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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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chockeyjockey its soo sad that there are pathetic people like freedom who dont mind voting the peopl who love to see the american jobs being lost... like its been said before cannot fix stupid cant fix dumb either
Every member that reads this response should to be aware of something... the table is being turned on you behind your back!

Completely agree, ROA, though I'd note the table has been slowly turned for the last 3 decades or so. We're just at a point where anti-worker forces feel labor is so complacent that they don't need to be covert in their actions any more.

Any union worker that votes for republicans in any election is a fool.
Republicans want to take away your income and give it to the CEO to enhance the bottom line for stockholders.
Workers are chattel and are disposable and replaceable.
Republicans support this concept 100%.
It's happening to our teachers, government workers, and any other union jobholder in this country.
Wake up and vote out the obstructionist and anti-union/anti-worker republicans (and tea party-ers, too).


Let's also not forget how successfully they messaged the divide and conquer concept between public and private sector employees.

Democrats are currently pushing to legalize the 11 million (and probably more ) illegal immigrants currently in our country .

if they get legal status .... god help the blue collar workers of America .

Who do you think opened the floodgates?

Hint: Ronald Reagan

special note to whatever genius ordered AC-152 a new A321 the bin floors with the anti skid paint on them are a nice touch ....NOT! you idiot

Seriously?! What thought process does one have where they decide that'd be a good idea?

I would prefer that there are more labor. Unions and more worker protections , but there aren't and unionism is on the decline here in the US . It's sad that so many people don't mind scraping by .

And yet, you're carrying the water for the team that wants that decline to not just continue, but to accelerate.
No kev its the democrats who are the true enemy of the working man , at least republicans are up front and honest about what they want to do .

The democrats play on their old history of being pro-labor which they really aren't anymore , they cosey up to ya and make you think your on the same side , meanwhile they've got a knife in your back as their selling every American job they can to third world labourers in order to get re-elected.

After this country is flooded with cheap labor unions will still exist but they will be almost powerless due to the masses of workers who will be MORE than happy to work for whatever they can get because its way more than they were ever or could ever make in their home country .

Letting the entire world flood into this country and compete with our people for jobs is going to be the death of us ....

I've seen first hand how illegal immigrants take over entire divisions of labor ,push out the native born and drop pay scales
You are seriously delusional, the democrats are always pro-labor, the republirats are anti-worker and anti-union, do you EVER take the time to really educate yourself or do you live in bizzaro world?

My advice to you is not to post things that you are totally off base on.

Go look up HB1 visas.

Or check this out:


“Immigrants come with new skills and new ideas. They fill a critical part in our labor market. They work hard for a better life.” - President George W. Bush, 12/4/12

» “Republicans should approach it as the party of Reagan and Bush – the party that has historically been pro-immigration.” - Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist, 11/9/12
freedom.... it was a republican president who fired all the atc union folks... you know the republican president ronald reagan... he himself use to be in the acting world and in a union... he takes office in dc and thereafter he fired a sh!tload of unionized atc folks
I am well aware of the impact that the visa program is having on American workers but that mostly affects white collar workers and it doesn't even come close to the massive inflow of illegal workers who are driving down blue collar rates across th board ...

Face it the Democrats WANT to legalize illegal immigrants , they want to give the legal authority to work to millions .

Again you side step everything else go get a life​
I honestly havent seen how the democrats have scored against illegal immigration. At any rate, immigration nor any other political subject caused the iam to sell out our brothers and sisters at united with a scab job killing ta.When the bargaining agents quit using the leverage of our union to cash in for its own political gain, thats when it will have a chance to deliver what we are paying for. regards,
Seriously?! What thought process does one have where they decide that'd be a good idea?

Kev I am going to guess there wasn't any, probably some idiot bean counter whos never did a day of physical work in his life.
This however was fairly stupid even by US standards
Thank you for showing your true colors. I would ask all brothers and sisters on this forum to duly note Freedom's position. "Straight ticket republican". He has no idea what the legislation says and it doesn't really matter to him. This, despite the fact, the proposed legislation will have an adverse affect on his and fellow represented members' futures in the airline industry. Duly noted Freedom. You can't fix stupid Brothers and Sisters.
Welcome to world of of Freedom... I guess his name means "free" to be stupid! It's people like him that do not read, research, or even care about the very laws that will govern his future that have lead to the decimation of the American Middle-Class!
I think it's funny you instead prefer to erode your own job protections (by de facto supporting the GOP's agenda) in the hopes of stopping some Guatemalan peasant from stealing your job. You are in fact voting to empower the very people that would like to see something like this happen.
By supporting the NRTA he IS in fact guaranteeing that a Guatemalan Immigrant WILL take his job! How's that for stupid!?
Welcome to world of of Freedom... I guess his name means "free" to be stupid! It's people like him that do not read, research, or even care about the very laws that will govern his future that have lead to the decimation of the American Middle-Class!

Wake up protected worker ,its too late the decimation of the blue collar class is already underway and your standing with those who about to finish them off ....

Have you never talked to a plumber ? Someone who works in construction ? Young people looking for a summer job ?

What do you think is going to happen to the value of labor if millions of very hard workers who are more than happy with less, unlike American citizens, are added to the legal work force ?

Get your head out of the sand and see the threat that importing cheap labor is having on this country ....
is this legislation going to have a chance? And is it suppose to apply to the RLA as well?
Its amazing how the political debate goes from "Card Check", to right to work.
If NRTA is ever implemented, there will be NO card check, no Union, no Forum... that's how!

And yes... it has a very good chance of passing if the senate becomes predominantly Republican in 2014!
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