Dave, do you not want your 2001 DOH in the AMR merger? Or do you simply seek a "leg up?" You are my age. I am guessing leg up. You need it.
Indeed Greeter. "From each according to his abilites. To each, according to his needs." Karl Marx 🙂
Dave, do you not want your 2001 DOH in the AMR merger? Or do you simply seek a "leg up?" You are my age. I am guessing leg up. You need it.
Well said SCOTT! Guilty on all accounts! But you got the meaning of enjoin wrong. look it up.
T-5 days 15 hours
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE DISTRICT OF ARIZONADon Addington; et al.,Plaintiffs,vs.US Airline Pilots Ass’n, et al.,Defendants.No. CV-13-00471-PHX-ROSRULE 65(a)(2) MOTION TOCONSOLIDATE THEPRELIMINARY INJUNCTIONHEARING WITH TRIAL ON THEMERITSPlaintiffs Addington, et al., (the “West Pilots&rdquo😉 move for the Court to consolidatethe preliminary injunction hearing, set for May 14, 2013, with trial on the merits. Thismotion is supported by the Memorandum of Points and authorities that follows.Dated this 8th day of May, 2013.POLSINELLI PC/s/ Andrew S. JacobBy _______________________________Marty HarperAndrew S. JacobJennifer AxelAttorneys for Plaintiffs
Case 2:13-cv-00471-ROS Document 60 Filed 05/08/13 Page 1 of 3
MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIESPlaintiff West Pilots’ claims are (1) that Defendant US Airline Pilots Association(“USAPA&rdquo😉 breached its duty of fair representation (“DFR&rdquo😉 by making a contract, theMemorandum of Understanding (“MOU&rdquo😉, that abandons the Nicolau Award without alegitimate purpose; and (2) that Defendant US Airways (“Airways&rdquo😉 shares liability withUSAPA because it agreed to abandon the Nicolau Award, knowing this was a DFRbreach for USAPA. The West Pilots have a pending motion for a preliminary injunctionthat would compel USAPA and Airways to use the Nicolau Award in the process ofintegrating seniority with the American Airlines (“American&rdquo😉 pilots. (Doc. 13.) Ahearing is set on that motion for May 14, 2013.
Judge Silver next Tuesday. "So, then why did you vote FOR the MOU?"
Judge Silver next Tuesday. "So, then why did you vote FOR the MOU?"
Let's just wait til Tuesday to find out.
Dave, do you not want your 2001 DOH in the AMR merger? Or do you simply seek a "leg up?" You are my age. I am guessing leg up. You need it.
As to our dispute, there are really only two parties. The rest are interlopers.
All you've offered is persecution, ...
You don't think she's smart enough to fashion an injunction contingent upon the POR?"Your honor, we liked the pay raise provision..."
"How much did you like that provision?"
"A whole F-ing lot.. Please forgive my childish elation your honor."
"Certainly, everyone likes a pay raise. How much extra money are you receiving?"
"None your honor."
"And why is that?"
"The benefits of the MOU are not in effect and are contigent."
"Is the alleged harm not the same?"
This isn't the mentally stunted Lee Seham $how.
Dave, do you not want your 2001 DOH in the AMR merger?
APA doesn't want you senior to their W/B Captains.