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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Let me ask again. Is it the belief of the West Class that Silver can and will impose the NIC on the East next week?

And. Is it the claim of the West Class that Silver will find that DOH is not an LUP? No DOH as per a Federal Judge. A new precedent? A new precident ignored by every other labor group East and West. Every one?

And how does Prechill ascend to the left seat of a 330 in CLT, when she is junior to Greeter on the NIC and a DOH list?

Let me ask again. Is it the belief of the West Class that Silver can and will impose the NIC on the East next week?

And. Is it the claim of the West Class that Silver will find that DOH is not an LUP? No DOH as per a Federal Judge. A new precedent? A new precident ignored by every other labor group East and West. Every one?

And how does Prechill ascend to the left seat of a 330 in CLT, when she is junior to Greeter on the NIC and a DOH list?


Prechillil ascend? When pigs fly!
Southwest and Air Tran handled their seniority issues without going to arbitration. I believe AMR and US Airways pilots bargaining agents will agree on seniority with many fences and restrictions. "Fences make good neighbors". McCaskill-Bond Act was law by that time.

BS flag. .. The characteristics of the pilot groups were very different

I'm right, both arbitrations slotted by equipement and status.

You're an example of why USAPA has accomplished nothing in 5 years.

You don't know the difference between seniority and longevity.
The award was fundamentally the same as the one that preceeded it and the two that followed it.

It was fundamentally fair.

Prater's concern was losing East pilot's dues, not what was fair.

I agree...total BS flag here!

The NIC is the most outlandish, lopsided award between two airlines with the largest differences in backgrounds in the history of the airline industry!

That is why your theory is wrong, Dan. That kind of slotting doesn't work in all situations.

It is about to be proven in court.
Southwest and Air Tran handled their seniority issues without going to arbitration. I believe AMR and US Airways pilots bargaining agents will agree on seniority with many fences and restrictions. "Fences make good neighbors". McCaskill-Bond Act was law by that time.


Clax, they will indeed agree on most of it, maybe even DOH or LOS. But some of the fences and restrictions will go to arbitration, especially WB flying. My opinion.

What's about to be proven in court is that we've wasted years on LOA93. AA Just filed an application to intervene and, in their papers, agreed that the MOU constitutes a CBA and that ripeness does exist for the west. There should be no doubt that the Nicolau is coming as USAPA stands completely alone. The company and APA will see to it that the integration goes smoothly and with no threat to the merger ie Nicolau.

And no matter how some cry about fairness, it seems the only ones doing the crying are east pilots like breeze. This is so over for us. And I agree with trader that Prater's only concern was dues and nothing more.
Clax, they will indeed agree on most of it, maybe even DOH or LOS. But some of the fences and restrictions will go to arbitration, especially WB flying. My opinion.


DOH is completely off the table. Why even entertain that nonstarter?
USAPA just got baked by AMR in Doc 57- Lol

12 If the Court concludes that injunctive relief is warranted, it should be careful to avoid any
13 language in its Order that might provide an arguable basis for USAPA to delay the MOU process
14 or renounce its bargained-for responsibilities. Language consistent with the proposed injunctive
15 relief sought by Plaintiffs would, in American’s view, be adequate to protect its interests in this
16 regard. See Plaintiffs’ Proposed Order, Doc. 53-1.

American agrees with the arguments made by US Airways with respect to the ripeness issue.

USAPA, however, continues to delay the process of resolving the
22 internal US Airways pilot seniority integration dispute (a resolution that obviously would
23 facilitate the process of merging the American and US Airways pilot seniority lists). It now
24 claims, not only that this dispute is not currently ripe, but that it will not become ripe for years —
25 until the operational integration of the airlines is otherwise completed and the parties have
26 finished the JCBA process.
USAPA just got baked by AMR in Doc 56- Lol

12 If the Court concludes that injunctive relief is warranted, it should be careful to avoid any
13 language in its Order that might provide an arguable basis for USAPA to delay the MOU process
14 or renounce its bargained-for responsibilities. Language consistent with the proposed injunctive
15 relief sought by Plaintiffs would, in American's view, be adequate to protect its interests in this
16 regard. See Plaintiffs' Proposed Order, Doc. 53-1.

American agrees with the arguments made by US Airways with respect to the ripeness issue.

USAPA, however, continues to delay the process of resolving the
22 internal US Airways pilot seniority integration dispute (a resolution that obviously would
23 facilitate the process of merging the American and US Airways pilot seniority lists). It now
24 claims, not only that this dispute is not currently ripe, but that it will not become ripe for years —
25 until the operational integration of the airlines is otherwise completed and the parties have
26 finished the JCBA process.
Why don't you just wait and see...and, even if it IS ripe, which I'll bet it isn't, it doesn't mean anything about implementation of the Nic. The Nic is dead. Just wait until Judge Silver reaffirms her initial ruling, AGAIN.

Big surprise that AMR lawyers would see things exactly as US Airways lawyers do. The documents were probably written by the same staff of paralegals.

You guys keep talking ripeness as if it means you automatically would win if it were determined to be. Shows how stupid you guys are.
Dogpile on the USAPs... AMR just Jumped on!!! LOL

God- another kick in the scraggly haired AFO nutz!!!
It WILL be part of the formula. Just wait and see. Just like ALPA's new merger policy.

No, it won't. We will see the Nicolau and I mean all of it - untouched. All parties, except USAPA (of course) agree that the west has ripeness and they have a proven case. You really think Doug is going to go in to the PoR with that hanging over his head. He isn't. The only thing dead here is DoH.
Doc 57 is really a great read- I suggest all the uneducated easties on here try and read it- or at least get someone you know who is literate to explain it to you (specifically page 9 line 12). 😀

You guys keep talking ripeness as if it means you automatically would win if it were determined to be. Shows how stupid you guys are.

They already did win! Where have you been. USAPA overturned it based on a technicality, (ripeness) and not merit. Your the stupid one and you keep proving it with each post.
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