You are a West Pilot. What is this "we?"
And I have wasted no years on anything. 124K a year for the duration is not an exceptional wage, but not a hardship in any sense. I have had some vacation, some savings put in by the Company, had medical for my family, helped kick ALPA to the curb, and held the NIC at bay for now 6 years.
No hardship, by any means.
If I had it to do over, the only thing I would change is to never give the West Class the benefit of the doubt. I think my foe Cleary had it down. Give you guys nothing unless you take it. Have any of you considered the mindset of the East if you do not prevail next week, as you suppose? I don't have a vote, nor a union position, but my opinion is we are done with you all. You can sue till the cows come home, but enough is enough. We will do as we please until you stop us. No bravado intended here, just telling you the logical conclusion many of us have come to.