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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Prater was destined to fail with that tack. Guaranteed to piss the west off from the get go, not that he cared about that though. The real kicker came when he didn't deliver(sans west capitulation.) What did he think would happen then? Especially after his arm twisting actions gave the east even more justification, at least in their own minds?

Prater pissed the east off because he told them there was a 'problem! and then didn't do anything(other than lean on the west).That would piss me off too. What a buffoon.

Usapa coming was no surprise to me.
Lynrd and Bean: What surprises me is that the west didn't sue ALPA over this then. That may have solved this one way or the other long ago???????
Answer this then: Why is it that three arbitrators are now used in sli arbitrations and why hasn't Nicolau done any of them since 2007?

Three is better than one and the three in the Delta Northwest arbitration produced an award very much like the Nicolau award.

I don't know why Nicolau wasn't done another one, maybe he doesn't need to work or maybe he's tired of having people second guess his work after agreeing to abide by it.

You one strange dude.

I've never seen 'screw your buddy' as being all that ethical, but it takes all types to make this crazy ball go round!

Enjoy your isolation, it seems to suit.

Thanks for laying off the happy faces.....I think you've just about beat that horse!
Sure it was. That is why the rest of your co workers did the right thing and dumped ALPA. You are a trust fund boy and will get Daddy's pension profits.

ALPA had some serious issues, but nothing like USAPA's. I don't think dumping ALPA was a good idea for you guys financially. I know, I know, but, the Nic, the Nic. If you crunched the numbers, seniority vs LOA93, you flushed several hundred million down the can.

Trust fund? What a crock, my parents had money and I didn't get a trust fund. Shoot, my dad made me get a job at 12 years old. Of course that was probably to keep me from becoming a coked out bum like some of his friend's kids. They got brand new trucks and I got old cars. Of course the old stuff was a 70' Mach 1, early Z-28, Austin Healey, etc, etc. 🙂

Prater should have told everyone nothing happens until everyone is back in JNC. I suspect if he had done that, the usapa vote may have failed. There is something to be said for being straight up and letting the chips fall where they may.

We would have all had enough respect for each other to get through it that way.
Lynrd and Bean: What surprises me is that the west didn't sue ALPA over this then. That may have solved this one way or the other long ago???????
I think events overtook the west before we were cohesive enough to do much of anything, to make a short story long.
I've never seen 'screw your buddy' as being all that ethical, but it takes all types to make this crazy ball go round!

Enjoy your isolation, it seems to suit.

I never seen anyone try so hard to justify reneging on a mutually agreed arbitration process.

It's a small price to pay to distance myself from an unethical person like you.
LOL!!!! Best of Luck! What will you be suing for exactly? "Your honor, they wouldn't let us steal their careers...AND...we were FORCED to live up to our agreements!!! This is a Travesty!!!"

Defending. Why would we need to sue?

Prater should have told everyone nothing happens until everyone is back in JNC. I suspect if he had done that, the usapa vote may have failed. There is something to be said for being straight up and letting the chips fall where they may.

We would have all had enough respect for each other to get through it that way.

MEC Resolutions
Special MEC Meeting, 2/15/08
Washington, DC

Moved by Jones/Rogers

WHEREAS the US Airways and America West MECs’ Three Man Steering Committees
were unable to reach agreement on seniority integration issues, and

WHEREAS the US Airways MEC/JNC and the America West MEC/JNC must reach
agreement on a comprehensive contract proposal, including seniority integration issues,
prior to resuming JNC negotiations with US Airways management,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the status quo consisting of separate operations,
under the terms of the Transition Agreement, be maintained until such time as the
America West and US Airways MECs engage in the process as mandated by the
Executive Council to devise a mutually acceptable solution to outstanding seniority
integration and contract issues.

Passes Unanimously
Subject: AAA Steering Group Appreciation
Moved by Ciabattoni/Brookman

BE IT RESOLVED that the AAA MEC acknowledges and appreciates the hard work of
the AAA MEC Steering Group on behalf of the AAA pilots, and that the principles
established by the AAA MEC were never compromised.
Passes by Acclamation
The time for negotiation and compromise was before arbitration.

This is going to be decided by the courts or the next arbitration.

Fine then, so why don't we all just stop the verbal diahrrea. Stop telling us what to do and we will stop with you. Stop having clear pontificate. Stop bean from sounding like the nice guy while writing his check to leoinidas. We try to crush you in court and you try to crush us. Let the best man win
The award was fundamentally the same as the one that preceeded it and the two that followed it.

It was fundamentally fair.

Prater's concern was losing East pilot's dues, not what was fair.

BS flag. .. The characteristics of the pilot groups were very different
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