against pilots it claims to represent.



My name is David Braid. I am a former America West Airline pilot. This is the story of how and why myself and 23 other AWA pilot were sued in federal court for millions of dollars by the new union at US Airways. A new association that was formed by the former US air (east) pilots to get out of final and binding seniority arbitration.


Fourth Circuit rules. WE WIN!!!!!

July 30, 2010
Download Final ruling 4th circuit

On May 30, 2008 a RICO law suit was filed against me and 23 other America West pilots by our new union Us Airline Pilots Association. After being dismissed from federal court with prejudice without even going to trial. The case was so poor the judge would not even let them try again. USAPA than filed an appeal in the Fourth Circuit court of Appeals in Richmond.
Today 26 months later we finally have our answer. The Fourth Circuit in a unanimous decision upheld or affirmed the district court. This is a tremendous win for all of the Cactus 18 today. Hopefully this will put an end to the vicious and unfounded attack that the leadership of USAPA has aimed our way. Unfortunately I fear that this case may not be over.
USAPA is under pressure to deliver a contract and after two years of telling the pilots that we were criminals and had done something wrong. After spending upwards of $300,000.00 of pilot dues money they have nothing to show for it.
This is the response that the Communications Chairman put out after their loss.
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond Affirms Dismissal

Today the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, issued its ruling on USAPA's appeal of the dismissal of its lawsuit brought in 2008. USAPA filed the suit, alleging violations of the RICO Statute, against certain pilots who were alleged to be engaged in an overt attempt to deny all US Airways pilots their right to collectively bargain by attempting to destroy our union and performing other harmful and destructive acts to disrupt the union’s ability to perform its representational responsibilities. The appeals court today affirmed the dismissal. Attorneys for the Association are reviewing the ruling presently for potential next steps.

Even after losing twice in two different courts in their own backyard these guys still can not admit they were wrong and let it go. The right thing to do would be to apologize and maybe even offer to pay our legal fees for this ordeal. But in typical fashion USAPA threatens to continue the attack and division.
Since this case went to appeal USAPA has been threatening to file in State court of North Carolina if we did not accept some lame settlement deal and admit quilt. It is extremely hard to admit guilt to something that none of us did. Now the courts support that truth, we did not engage in any RICO activity.
The Cactus 18 will have little choice but to defend ourselves again. But unlike last time when we had to educate our pilots on the evil that was being done and explain that we truly were innocent. This time we have the full support of the entire west pilot group and we are beginning to gather support from the east line pilot also. If the USAPA leadership decides to continue on this ill-advised campaign we will go on the offensive and counter sue.
Currently our lawyers are investigating the possibilities of legal action to recover our costs. But if USAPA decides to make the fatal mistake of filing any further legal action we will be forced to not only collect damages but punitive damages also.
A malicious intent law suit would cost this union and the people responsible a load of money.
To bring this journey to an end I want to thank the other Cactus 18 member and the AWAPPA guys. We all stuck together through some extremely critical decisions at any time any of us could have caved in to the pressure and taken a dangerous deal. But we all stuck together and rode out the storm. I would also like to thank my fellow west pilots that supported us during the case. Your words of encouragement and financial support were critical in our success. Also I would like to thank everyone that took the time to read this blog. Hopefully it explained what was going on with this case as it is difficult to do in a short amount of time.
Thank you all.

Grown men sending feces through the mail and calling a safety hotline with prank calls.

And you are not telling the truth. The court was clear the actions were wrong, just not to the level of Federal RICO. (Not final and binding?) But good on USAPA for the old college try. What a bunch of children, calling and not even knowing their caller id was recorded. Stupid.

I used to have some regret about that action. No more. Well deserved.

Dissmissed with Predjudice.

On May 30, 2008 a RICO law suit was filed against me and 23 other America West pilots by our new union Us Airline Pilots Association. After being dismissed from federal court with prejudice without even going to trial. The case was so poor the judge would not even let them try again. USAPA than filed an appeal in the Fourth Circuit court of Appeals in Richmond.
Today 26 months later we finally have our answer. The Fourth Circuit in a unanimous decision upheld or affirmed the district court. This is a tremendous win for all of the Cactus 18 today. Hopefully this will put an end to the vicious and unfounded attack that the leadership of USAPA has aimed our way. Unfortunately I fear that this case may not be over.

I was waiting for this, what took you so long.

In the Judges opinion it was not a Rico, he did go on to say your acts could be considered illegal in State courts. If I may use a hyperbole, he did not say you did not defecate in an envelope and send it to USAPA, he said it was not his jurisdiction.

Please read page 45 of the legal brief in the following link, this is law and facts.

The West Class threatened physical violence on pilots that stepped up to be reps early on. If this ever goes to a DFR trial, all this will finally come out via sworn written statements. The next one won't be a Wake circus. It will all come out, even the most recent smash down of non-Leo Merger committee members. They turned down two postions on the Committee because they were not "Leo."

But no worries, the world will never see those transgressions. There will be no need.

Remember when original scab Randy Mowery committed an act OF ACTUAL PHYSICAL VIOLENCE against one of his own scab "brothers"? There's a police report and everything. Another case of hyper hypocrisy from you pos scabs.
Remember when original scab Randy Mowery committed an act OF ACTUAL PHYSICAL VIOLENCE against one of his own scab "brothers"? There's a police report and everything. Another case of hyper hypocrisy from you pos scabs.
Do you have a link to this sir? Post it, do not mail it to me please. By the way, nice outfit.
Grown men sending feces through the mail and calling a safety hotline with prank calls.

And you are not telling the truth. The court was clear the actions were wrong, just not to the level of Federal RICO. (Not final and binding?) But good on USAPA for the old college try. What a bunch of children, calling and not even knowing their caller id was recorded. Stupid.

I used to have some regret about that action. No more. Well deserved.


I'm not telling the truth? This is from someone who denied the fact the East had furloughed pilots. What's next? Denying the holocaust? There is talk on here about blanket parties, what the hell is that? It sounds more like something you'd find Usapians attending at a cheap hotel in Charlotte. Feces in the mail? Do you have the evidence?

This is getting weirder by the hour.

Good grief.
Funny how closely AMR's legal team is working with AOL. You can bet LLC and the UCC teams are coordinating right along with them. Has anybody contacted USAPA to coordinate legal strategies? Uh. No. I wonder why.

No need. The RLA is on USAPA's side per the Ninth Circuit and Judge Silver.

The two companies just want this over and will say anything to get it there. A finding of ripeness on Tuesday, though highly unlikely, only starts the Addington trial all over again from square one all the way through appeals. How long did that take last time?

For some reason the westholes are equating a "Ripe" ruling with the end of the game and institution of the Nicolau shame. Oh, how wrong that is. It would only begin a new battle.
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