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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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No, C&Rs don't stop that from happening.

If we have to furlough a thousand pilots how many would be former East? Zero.

If we have to furlough you absolutely do want to steal West jobs.

If C&Rs are the answer would you agree to Nicolau Award with the same C&Rs?

Thanks for the response Dan.

I have to say that a 1000 pilot furlough is very unlikely in today's world, possible, maybe, but not likely, considering consolidation and attrition.

I would seriously consider C&R's with the NIC in order to move things forward, however, the West will never offer that, so we still have the stalemate. There is middle ground out there, but the West has to initiate the move and drop the lawsuits in order for there to be any movement at all.....IMHO
No, C&Rs don't stop that from happening.

If we have to furlough a thousand pilots how many would be former East? Zero.

If we have to furlough you absolutely do want to steal West jobs.

If C&Rs are the answer would you agree to Nicolau Award with the same C&Rs?

Maybe if you would of shown up , we could of had some west imput into the C&R's. I agree with you , although I agree with Breeze in thinking it's very unlikely to see a furlough, but

I would be happy to share the furloughs if we adopted the C&R's to protect the west postions... that is what this is all about right protecting the west Capt spots and not letting an East guy unjustly take a west captain job becasue of DOH.

or is this you want to jump in line and take an EAST captain job before the east guy hired in 1989?
I would seriously consider C&R's with the NIC in order to move things forward, however, the West will never offer that, so we still have the stalemate. There is middle ground out there, but the West has to initiate the move and drop the lawsuits in order for there to be any movement at all

The time for negotiation and compromise was before arbitration.

This is going to be decided by the courts or the next arbitration.
LOL!!!! Best of Luck! What will you be suing for exactly? "Your honor, they wouldn't let us steal their careers...AND...we were FORCED to live up to our agreements!!! This is a Travesty!!!"

I'm expecting this situation is going to get a whole lot clearer on the 14th. I wouldn't expect a Summary Judgement that day, but I wouldn't be shocked either. I just hope that if USTUPID feels the need to appeal her decision, that AOL doesn't do anything to cause any unnecessary delay of the appellate process. It would be a real shame if USAPA ceased to exist before the appeals process could be worked out. I'm CERTAIN the APA will pony up millions of dollars for a minority group that feels the seniority list needs to be deconstructed and rebuilt with their sole benefit in mind. I'm sure that won't be a problem.

Kevin, did you have a hand in the Leonidas update of 2009 which I posted? Your predictions sound strongly familiar." We're looking at having this entire matter settled in 2010".
Care to make more predictions Kev?
What has changed Kev? Nothing. Nada. Your Leonidas brain trust appears to confuse an MOU with a JCBA. For being a pack of lawyer wannabe pilots, you guys are honestly pathetic.
You will get told what you did before. I guarantee it. They will tell you to come back later when you crybabies feel harmed. You just got a raise. You voted for it almost to a man. That is harm? Imagined Kevin.
Beating up the scraggly haired AFOs is a lot easier than taking on the APA. I must admit I'm quite satisfied with the direction of things lately and look forward to the demise of the east pilot union.
An American check airman recently asked me "if the east think they can get away with what they're trying to do against you guys what makes them think we won't do the same to them?"
Lol. Yes captain check airman, the east is that stupid. They believe final and binding arbitration applies to everyone but them.
So as your jihad against the west winds down (we will all be APA this time next year) you should start the fundraiser now. It takes time to get these going and I really encourage you clowns to sue the APA. Really, I would even help contribute to get the thing going. Lee Seham would be a great lawyer for you all. Lol. Please- fight for your DOH rights with the APA!!
Did you ask that check airman why we woud be using three arbitrators instead of one? Did you ask him if he would be willing to use Nicolau as one of our arbitrators in the upcoming AA/US/HP sli? After all, Nic hasn't been doing much since '08 and could use the work. And how did you even have a conversation with him while on your knees with your mouth full?
The time for negotiation and compromise was before arbitration.

This is going to be decided by the courts or the next arbitration.

What about Wye River?......the West pilots laughed and slapped each other on the back with their perceived lottery tickets. There were opportunities to reach middle ground had the West been willing to even say, "let's talk about this." But, no, that is when the door slammed shut. What choice were the East pilots left with? "Vaseline or no?"

Yes, the courts and arbitration are all that is left, and the West is gonna lose. I hope the arbitrators have enough sense to find some kind of middle ground for all.
Isn't that what C & Rs stop from happening??? When are you going to get it that nobody wants West jobs? The litigation is not about protecting West Captain jobs. It's about access to EAST Captain jobs. The ones we sacrificed for and waited for all these years.
Please cut Trader some slack, he is a little slow sometimes and his daddy got him his job.
Glad to know our little Spartans have gotten in your head. Has the Masters in Pscychology taught you how to extract them? 😉

I wouldn't want to miss 'em for the world. Where else can one so easilly go to dependably find such good laughs? 🙂 Well...and as you mention the psych aspect: Where else better to find such a fascinating study in arrested development among any group of supposedly professional adults? That's sadly inclusive of most all of us here at times, to be sure....but seriously; "spartans", "knights", "larry potta", "Integrity Matters" T-shirts and even "dire wolves"....Really? 🙂
When are you going to get it that there was a merger and there is no East and West, except for the pilot contract it's one airline.

American is not going to operate two or three separate airlines.
Scott Kirby to Johnny Mac and Mitch Vasin in May 2007 " You guys just got a lottery ticket you just can't cash" Six years ago this month. Yes, six years ago this month! And your comment " AMERICAN IS NOT GOING TO OPERATE TWO OR THREE SEPARATE AIRLINES" is total bullsh$t - Doug Parker and Scott Kirby will be running American . You are one clueless MF!
Rest assured that if the things go the way you guys think they will and the APA takes over and doesn't appeal, we will do just that. You guys have showed us the way.
Who will appeal?

Appeal what?

When judge Silver lays that injunction on usapa that is it.

The Nicolau is used in the M/B arbitration and we move forward.

When APA takes over usapa is dead and buried. Usapa has no standing in court to appeal anything. You can collect all the donations you want but individual east pilots have no standing to appeal. The injunction will be against usapa, the company and successors meaning the new American and APA. Our new union will be required to use the Nicolau list.

You will have no standing to appeal anything.

It is not a DFR so you have no cause to file a federal suit.

Spend your money but you have nowhere to go.

Who will appeal?

Appeal what?

When judge Silver lays that injunction on usapa that is it.

The Nicolau is used in the M/B arbitration and we move forward.

When APA takes over usapa is dead and buried. Usapa has no standing in court to appeal anything. You can collect all the donations you want but individual east pilots have no standing to appeal. The injunction will be against usapa, the company and successors meaning the new American and APA. Our new union will be required to use the Nicolau list.

You will have no standing to appeal anything.

It is not a DFR so you have no cause to file a federal suit.

Spend your money but you have nowhere to go.
No Captain Gay. She will not lay down an injunction. Even Wake would not go there, and we all know how he got spanked on for what he tried. Judge Silver actually knows just how far she can take you. It isn't far.
You are quickly running out of fuel. This latest Harper stunt will drain you hard. There are no more gifts from the eastern profit sharing. Your kids need to go to school, and the wives are angry. It is all coming to an end.
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