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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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You don't think she's smart enough to fashion an injunction contingent upon the POR?

This isn't the mentally stunted Lee Seham $how. Watch and learn.
If it is "fashioned" that way, the 9th Circuit Court will study it for a year or two before they decide if it is (sarcasm) "law or facts".
I wasn't hired in 2001.

When then?...I'll predict = NOTHING in answer cactusboy?...What a complete surprise! Perhaps, at least at some level; just too properly ashamed of yourself and your almost-unbelievable greed to admit when?...Well...No surprise here at all. 🙂

"crickets"...and silence ensues. 🙂

GO "spartans"! 😉
But..The APA will necessarily want each and every little Mesa/AWA "spartan" to instantly be made "captains" over their own people?....I see jake. Who could argue with the "wisdom" in that? 🙂

Do you ever read the cr*p you write before you post?
Do you ever read the cr*p you write before you post?

Very long ago jake; I'd mistakenly credited you with being at least marginally intelligent. I'm willing to to admit my errors in judgement along life's path.

Is there some/any part of the nic, that you so obviously love, far and above your own coworkers of many years, that woudn't provide for the "spartans" as a whole, to become virtually instant "captains"? Where can I find that, if so? 😉

"Do you ever read the cr*p you write before you post?" Do you ever have any semblance of a cogent "thought" before you post? 🙂

Pavlov's nic dogs. The metronome is always moving. 🙂
Is there some/any part of the nic, that you so obviously love, far and above your own coworkers of many years, that woudn't provide for the "spartans" as a whole, to become virtually instant "captains"? Where can I find that, if so?

That answers that question.

Yes indeed. Yet another, brilliantly thought-out, pithy, one-liner? Yes. That does indeed answer any/all unresolved questions. 😉

Carry on, "LT Hardy" 🙂

"Youse judges should not use the issue of law in your court."

west, your legal effort is running on only one Axel.

"Given that the parties have been litigating these issues for nearly five full years and that their points of contention have always been focused on issues of law, not fact, .........

Dated this 8th day of May, 2013.
/s/ Andrew S. Jacob
By _______________________________
Marty Harper
Andrew S. Jacob
Jennifer Axel
Attorneys for Plaintiffs"

The west attorneys have requested an injunction against USAPA using the rule of law, they must only use west "facts".

Then they go on and quote case history of laws.
Even: "and steal from their houses"..? Wow!

I'd honestly suggest a new hobby and/or time at the gym, or professional help....Just sayin'... Life's a true miracle, and your angry misery needn't be sustained. How much of your life have you now wasted on anger and frustration = six years!? Yeah..St. Nic really did you a blessing in life! Have a laugh every once in awhile at least. 🙂 It's all your choice. This little fracas will pass. No missles/guns/bombs/scuds/nothing here, and no one's going to die over any of this. Don't take it all so seriously, little "spartan". 🙂
Even Shughart could not take the embarrassment any more.

"PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, pursuant to L.R.Civ. 83.3(d), that the law firm of
Polsinelli Shughart PC has changed its name to Polsinelli PC. The office address,
telephone and facsimile numbers, and e-mail addresses remain the same.
RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 6th day of May, 2013.
By: /s/ Jennifer J. Axel
Marty Harper
Andrew S. Jacob
Jennifer J. Axel
1 E. Washington St., Ste. 1200
Phoenix, Arizona 85004-2568
Attorneys for Plaintiffs

I hereby certify that on this 6th day of May, 2013, I electronically filed the foregoing
document with Clerk of the U.S. District Court, and I served a copy of the same upon all
parties by using the CM/ECF.
By: /s/ Patricia Klank
Hail Mary pass, incomplete.

III. Claim Three: Attorneys’ Fees

113. Plaintiffs re-allege each and every allegation set forth above as
if fully set forth herein.
114. USAPA has several million dollars in reserve collected as dues
and agency fees from all US Airways Pilots.
115. Plaintiffs brought this action and the 2008 action and appeared
as defendants in the 2010 action to vindicate the right of all US Airways
pilots to fair representation by USAPA.
116. By obtaining the rulings in the 2008 and 2010 actions and by
prevailing in this action, Plaintiffs conferred a substantial benefit on all
US Airways Pilots.
117. Under common benefit doctrine, the expenses of achieving
those benefits should, in all fairness, be spread among all those who so
118. The expenses of achieving those benefits would be fairly spread
among all US Airways Pilots if paid by USAPA.

119. The Court should, therefore, make an award in favor of
Plaintiffs and against USAPA for all reasonable litigation expenses,
including attorneys’ fees incurred bringing this action, incurred by
Plaintiffs in the actions noted above.
More like using the courts, which is their right as Americans, to keep POS scab c0cksukers like you from attempting the use if a majority/ Tyranny to rob, cheat, and steal from their houses.

Fk you scab. SYMFIC.
Polygraph Pollyanna!
Criminy! What a whiny little baby! We've not so much as even put you on the rack yet! 🙂 You wouldn't , by any chance, also be currently held as a hostage in Iran, along with snap? 😉

Ya' know? For mighty "spartans", "knights who've fought with valor in many battles"/etc ad nauseum...You're apparently; really nothing more than a buncha' drama-queen, little pussies. 🙂

That's an awful lot of hate, Junior. Keep your powder dry, this will be finished soon. SYIC.
That's an awful lot of hate, Junior. Keep your powder dry, this will be finished soon. SYIC.

The "junior" part's good for chuckles son, and zero "hate" involved, more just plain amusement 🙂. I'd have to first respect you, and consider you a viable enemy to ever "hate" you...and long-ago, real enemies, with a great deal more lethal capability than smarmy lawyers, infantile and pathetic, punkish attitudes and T-shirts to offer, didn't even pass that test. I didn't hate even them. You're more of just a bad joke, and thus; just a test of my sense of humor. I'll cheerfully leave the "And we hate you guys".."I hate all of youse" to your AWA/AOL-drama-queen/daytime-TV/Oprah sorts. In all fairness? How could I, or really anyone, even possibly not laugh at your "spartans", "knights who've fought with valor in many battles"....and exactly WHEN WERE you hired, mighty little "spartan"?...Or are you still, and quite properly, just too fully ashamed of yourself to admit your disgusting greed here? Be careful!!! Think of having the "dire wolves" loosed on you!...Not to mention what your 2004 hired, "Supreme Commander" of your mighty "army" might "think"...? 🙂

BTW: Umm..."Keep your powder dry"...? 🙂 Wow! I just love all that "spartan"...umm..."military" tough-talk. 🙂 Got any boxes of real "military" Girl Scout mints for sale?...Or can't the Girl Scouts even trust you mighty "spartans" to even sell cookies? I'm good for two dozen boxes, if you can manage the deal....Heck! Make it three dozen. 😉
That's an awful lot of hate, Junior.

PS: Was it: "Criminy! What a whiny little baby!" that so struck a nerve with you? 🙂 Easy fix for that = Grow Up! As for your complete inablilty to even vaguely admit when you were hired? = You need say nothing more. Your silence speaks volumes. Carry on, little "spartan". 😉
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