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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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Freedom, what does Ron Roth pay you for? Is it cheerleading or to be his assistant?

You can come to the ramp right now and ask 100 people what they think of him here in PHX the MAJORITY of our workers here respect him . He is in my view the greatest union man I've ever ment ...if it wasn't for him we would have no contract at all ....

He can do whatever it takes , play nice , play dirty and he can coordinate across regions ...

I tell you while it maybe hard for you to believe he is the one who was most responsible for getting us the contract we have , I don't think anyone could do what he did .

The union says they need help with the talks .... Call on him ....he is that help .
Greatest union man? (yes I know you said you met, but Ron isnt in the league you make him to be)

That is a joke.

Guess you havent heard of Cesar Chavez, Tom Talbert or Lech Walesa.

You truly have no clue.
Watch your tone ,remeber when you speak to me you are speaking to the MAJORITY of rampers who voted yes on the last contract , that includes field stations and class two stations .

And don't think for an instant that all of our rampers have absolute faith in the IAM pension...

I bring the issues many of you are afraid to discuss
go ahead and cry like a flippin baby go out and take a poll on how many iam member believe or not believe in the pension as 700 has pointed out and you loudly ignore him that the pension is very sound... youre problem is you dont think... i am not going to watch my tone as you are not in any position or authority to tell me what to do or say or anything. you are just a westie with around 10 yrs seniority if ur lucky.. THE MAJORITY OF THE RAMPERS ARE FROM THE WEST WHO VOTED IN THIS 08 GARBAGE IM SURE THERE WERE SOME IN THE EAST BUT THE VAST MAJORITY CAME FROM THE WEST all bec you cared enough to say f u to your fellow coworkers and take the raise right away.. during that time i personelly made calls to a number of west coast cities on my own just to get their take on the contract it was mixed but of course phx where u are voted for it knowing u were slammin the door in the faces of many hard working folks just for a lousy pos raise.. if anyone better watch their tone its you alll of the class two stations i called all voted it down go get a freakin life and get some professional help bec u need it
I and I'm sure the rest of the committee appreciates your words. Everyone hang in there, and we will see how the week goes. Lets all stick together on this, and do what we have to do!!
Going forward... I would like to respectfully offer some advice to the NC. The NC must focus on language that protects the Fleet Service work currently being done in all stations. Language that protects the work translates into job protection. Language that agrees to sub contracting will never translate into true job protection. IMO... this is where the UA NC and the district dropped the football with the UA TA. Past US NCs and the district have made the same mistake, although, under completely different negotiations circumstances. The end result has been the elimination of countless represented stations and jobs. Hopefully, our NC and the district can learn from past mistakes and realize that true job protection can only be achieved by language protecting the work and saying NO to any more outsourcing of such work. Look at the Pilots' agreement... they protect their work first. IMO... our NC has the opportunity to change course and strategy in negotiations regarding job protection. If our NC and the district does not have a critical strategy change in contractual language, regarding the definition of job protection, the end result will be the same as the UA TA. Thankfully, the TA was rejected by the membership, giving the UA NC and the district an opportunity to correct their approach regarding true job protection. Please share this with the rest of the NC, send them my regards, best wishes and support.
OK, Nelson, sometimes you are more friggin’ trouble than you are worth! Anyway… I found what I was looking at a few weeks ago at work… I remember he was on the 141 site looking through a PDF file of the UA T/A… I’m old… but I still have reasonable cognizance and retention. Here is the Language I read… are there any further articles that augment or disassemble this language? (See below)

F. Job Security

1. Contracting Out of Core Work

a. The Company will not contract out to outside vendor(s) the “core” work
currently performed by Fleet Service employees at the following airports: Denver
(DEN), Newark (EWR), Washington Dulles (IAD), Houston (IAH), Los Angeles (LAX),
Chicago (ORD), and San Francisco (SFO). The core work of Fleet Service employees
generally consists of: loading, stowing, unloading, and pick-up and delivery, to and from
mainline aircraft, of cargo, including mail, express, baggage, freight, Company material,
and the preparation of records in connection therewith; the operation of automotive and
other ramp equipment for servicing aircraft, not including the operation of movable or
telescoping passenger loading devices attached to terminal buildings; and may include
preparing or helping in the preparation of loading plans, maintaining the ramp area and
equipment in a clean, presentable condition and other general ramp service work,
scanning of bags and materials, receipt and dispatch of aircraft, recognized move team
duties, and bag room activity.

b. Non-core work currently performed by Fleet Service employees at these
airports may be contracted out, provided it does not directly cause a reduction-in-force
for employees employed as of the Effective Date of this Agreement at the airport(s)
where the contracting out occurs.

Further, here is the link... UA T/A

P.S. I guess I should check the 141 site more often… I found the information on the buyouts! Towbar was correct… it is NOT part of the T/A… looks more like an LOA contingent on ratification of all contracts prior to April 1st with tons of hoops to jump through (Ain't gonna happen)… (Buyout link)
I don't have the current CBA handy, but I believe that it too permits some core work in class 1 stations to be outsourced as long as there are no jobs lost as a result.
Greatest union man? (yes I know you said you met, but Ron isnt in the league you make him to be)

That is a joke.

Guess you havent heard of Cesar Chavez, Tom Talbert or Lech Walesa.

You truly have no clue.

Unfortunately I've never seen them in action ...
Going forward... I would like to respectfully offer some advice to the NC. The NC must focus on language that protects the Fleet Service work currently being done in all stations. Language that protects the work translates into job protection. Language that agrees to sub contracting will never translate into true job protection. IMO... this is where the UA NC and the district dropped the football with the UA TA. Past US NCs and the district have made the same mistake, although, under completely different negotiations circumstances. The end result has been the elimination of countless represented stations and jobs. Hopefully, our NC and the district can learn from past mistakes and realize that true job protection can only be achieved by language protecting the work and saying NO to any more outsourcing of such work. Look at the Pilots' agreement... they protect their work first. IMO... our NC has the opportunity to change course and strategy in negotiations regarding job protection. If our NC and the district does not have a critical strategy change in contractual language, regarding the definition of job protection, the end result will be the same as the UA TA. Thankfully, the TA was rejected by the membership, giving the UA NC and the district an opportunity to correct their approach regarding true job protection. Please share this with the rest of the NC, send them my regards, best wishes and support.
Unfortunately I've never seen them in action ...
BEC YOU are always on the blind side of things like voting in a pos contract to suit you needs and say F U to your coworkers while theyre shown the door
You can come to the ramp right now and ask 100 people what they think of him here in PHX the MAJORITY of our workers here respect him . He is in my view the greatest union man I've ever ment ...if it wasn't for him we would have no contract at all ....

Good god man, what kind of contract do you have now ?
Our reps got us the best contract that could be had under those conditions... So it was either that or nothing ...

Prove your statement that.

Short of a strike which was never going to happen at the time , we used every resource , every trick in the book to get what we did ...we gave everything we had and could not have given more .
Short of a strike which was never going to happen at the time , we used every resource , every trick in the book to get what we did ...we gave everything we had and could not have given more .
You dont even know how the process works do you, nor do you even know what happened.

You werent in Section 6 negotiations, you were in transition talks, there could not have been a strike.

Once again, you have no clue.
You can come to the ramp right now and ask 100 people what they think of him here in PHX the MAJORITY of our workers here respect him . He is in my view the greatest union man I've ever ment ...if it wasn't for him we would have no contract at all ....

He can do whatever it takes , play nice , play dirty and he can coordinate across regions ...

I tell you while it maybe hard for you to believe he is the one who was most responsible for getting us the contract we have , I don't think anyone could do what he did .

The union says they need help with the talks .... Call on him ....he is that help .
One person does not make a team Freedom. Credit or criticism for a final agreement is shared by the NC, the district and ultimately the voting membership. In the end all parties will share equal responsibility for our current and future state of affairs. Your opinion of this person is obviously high. On the other hand... some, if not many, may dispute this. One thing is certain brother... one person will not make the difference. The difference will come when a NC, District leadership and a membership get on the same page and ultimately unite for the common good of the membership and the union. To date; this concept has eluded the US Fleet Service members, current / past district leadership teams, the current UA NC and past US NCs. Hopefully, this time around we (US members, NC and DL 141 Leadership) get it right. Time will tell.
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