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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Not join APA as members.. Join as enjoin as in injunction as in abuse the court to get preference for a minority group at the expense and disadvantage of an ever larger group than they are whining against now.

As in more attempts to weasel their way into using courts to dictate and interfere with representation of all union members.

Well said SCOTT! Guilty on all accounts! But you got the meaning of enjoin wrong. look it up.
T-5 days 15 hours

T-5 days 15 hours

Hmm...I know a couple of guys still with NASA that you might offend there, and here I'd thought your best-ever, guv-mint-job was with the IRS.....Not so?...You're now with Mission Control? I'd best inform them ASAP! 🙂
You can't even get a name right, Cruella DeVil! :lol:

Go easy on the "spartans" here brother. You wouldn't want to see them actually facing up against 100 Dalmation puppies, I'd think. 🙂 My money's on the puppies...The Dalmation puppies, that is. 😉
If Silver tosses this on ripeness, Parker is going to simply inform the fake union that he has a list, and will shove the Nic up USAPAS six. He'll simply say, "sue me". Which USTUPID will be long gone before that suit goes anywhere and the APA won't touch it. This is getting resolved BEFORE the POR one way or another. You scabs have run out if places to hide and the day of reckoning is here.

Wow Mark. You put the polygraph off the charts with that one. Louie knew what he was doing with your app. No doubt.
Did you think you could avoid ripeness forever? The MOU was neutral on seniority. Fine. THE WEST AND THE LAW ARE NOT. SYIC.
Metro - this is what happens when you try and steal something that does not belong to you and was not intended for you. Try and earn something for a change.
No, the first injustice was taking ourselves into our current LoA93. The second injustice was staying on LoA93 for 6 extra years. Our third injustice was ignoring a binding arbitration we agreed to.
dca319 = Move2CLT = west pilot pretending to be east. Desperation defined.
dca319 = Move2CLT = west pilot pretending to be east. Desperation defined.

"Desperation defined."...?

Sadly; not-so-much. At least not solely in the terms you see displayed. That behavior speaks to far more debilitating and purely individual conditions. Were I a better, more empathic and universally caring man than is the case; more honest sympathy and concern would be shown there. That person is suffering.
"Desperation defined."...?

Sadly; not-so-much. At least not solely in the terms you see displayed. That behavior speaks to far more debilitating and purely individual conditions. Were I a better, more empathic and universally caring man than is the case; more honest sympathy and concern would be shown there. That person is suffering.
His family has to be the ones suffering the most.
His family has to be the ones suffering the most.

Not necessarily so much as the afflicted individual his/her self, but your observation's none-the-less valid, in that such disorders inflict pain and distress/confusion/etc to any that are close. Any near-and-dear though, needn't have suffered such throughout their lives, and, while having no inherent understanding of the problem, weren't personally formed with such deficiencies/distresses = "All" they need do (as if such triffling terms are appropriate) is wake up to the problem, and then deal with it on their own, individual, proper terms.
I remember hostages being held for 444 days by "angry students" in Tehran. I've been held hostage by angry FO's in Charlotte and by Ayatollah Bradford for 1846 days.

I took a film crew into PHX under the premise of making a USAPA propaganda video. Thanks to the Canadian Embassy in Tempe, I was able to get a few West hostages out, and transport them out East. One named "Dave" can now hold Captain.

They are planning to make a movie about my exploits. Hope it sits well with the Academy. I really need an award; especially with all the bad stuff coming my way on Tuesday!


Every other party, save for USAPA.

Dave, do you not want your 2001 DOH in the AMR merger? Or do you simply seek a "leg up?" You are my age. I am guessing leg up. You need it.

As to our dispute, there are really only two parties. The rest are interlopers.

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