You, I nor John John were in negotiations, and that probably happened under the Chapter 11 case.
No one is gauranted a job in the airlines in a specific city, its the nature of the business especially since 9/11.
No one has posted a factual information that the IAM facilitated the jobs away.
Once again, when a UA or any other airline picks a vendor it goes out for bid, finance and operations pick the vendors, and it usually goes to the lowest bidder.
Ask John John, how the CWA let US open Res centers in Manila, and El Salvador along with baggage service while they closed PIT res. Yes US brought the call centers back into the US but it was still a net loss of jobs.
And the link you posted doesnt work, still waiting for facts.
And the IAM loses dues money as ZW workers pay less dues than mainline UA as they make less money.
So keep trying.
Here is a link to the UA Ramp CBA, show me under the scope language where the IAM has facilitated MIA and MHT outsourcing.