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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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An American check airman recently asked me "if the east think they can get away with what they're trying to do against you guys what makes them think we won't do the same to them?"

Ah, yet another Prechill story about a converstion with an American pilot. But THIS time its a check airman! This reminds me of Clint Eastwood talking to his chair.

And read the quote, who speaks out loud like that? Nobody, except fantasy characters on an airline forum. It does not even make sense.

And I see you have added another prediction, that Dave will soon be a DCA AB C/O. Is this before or after Judge Silver imposes the NIC on the East Pilots?

You have been shaking down west pilots for more than four years. 9th circuit is on the fast track again, the results will be the same for you.

Leonidas Update August 4, 2009

on 04 August 2009

Fellow US Airways pilots,

We just received some very good news for all US Airways pilots as the 9th Circuit has fast tracked USAPA's (futile) appeal.

Appellant's unopposed motion for expedition is granted. The opening brief is due September 25, 2009; the answering brief is due October 26, 2009; and the optional reply brief is due within 14 days after service of the answering brief.

This case shall be placed on the December 2009 calendar.

For the Court:


Clerk of the Court Lorela Bragado-Sevillena

Deputy Clerk

Ninth Circuit Rule 27-7/Advisory Note

to Rule 27 and Ninth Circuit Rule 27-10

The end is in sight as the chances of the US Supreme Court ever granting a USAPA Motion of Certiorari and hear an appeal from the 9th Circuit is infinitesimally small. Also, note that USAPA motion for an expedited appeal was unopposed by the Plaintiffs. The reason why we were not opposed to this is because it is imperative that this matter be buried once and for all. We hope to have a decision from the 9th Circuit in February or March of 2010.

It's amazing how fast our case has moved through the justice system. Exactly 11 months ago we filed our initial complaint and look where we are now! We all heard on the USAPA campaign videos that Seham's Plan B was to delay whatever DFR action was to be filed by the America West pilots over many years, just like what has occured with the TWA pilots. By the time we ever got to having our case adjudicated, the plan was to delay long enough so that the East would have just about robbed us entirely of our seniority rights emanating from Nicolau. Sure we'd have a recovery . . . in 2015! Too late then. Now, we're looking at having this entire matter settled in early 2010 and after that there will be no more excuses for East and West to move ahead - together - as labor should.

This is over folks.

One more item . . . West pilots - this is not free. Although we filed for attorney's fees, a fee award is not guaranteed. We must anticipate funding this litigation entirely on our own. The lowest paid pilot is making $75,000 +. At this point we shouldn't have to still be asking for donations, but the fact of the matter is that only about half of this pilot group have hit the $1,000 target. Leonidas has been up and running for two years this month. If every pilot had donated just $40 a month since Leonidas was created, we wouldn't be writing to you today reminding the other half to donate. After our stunning successes in court on behalf of all West pilots, the fact that we are still having to ask for money is unacceptable. Donate now.


Leonidas, LLC

Is Res the one who keeps the propaganda machine rolling? Sounds like his stuff.
Read it and weep Prechillil. Second time, same as the first!
Isn't that what C & Rs stop from happening??? When are you going to get it that nobody wants West jobs? The litigation is not about protecting West Captain jobs. It's about access to EAST Captain jobs. The ones we sacrificed for and waited for all these years.

Exactly, if there wasn't so much flame being thrown around maybe we could of resolved this
The West during the AWA / US seniority negotiation in 2006 decided that their campaign would be named “Save Dave”. This referred to Dave O’Dell the West most junior pilot with a hire date of 4 /04/2004.

We now have bid 13/03 for August 2013.

Odell’s number on that bid is > 79 / 3261 D. .ODELL

79 refers to the number on his domicile bid Airbus F/O DCA. Dave Odell is 79 / 128.

Of interest is that if Dave Odell wanted to bid captain his East System Seniority number of 3261 would buy him number 101 on a list of 110 E-190 Captains in Philadelphia.

Dave O’Dell was the bottom pilot on the West seniority list at the time of the Nicolau award. The West still has pilots on furlough and the they don’t need Dave, they don’t have a place for him. The DCA alignment has him with 49 pilots below him and he is only 9 number away from a block as a First Officer. The East has a place for him and on his Date of Hire basis he could be a reserve E-190 Captain, with 9 Captains below him.

Dave O'Dell is and will always be better off using his DOH on the East. And you cannot put a new hire above a pilot with seventeen years unbroken service.

I remember the absolute disgrace when the West Class would not let its soon to be furloughed pilots join the union so they could get medical paid. They went without. But LEO apparently had plenty of moneys for its continued litigation..just none for it's own.

We will continue to take care of Dave and his family, like the West never could, nor would.


Happy for Dave but his name does stir strong emotions. I'm between 40 and 45 in DCA and knowing that the west wants to put an 04 hire ahead of me to take the capt spot I've been waiting for just raises the blood pressure!
Happy for Dave but his name does stir strong emotions. I'm between 40 and 45 in DCA and knowing that the west wants to put an 04 hire ahead of me to take the capt spot I've been waiting for just raises the blood pressure!
It should, why wouldn't they want it, ALPA told them they deserved it! In Fact I am sure if this were reversed( LIKE CAL, UNITED) they would be as outraged as those groups!(Or change their merger policy, again) Bottom line , you cannot change your age, mandatory age for an ATP, MANDATORY RETIREMENT AGE! You can bet if this goes to arbitration with AMERICAN and a 97 hire at AWA is slotted behind a 2007 hire you will hear the screams of outrage at the international space station! MM!
Exactly, if there wasn't so much flame being thrown around maybe we could of resolved this

Not hardly. Immediately after the nic come out: I'd had the now-absurd notion that attempting earnest conversation might produce some or even any degree of dialog. "Guys/gals...this nic thing isn't really going to work"/etc. Responsive results varied in creative content, but even a few told the tale clearly = "Final and binding!"..."It's OVER, get used to it!" From dear prechill's precocious pen in December 2007: "Ho ho ho! St Nic is coming to town!" Such west gems as "You won't even get 200 cards!" surfaced, and "Send the cards. I DARE you!", etc, ad nauseum. Nothing much more than infantile and acidic nonsense ever came back over the net from the west, or does to this day.
Rest assured that if the things go the way you guys think they will and the APA takes over and doesn't appeal, we will do just that. You guys have showed us the way.
Count me in.

I hope the both of you have deeeeeep pockets. I'd look for a discount lawyer. I don't think you can afford those over-priced lawyers anymore.

What are you going to do when you are no longer have USAPA and your East managers calling the shots? You are going to be APA's #### and you'll get a taste of that tyranny of the majority.

We voted 98% in favor of taking the keys away from the reckless drivers of USAPA and hand them to the adults of the APA.

Enjoy the ride.
May 7, 2013
PHX Domicile Meeting Notice

Attention PHX Pilots,

We will be conducting a PHX Domicile Meeting on May 17, 2013, from 1400-1800, at the Doubletree (airport), 320 N. 44th Street, Phoenix, (602)225-0500.

All members in good standing are invited. Bring any resolutions that you would like to be considered. We will have a Q&A session on recent events: MOU, POR, etc…

Hope to see you there,

John, Dave and Roger
You are going to be APA's #### and you'll get a taste of that tyranny of the majority.

Whew! It's a good thing the APA will be directly told what's what and who's who by your little band of "spartans." 🙂

"...and hand them to the adults of the APA."...? Nothing could possibly impress anyone more than self-styled "spartans", "knights who've fought with valor in many battles" and even "Larry Potta" and "dire wolves" discussing supposed "adults". How's the also self-styled, "Supreme Commander" of your mighty little "army" doing? Umm..."adults"? Thanks for the laughs. 🙂

Here's some of your "adults" in action. I can only begin to imagine just how much the majority of the APA people will be truly impressed:

I hope the both of you have deeeeeep pockets. I'd look for a discount lawyer. I don't think you can afford those over-priced lawyers anymore.

Your small group of 1100 has supposedly had no problem funding your legal team while getting an hourly C/O rate somewhere above 140. I don't think the 3000+ of us will have any problem funding legal help on our new wages. For as long as it takes. And that’s not a threat, it’s a promise 🙂

The West Class will still be suing for something when I finally retire in 8 years. I have accepted that fact and will be ready to contribute double my share when needed.

Whew! It's a good thing the APA will be directly told what's what and who's who by your little band of "spartans." 🙂

Our little band sure gets a lot of attention. They must be pretty good.
Our little band sure gets a lot of attention. They must be pretty good.

Any little cabal of cultist narcicissts can easilly fantasize themselves as being the center of all creation. Your group's shown a remarkable propensity for doing exactly that. The attention you get seems to mostly come from each other. "They must be pretty good." Sure. Anyone ever doubting that need only ask them. 🙂
Your small group of 1100 has supposedly had no problem funding your legal team while getting an hourly C/O rate somewhere above 140. I don't think the 3000+ of us will have any problem funding legal help on our new wages. For as long as it takes. And that’s not a threat, it’s a promise 🙂

The West Class will still be suing for something when I finally retire in 8 years. I have accepted that fact and will be ready to contribute double my share when needed.

Keep living in your fantasy world.

How did that pension assessment work out? Everyone happily pay their share under threat of section 29? If you all are so willing to spend money why did the pic have to steal from general finds instead of another assessment?

You think 3000 east pilots will keep paying? Keep dreaming. Once the injunction is in place, the M/B is done and east pilots are off LOA 93 most east pilots will move on. But keep dreaming.

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