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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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No, it won't. We will see the Nicolau and I mean all of it - untouched. All parties, except USAPA (of course) agree that the west has ripeness and they have a proven case. You really think Doug is going to go in to the PoR with that hanging over his head. He isn't. The only thing dead here is DoH.
Not gonna happen. Just wait and see. No amount of fabrication and story telling wioll make it so. Just wait and see.
They already did win! Where have you been. USAPA overturned it based on a technicality, (ripeness) and not merit. Your the stupid one and you keep proving it with each post.
I have better things to do than read stories by fakers and liers. Get back to me after you guys stop cryin' when Silver throws your stupidity out of court AGAIN. Don't forget to go to your lawyers' meet and greet. They need MORE of your cash.
What's about to be proven in court is that we've wasted years on LOA93.

You are a West Pilot. What is this "we?"

And I have wasted no years on anything. 124K a year for the duration is not an exceptional wage, but not a hardship in any sense. I have had some vacation, some savings put in by the Company, had medical for my family, helped kick ALPA to the curb, and held the NIC at bay for now 6 years.
No hardship, by any means.

If I had it to do over, the only thing I would change is to never give the West Class the benefit of the doubt. I think my foe Cleary had it down. Give you guys nothing unless you take it. Have any of you considered the mindset of the East if you do not prevail next week, as you suppose? I don't have a vote, nor a union position, but my opinion is we are done with you all. You can sue till the cows come home, but enough is enough. We will do as we please until you stop us. No bravado intended here, just telling you the logical conclusion many of us have come to.

Doc 57 is really a great read- I suggest all the uneducated easties on here try and read it- or at least get someone you know who is literate to explain it to you (specifically page 9 line 12). 😀

I suggest you read it more slowly. AMR does not want PHX District Court to make another Wake ruling, that will be overturned. Your case will be dismissed. Shut up and get back in line.

"American’s interest in this case is patent. To effect the merger already approved by the
bankruptcy court and obtain the efficiencies on which the merger is premised, American must combine the pilot groups at the two merging carriers. A (if not the) primary obstacle to completing that task is integrating the pilot seniority lists currently in use at the two carriers.

To achieve that goal, American, US Airways, USAPA, and APA entered into a four-party agreement (the MOU) that provides for a fair and equitable seniority integration process for accommodating the interests of all concerned pilots and, most importantly for American, a strict timeline for accomplishing that result.

Injunctive relief in this case could threaten that process and its timing."
Have any of you considered the mindset of the East if you do not prevail next week, as you suppose? I don't have a vote, nor a union position, but my opinion is we are done with you all. You can sue till the cows come home, but enough is enough. We will do as we please until you stop us. No bravado intended here, just telling you the logical conclusion many of us have come to.

Another threat from another USAPA founder.
I have better things to do than read stories by fakers and liers. Get back to me after you guys stop cryin' when Silver throws your stupidity out of court AGAIN. Don't forget to go to your lawyers' meet and greet. They need MORE of your cash.

Name calling? Denial? I see you've already thrown in the towel and buried your head deep in USAPAs butt. And keep making fun of the west and their lawyer fees. They seem to be getting more out of it than we do with USAPAs jacked-up dues. The only stumbling block the west had was ripeness and that's now gone. AA, AIrways, and the LCC all seem to be backing up the west's side and the latest filing makes it quite obvious. We've lost.
Thanks for the punctuation lesson.

Too bad you didn't play as much attention in Ethics Class. "play" as much in "E"thics "C"lass. So much for you paying attention in english class as well.

I work 8 days and fly 16 legs a month, I can tell you're jealous. Not jealous at all, you are just going to be missing out on about 75k per year - maybe you didn't "play" attention in math as well.
You are a West Pilot. What is this "we?"

And I have wasted no years on anything. 124K a year for the duration is not an exceptional wage, but not a hardship in any sense. I have had some vacation, some savings put in by the Company, had medical for my family, helped kick ALPA to the curb, and held the NIC at bay for now 6 years.
No hardship, by any means.

If I had it to do over, the only thing I would change is to never give the West Class the benefit of the doubt. I think my foe Cleary had it down. Give you guys nothing unless you take it. Have any of you considered the mindset of the East if you do not prevail next week, as you suppose? I don't have a vote, nor a union position, but my opinion is we are done with you all. You can sue till the cows come home, but enough is enough. We will do as we please until you stop us. No bravado intended here, just telling you the logical conclusion many of us have come to.


We've really shown it to Doug the last few times, haven't we Greeter? We made fools of ourselves and Doug has slapped us around so much that we're going to give him another opportunity, right Greeter? This post along with what Bill just put out is more proof that even you guys see the end is near. No please, shut up. Your "threats" are embarrassing.
Name calling? Denial? I see you've already thrown in the towel and buried your head deep in USAPAs butt. And keep making fun of the west and their lawyer fees. They seem to be getting more out of it than we do with USAPAs jacked-up dues. The only stumbling block the west had was ripeness and that's now gone. AA, AIrways, and the LCC all seem to be backing up the west's side and the latest filing makes it quite obvious. We've lost.
At least I don't lie about my position with the company. That's a true statement of your denial. I didn't call anyone a name, I merely stated the obvious
Another observation: you must be a real loser to have to fabricate your position

Just wait and see how hard Judge Silver slams you guys this time.
We've really shown it to Doug the last few times, haven't we Greeter? We made fools of ourselves and Doug has slapped us around so much that we're going to give him another opportunity, right Greeter? This post along with what Bill just put out is more proof that even you guys see the end is near. No please, shut up. Your "threats" are embarrassing.
Waaah! what an a$$.
Three is better than one and the three in the Delta Northwest arbitration produced an award very much like the Nicolau award.
Wrong. Three is because one can make a mistake. Dl/Nwa not at all like ours when you slot a 16 yr guy next to a new hire.
I don't know why Nicolau wasn't done another one, maybe he doesn't need to work or maybe he's tired of having people second guess his work after agreeing to abide by it.
"wasn't"? Nic was blacklisted from sli's because of his US/Awa fkup.
You are a West Pilot. What is this "we?"

And I have wasted no years on anything. 124K a year for the duration is not an exceptional wage, but not a hardship in any sense. I have had some vacation, some savings put in by the Company, had medical for my family, helped kick ALPA to the curb, and held the NIC at bay for now 6 years.
No hardship, by any means.

If I had it to do over, the only thing I would change is to never give the West Class the benefit of the doubt. I think my foe Cleary had it down. Give you guys nothing unless you take it. Have any of you considered the mindset of the East if you do not prevail next week, as you suppose? I don't have a vote, nor a union position, but my opinion is we are done with you all. You can sue till the cows come home, but enough is enough. We will do as we please until you stop us. No bravado intended here, just telling you the logical conclusion many of us have come to.


Is this your defeat speech? 😀

You are KING, we just don't listen to you!!! LOL

Step aside...
Took you a while to come up with that, didn't it Bill? We've lost. Even Greeter sees it coming as he's already begun to fantasize about a work action.
Glad to hear you admit that the west has lost. It's about time you saw reality.
I never seen anyone try so hard to justify reneging on a mutually agreed arbitration process.

It's a small price to pay to distance myself from an unethical person like you.
If you were truly sincere with your distancing comment you would quit. You have used that tired and worn out line too many times already. Here, try this one again, you haven't used it in awhile - " Don't confuse courage for stupidity"
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