Prater should have told everyone nothing happens until everyone is back in JNC. I suspect if he had done that, the usapa vote may have failed. There is something to be said for being straight up and letting the chips fall where they may.
We would have all had enough respect for each other to get through it that way.
MEC Resolutions
Special MEC Meeting, 2/15/08
Washington, DC
Moved by Jones/Rogers
WHEREAS the US Airways and America West MECs’ Three Man Steering Committees
were unable to reach agreement on seniority integration issues, and
WHEREAS the US Airways MEC/JNC and the America West MEC/JNC must reach
agreement on a comprehensive contract proposal, including seniority integration issues,
prior to resuming JNC negotiations with US Airways management,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the status quo consisting of separate operations,
under the terms of the Transition Agreement, be maintained until such time as the
America West and US Airways MECs engage in the process as mandated by the
Executive Council to devise a mutually acceptable solution to outstanding seniority
integration and contract issues.
Passes Unanimously
Subject: AAA Steering Group Appreciation
Moved by Ciabattoni/Brookman
BE IT RESOLVED that the AAA MEC acknowledges and appreciates the hard work of
the AAA MEC Steering Group on behalf of the AAA pilots, and that the principles
established by the AAA MEC were never compromised.
Passes by Acclamation