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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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So you can't answer my question- not surprised. You guys are the KINGS of baseless commentary. 🙂

Sigh! If you can't instantly remember countless, capricious decisions by fellow humans, in or out of courts/arbitrations/whatever, that've effected the lives of sometimes even millions, and haven't been anything but "an injustice"...then your knowledge of both history and the nature of our species is wholly inadequate to the task of debate here.

PS: If we're "KINGS" nowadays: Would you please pass to Move2CLT/dca, that instead of "General", "Colonel", "Gunny" or "LTjg", I'd prefer being addressed as merely the less-formal "Sire"? 🙂
Don't be dragging the good Lord into this. I might have to start quoting stuff like, "thou shalt not steal another's seniority." 🙂


Keep your PHX seniority, and I'll generously offer a prayer for all the "spartans" to do so. 🙂 Not to ever presume on His Will though, and given that new stars are being born as we speak, and entire galaxies colliding in deep space...well...I'm still gonna' have to go with the notion that He has better things than nic to much consider. 🙂
Sigh! If you can't instantly remember countless, capricious decisions by fellow humans, in or out of courts/arbitrations/whatever, that've effected the lives of sometimes even millions, and haven't been anything but "an injustice"...then your knowledge of both history and the nature of our species is wholly inadequate to the task of debate here.

PS: If we're "KINGS" nowadays: Would you please pass to Move2CLT/dca, that instead of "General", "Colonel", "Gunny" or "LTjg", I'd prefer being addressed as merely the less-formal "Sire"? 🙂

So in your opinion Nicolau acted in a capricious manner, Sire?
So in your opinion Nicolau acted in a capricious manner, Sire?

I respect Mr. Nicolau as a man. Anyone who flew and fought with the Mighty Eighth and lost a leg in the process is fully worthy of that respect, to be sure. Did he completely scrooch-up the centerpiece arbitration here? = Most certainly, and that has been well-proven by the events of the past six years. We are all of us merely human, and everyone's capable of grand blunders. If you've never personally made any colossal mistakes yet....Give it time. 🙂
I respect Mr. Nicolau as a man. Anyone who flew and fought with the Mighty Eighth and lost a leg in the process is fully worthy of that respect, to be sure. Did he completely scrooch-up the centerpiece arbitration here? = Most certainly, and has been well-proven by the events of the past six years. We are all of su merely human, and everyone's capable of grand blunders.

How do you equate his arbitration with the past six years?!? We've done that do ourselves when we refused to abide by our agreement to take SLI to binding arbitration. Don't blame the war hero. Shame on you.
The first injustice was the Nicolau award.

No, the first injustice was taking ourselves into our current LoA93. The second injustice was staying on LoA93 for 6 extra years. Our third injustice was ignoring a binding arbitration we agreed to.
Credit where it's due here: You've an amazing sense of humor. "Absolutely Kidding" must be placed on the new AOL T-shirts now, and without any possible doubt. 🙂

Hey admiral, how about you go read something or nap. Your time here is at an end and you really have no dog in this hunt.
Move2CLT...You've my honest sympathy. Get yourself some much-needed help, little "spartan".

Nice retort General. For someone whose career is in sunset, you spend an inordinate amount of time here. I guess your dogfight pool has dried up.
I guess your dogfight pool has dried up.

Oh, by no means. I've a few long-term compadres that enjoy some sport and get together annually for grins...but none of you little "spartans" will apparently join me for any fun aloft...and you really should consider the wager, since I might well, just properly take a nap in the middle of it, as you suggest. 🙂

Move2CLT/dca319/"We"; Get yourself some help son.
west pilots want to join APA now. west you will be able to join APA in a few years.

"Plaintiffs Addington, et al., (the “West Pilots&rdquo😉 move to join Allied Pilots
Association (“APA) pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 20(a)(2). This motion is supported by the
Memorandum of Points and authorities that follows.
Dated this 8th day of May, 2013.
/s/ Andrew S. Jacob"

west pilots want to join APA now. west you will be able to join APA in a few years.

"Plaintiffs Addington, et al., (the “West Pilots”) move to join Allied Pilots
Association (“APA) pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 20(a)(2). This motion is supported by the
Memorandum of Points and authorities that follows.
Dated this 8th day of May, 2013.
/s/ Andrew S. Jacob"


Not join APA as members.. Join as enjoin as in injunction as in abuse the court to get preference for a minority group at the expense and disadvantage of an ever larger group than they are whining against now.

As in more attempts to weasel their way into using courts to dictate and interfere with representation of all union members.
Not join APA as members.. Join as enjoin as in injunction as in abuse the court to get preference for a minority group at the expense and disadvantage of an ever larger group than they are whining against now.

Indeed sir. What's notably absent in any west posting is the realization that it's only glorious "management" that's at all interested in seeking any manufactured, court magic for this mess, likely a contrivance of greedy convenience....and the APA's far from thrashing pom poms about for the nic...But heck!: Why should AWA's finest "spartans" ever evidence any concern for "fellow"...umm..."pilots" anywhere? 🙂
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