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April/May 2013 Pilot Discussion

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"Pursuant to the Court’s resolution of the motions for summary judgment,
IT IS ORDERED Counts I and III of the complaint are dismissed and judgment is
entered in favor of US Airline Pilots Association on Count II of the complaint. US Airline
Pilots Association’s seniority proposal does not breach its duty of fair representation
provided it is supported by a legitimate union purpose. This judgment is binding on the following class: “All pilots employed by US Airways in September 2008 who were on the
America West seniority list on September 20, 2005.”

DATED this 4th day of December, 2012."

The Honorable Judge Silver
Damn Scab, you're in for one hell of a hard fall. I'll be LMAO pissing on the smoldering ashes of your scab unions grave. It's dead any way you slice it.
Mark, it is no wonder you couldn't pass that polygraph and get into the FBI. You have serious anger issues that you need to seek help for. If you call the union you have time for them to help you with counseling before it is too late and you have your medical revoked. They have pilots that volunteer to help people such as yourself. If you don't do it for yourself , please do it for your family. SCAB
Speaking of anger management, Tony Anger, america west pilot hired during the scabbing at Ansette Airlines era in 1989, pontificates. The following video is titled Anger Management produced a few years ago. snap, you will enjoy this.

"Pursuant to the Court’s resolution of the motions for summary judgment,
IT IS ORDERED Counts I and III of the complaint are dismissed and judgment is
entered in favor of US Airline Pilots Association on Count II of the complaint. US Airline
Pilots Association’s seniority proposal does not breach its duty of fair representation
provided it is supported by a legitimate union purpose.
This judgment is binding on the following class: “All pilots employed by US Airways in September 2008 who were on the
America West seniority list on September 20, 2005.”

DATED this 4th day of December, 2012."

The Honorable Judge Silver
No LUP needed; status-quo until the AMR merger with three lists as agreed upon in the MOU. No east-west JCBA which was required in the T/A for the Nic to be used that has been superseded by a new MOU. The process that would have given you the Nic will never be. US Airways has stated that there will be no seniority negotiations going forward until M/B process is executed with AMR. See crew news- Scott Kirby to Capt Gay......."NO". You guys did vote this MOU with a 98% acceptance rate did you not? Also see east bid 13-03 on wings. Bottom E-190 Capt 2012 hire and no Nic. You blindly follow your junior mis-guided leaders of Leonidas and this is what it gets you. Get out your checkbooks again boys.
The West during the AWA / US seniority negotiation in 2006 decided that their campaign would be named “Save Dave”. This referred to Dave O’Dell the West most junior pilot with a hire date of 4 /04/2004.

We now have bid 13/03 for August 2013.

Odell’s number on that bid is > 79 / 3261 D. .ODELL

79 refers to the number on his domicile bid Airbus F/O DCA. Dave Odell is 79 / 128.

Of interest is that if Dave Odell wanted to bid captain his East System Seniority number of 3261 would buy him number 101 on a list of 110 E-190 Captains in Philadelphia.

Dave O’Dell was the bottom pilot on the West seniority list at the time of the Nicolau award. The West still has pilots on furlough and the they don’t need Dave, they don’t have a place for him. The DCA alignment has him with 49 pilots below him and he is only 9 number away from a block as a First Officer. The East has a place for him and on his Date of Hire basis he could be a reserve E-190 Captain, with 9 Captains below him.

Dave O'Dell is and will always be better off using his DOH on the East. And you cannot put a new hire above a pilot with seventeen years unbroken service.

I remember the absolute disgrace when the West Class would not let its soon to be furloughed pilots join the union so they could get medical paid. They went without. But LEO apparently had plenty of moneys for its continued litigation..just none for it's own.

We will continue to take care of Dave and his family, like the West never could, nor would.

And you cannot put a new hire above a pilot with seventeen years unbroken service.

The Courts will not allow you to put a Reserve F/O above a Captain on the same airplane.

The West brought 140 airplanes to the merger, you're not going to steal those Captains' jobs.
Of interest is that if Dave Odell wanted to bid captain his East System Seniority number of 3261 would buy him number 101 on a list of 110 E-190 Captains in Philadelphia.
Yes, so obviously every West pilot with their Nic number would be a Captain, as at least one or two hysterical nitwits think they are entitled to. :lol:
The difference: YOU HAVE NO CASE.

Not really. The difference is that you evidently live your life entirely within the confines of Fantasyland, and your little tribe of mighty "spartans" have spent 6 years now stuck in PHX, and without so much as a shred of advancement ever seen, or to now be realistically forecast in the future. All you've got is hot air and hope.

No need for the usual. We all know that "youse" (intellectual giants and philosophers all) "hate all of youse"/us. I know none that lose any sleep from the yapping condemnation of your "spartans", "knights" or "dire wolves". At some point, however completely at odds with your fantasies; at least a few of you might finally realize that "the rest of world" doesn't truly revolve around "youse", just sayin'. 🙂
Well, from your last shakedown list, I mean praise list, I don't see the problem. We have many more pilots and we will be making more. You guys did it with what, little over half at super, double titanium?

5 years ago I probably couldn't have seen myself contributing, but this last round changed all of that.

Beating up the scraggly haired AFOs is a lot easier than taking on the APA. I must admit I'm quite satisfied with the direction of things lately and look forward to the demise of the east pilot union.
An American check airman recently asked me "if the east think they can get away with what they're trying to do against you guys what makes them think we won't do the same to them?"
Lol. Yes captain check airman, the east is that stupid. They believe final and binding arbitration applies to everyone but them.
So as your jihad against the west winds down (we will all be APA this time next year) you should start the fundraiser now. It takes time to get these going and I really encourage you clowns to sue the APA. Really, I would even help contribute to get the thing going. Lee Seham would be a great lawyer for you all. Lol. Please- fight for your DOH rights with the APA!!
The West during the AWA / US seniority negotiation in 2006 decided that their campaign would be named “Save Dave”. This referred to Dave O’Dell the West most junior pilot with a hire date of 4 /04/2004.

We now have bid 13/03 for August 2013.

Odell’s number on that bid is > 79 / 3261 D. .ODELL

79 refers to the number on his domicile bid Airbus F/O DCA. Dave Odell is 79 / 128.

Of interest is that if Dave Odell wanted to bid captain his East System Seniority number of 3261 would buy him number 101 on a list of 110 E-190 Captains in Philadelphia.

Dave O’Dell was the bottom pilot on the West seniority list at the time of the Nicolau award. The West still has pilots on furlough and the they don’t need Dave, they don’t have a place for him. The DCA alignment has him with 49 pilots below him and he is only 9 number away from a block as a First Officer. The East has a place for him and on his Date of Hire basis he could be a reserve E-190 Captain, with 9 Captains below him.

Dave O'Dell is and will always be better off using his DOH on the East. And you cannot put a new hire above a pilot with seventeen years unbroken service.

I remember the absolute disgrace when the West Class would not let its soon to be furloughed pilots join the union so they could get medical paid. They went without. But LEO apparently had plenty of moneys for its continued litigation..just none for it's own.

We will continue to take care of Dave and his family, like the West never could, nor would.


Dave O'Dell is about to be a DCA 319 captain- give it a year. All the KINGS horses and all the KINGS men will not stop justice from prevailing. This next year will be good, starting in a week.
The Courts will not allow you to put a Reserve F/O above a Captain on the same airplane.

The West brought 140 airplanes to the merger, you're not going to steal those Captains' jobs.
Isn't that what C & Rs stop from happening??? When are you going to get it that nobody wants West jobs? The litigation is not about protecting West Captain jobs. It's about access to EAST Captain jobs. The ones we sacrificed for and waited for all these years.
Beating up the scraggly haired AFOs is a lot easier than taking on the APA. I must admit I'm quite satisfied with the direction of things lately and look forward to the demise of the east pilot union.
An American check airman recently asked me "if the east think they can get away with what they're trying to do against you guys what makes them think we won't do the same to them?"
Lol. Yes captain check airman, the east is that stupid. They believe final and binding arbitration applies to everyone but them.
So as your jihad against the west winds down (we will all be APA this time next year) you should start the fundraiser now. It takes time to get these going and I really encourage you clowns to sue the APA. Really, I would even help contribute to get the thing going. Lee Seham would be a great lawyer for you all. Lol. Please- fight for your DOH rights with the APA!!
This coming from an Airline Captain that got M/B (this time a statutory arbitration) because them and the F/A's STAPLED the TWA employees just like they do to everyone. M/B is a piss poor way of time devaluation. Just like the APA president says, every pilot hired is a Captain!
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