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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Keep living in your fantasy world.

..... most east pilots will move on. But keep dreaming.

Have you noticed ANY of the recent bids? East pilots are already moving on, and have been for a good while now, but "Keep living in your fantasy world" if you wish....and certainly "keep dreaming", if it amuses you to do so. 😉

No matter kid. Keep the faith and there's no doubt you'll get your 70 virgins, or was it 40-acres-and-a-mule, or 40-70 virgin mules and an acre that AOL's promising everyone?...Perhaps even a goat? After 6 years now; It's hard to keep up with all the BS. 🙂
Isn't that what C & Rs stop from happening??? When are you going to get it that nobody wants West jobs?

When are you going to get it that there was a merger and there is no East and West, except for the pilot contract it's one airline.

American is not going to operate two or three separate airlines.
Keep living in your fantasy world.

How did that pension assessment work out? Everyone happily pay their share under threat of section 29? If you all are so willing to spend money why did the pic have to steal from general finds instead of another assessment?

You think 3000 east pilots will keep paying? Keep dreaming. Once the injunction is in place, the M/B is done and east pilots are off LOA 93 most east pilots will move on. But keep dreaming.

They live in the past and each day they look in the mirror all the lines on their faces getting clearer. LOA 93 taking a toll.

Dream on....

While the west look into the mirror and say, "oh how I wish we would have gone for the fence! The end would be near and we would own APA!" (greed gets us all in the end!)
For as long as it takes. And that’s not a threat, it’s a promise 🙂

LOL!!!! Best of Luck! What will you be suing for exactly? "Your honor, they wouldn't let us steal their careers...AND...we were FORCED to live up to our agreements!!! This is a Travesty!!!"

I'm expecting this situation is going to get a whole lot clearer on the 14th. I wouldn't expect a Summary Judgement that day, but I wouldn't be shocked either. I just hope that if USTUPID feels the need to appeal her decision, that AOL doesn't do anything to cause any unnecessary delay of the appellate process. It would be a real shame if USAPA ceased to exist before the appeals process could be worked out. I'm CERTAIN the APA will pony up millions of dollars for a minority group that feels the seniority list needs to be deconstructed and rebuilt with their sole benefit in mind. I'm sure that won't be a problem.
I'm CERTAIN the APA will .......for a minority group that feels the seniority list needs to be deconstructed and rebuilt with their sole benefit in mind. I'm sure that won't be a problem.

Actually try and think about what you just wrote. 🙂
So: How'd you do on the latest bid? 😉 Btw: Sparta hasn't been much of a real powerhouse for the last two thousand years....Just sayin' 🙂

Glad to know our little Spartans have gotten in your head. Has the Masters in Pscychology taught you how to extract them? 😉
Actually try and think about what you just wrote. 🙂
I know. I'm sorry. Nicolau should have treated the West Pilots as your fake union would treat them. Unfortunately that's utterly illegal. Everybody seems to understand this except you and your fake union. I'm comfortable that this is going to be explained once again to you next week. For good this time.
When are you going to get it that there was a merger and there is no East and West, except for the pilot contract it's one airline.

American is not going to operate two or three separate airlines.

C'mon, Dan.....don't change the subject, just answer the freakin' question!

A320 Driver asked....[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Isn't that what C & Rs stop from happening??? When are you going to get it that nobody wants West jobs?[/background]
I know. I'm sorry. Nicolau should have treated the West Pilots as your fake union would treat them. Unfortunately that's utterly illegal. Everybody seems to understand this except you and your fake union. I'm comfortable that this is going to be explained once again to you next week. For good this time.
You pay dues to a fake union? I hope you don't deduct them on your taxes; that would be illegal!
Keep living in your fantasy world.

How did that pension assessment work out? Everyone happily pay their share under threat of section 29? If you all are so willing to spend money why did the pic have to steal from general finds instead of another assessment?

You think 3000 east pilots will keep paying? Keep dreaming. Once the injunction is in place, the M/B is done and east pilots are off LOA 93 most east pilots will move on. But keep dreaming.

Here comes Capt Gay again, with a lecture disguised as a question...."NO"
A320 Driver asked....[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]Isn't that what C & Rs stop from happening??? When are you going to get it that nobody wants West jobs?[/background]

No, C&Rs don't stop that from happening.

If we have to furlough a thousand pilots how many would be former East? Zero.

If we have to furlough you absolutely do want to steal West jobs.

If C&Rs are the answer would you agree to Nicolau Award with the same C&Rs?
You have been shaking down west pilots for more than four years. 9th circuit is on the fast track again, the results will be the same for you.

Leonidas Update August 4, 2009

on 04 August 2009

Fellow US Airways pilots,

We just received some very good news for all US Airways pilots as the 9th Circuit has fast tracked USAPA's (futile) appeal.

Appellant's unopposed motion for expedition is granted. The opening brief is due September 25, 2009; the answering brief is due October 26, 2009; and the optional reply brief is due within 14 days after service of the answering brief.

This case shall be placed on the December 2009 calendar.

For the Court:


Clerk of the Court Lorela Bragado-Sevillena

Deputy Clerk

Ninth Circuit Rule 27-7/Advisory Note

to Rule 27 and Ninth Circuit Rule 27-10

The end is in sight as the chances of the US Supreme Court ever granting a USAPA Motion of Certiorari and hear an appeal from the 9th Circuit is infinitesimally small. Also, note that USAPA motion for an expedited appeal was unopposed by the Plaintiffs. The reason why we were not opposed to this is because it is imperative that this matter be buried once and for all. We hope to have a decision from the 9th Circuit in February or March of 2010.

It's amazing how fast our case has moved through the justice system. Exactly 11 months ago we filed our initial complaint and look where we are now! We all heard on the USAPA campaign videos that Seham's Plan B was to delay whatever DFR action was to be filed by the America West pilots over many years, just like what has occured with the TWA pilots. By the time we ever got to having our case adjudicated, the plan was to delay long enough so that the East would have just about robbed us entirely of our seniority rights emanating from Nicolau. Sure we'd have a recovery . . . in 2015! Too late then. Now, we're looking at having this entire matter settled in early 2010 and after that there will be no more excuses for East and West to move ahead - together - as labor should.

This is over folks.

One more item . . . West pilots - this is not free. Although we filed for attorney's fees, a fee award is not guaranteed. We must anticipate funding this litigation entirely on our own. The lowest paid pilot is making $75,000 +. At this point we shouldn't have to still be asking for donations, but the fact of the matter is that only about half of this pilot group have hit the $1,000 target. Leonidas has been up and running for two years this month. If every pilot had donated just $40 a month since Leonidas was created, we wouldn't be writing to you today reminding the other half to donate. After our stunning successes in court on behalf of all West pilots, the fact that we are still having to ask for money is unacceptable. Donate now.


Leonidas, LLC
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