Harry Callahan
I will vote no on any contract that takes more work away from fleet , that specifically includes catering in PHL.
Man why in the hell didn't you do that the other time ?
I will vote no on any contract that takes more work away from fleet , that specifically includes catering in PHL.
Man why in the hell didn't you do that the other time ?
Because we were desperate and working under poverty wages . It was either vote yes on that contract or labor on for who knows how many years making peanuts .
The Company will not require the employees hereunder to cross picket lines of the Company's employees legally established under contractual provisions and the Railway Labor Act on or in front of the premesis. The individual or concerted refusal to pass such picket lines shall not constitute grounds for discipline, discharge, lay-off, or be considered a violation of this Agreement.
Progress, or the lack thereof, in contract negotiations is very fluid. Especially regarding the economic issues. There are proposals on the table one day and off the table the next. With this in mind... the union's thinking is it is not in the best interests of the membership to release (leak) information regarding an ever changing environment. Information released could be credible one day and not the next. Patience is a virtue. I'm certain we will be updated with credible information soon. In the meantime... I believe no news may indicate positive movement. If negotiations soured this week I believe we would have heard something. Please standby!Really ! necigrad . I have been reading CBA for 30+ yrs. Brother. WE had what USAir Brothers and Sisters on the R. Coast referred to as The Platinum CBA with PSA Inc.. Our current CBA is as many describe a POS. I have read it many times and as you should no has not changed much since 1999. So, if any side should be held to NDA it's not US . WE are the UNION the AGC's and the NC are our eyes and ears to inform US. Leaking is required if one understands the Politics of where OUR Negotiations are at with IAM,LCC, and NMB.I'AM PREPARED as are many others.
Agreed. In time... In time.I for one do not want to hear any leaks coming from these talks ...... I will wait patiently giving my full support to my union as we await resolution of this issue .
Agreed cltrat!something that's needs to be noted here as well, the company is in there as the current USAirways, not the New American and certainly not as the worlds largest airline. Imo the best we can hope for is a short term agreement with better seniority and scope protection going into the merger and a slight upgrade in money to do it.just my.02
Freedom,For I would like to see , a lower limit on the amount of flights required to insource flights.
That's number one on my list followed by increased compensation of course . Under no circumstance am I willing to let go of more stations .
I will vote no on any contract that takes more work away from fleet , that specifically includes catering in PHL.
HOWEVER, there is a later paragraph (I think the next one and I ain't typing out another!) that says they can't outsource FS work that's LEGALLY STRUCK work. In my humble opinion, were FS to support a M&R strike the company could hire rampers to cover for the missing FS guys.
You are a day late, and a dollar short on that one. FYI, the catering deal was made during the 2005 CBA, so the West had nothing to do with that debacle.For I would like to see , a lower limit on the amount of flights required to insource flights.
That's number one on my list followed by increased compensation of course . Under no circumstance am I willing to let go of more stations .
I will vote no on any contract that takes more work away from fleet , that specifically includes catering in PHL.
So, would you support a picket line by mx or not?
You are a day late, and a dollar short on that one. FYI, the catering deal was made during the 2005 CBA, so the West had nothing to do with that debacle.