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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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may be you did not see the earlier post.... the part that NEGOGIATIONS ARE TUE WED THUR IN FRONT OF THE NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD IN WASHINGTON DC....and if as you say he is just sitting around and wasting time... HOW DO U KNOW HE IS NOT COMMUNICATING WITH OTHER IAM OFFICIALS unless of course your stalkin
I'm not stalking and I don't know if he's going to be at that meeting or not ,but he SHOULD be there ......

He can do the things that few others can do .... And he's in my view perfect for contract talks because he's a really intelligent nice guy ...except when it comes to managment ,he's not so nice then ....

I consider him a bulldog that you sic on someone (that someone being the company).

Take him off the leash please .
may be you did not see the earlier post.... the part that NEGOGIATIONS ARE TUE WED THUR IN FRONT OF THE NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD IN WASHINGTON DC....and if as you say he is just sitting around and wasting time... HOW DO U KNOW HE IS NOT COMMUNICATING WITH OTHER IAM OFFICIALS unless of course your stalkin

robbed I don't think there's any hope for him you may as well give up. I would like to hear from Chock Jockey he seems like the voice of reason in the desert sun.
robbed I don't think there's any hope for him you may as well give up. I would like to hear from Chock Jockey he seems like the voice of reason in the desert sun.

I guess you don't care about our membership ...your more interested in sniping at fellow union members and trying to score poltical points for the 100K club.

RR sat on the last negotiating commute , he went toe to toe with the people our union is now crying about ....
Tough times call for tough measures ... Why you wouldnt want to bring into talks someone that this company fears is beyond me .
You are truly delusional, if Roth was such a great union rep, he would be in negotiations and a rep.

He was given his job as a token, he is no savior, look at the POS CBA your working under he was part of it, oh wait, you didnt care because you got a raise while your coworkers were shown the door.

Toe to toe?

That is hysterical, so Ron Roth is your obsession for the week?

Hey Roth didnt negotiate away the IAMNPF and you still support him?

The company fears ron roth?

That is the funniest thing I have ever heard, you need to be drug tested, as yesterday was 4/20.
cltrat cares more for the membership than you do you sure as heck proved that with everything you say...

cltrat ill take ur advise on that bro...

ive met several of the folks on the negogiation committee i know its not going to be easy for them but i wish them the best of luck in their upcoming negogiations this week cb and alll best of luck to all of you going up to bat against these clowns
cltrat cares more for the membership than you do you sure as heck proved that with everything you say...

cltrat ill take ur advise on that bro...

ive met several of the folks on the negogiation committee i know its not going to be easy for them but i wish them the best of luck in their upcoming negogiations this week cb and alll best of luck to all of you going up to bat against these clowns
I and I'm sure the rest of the committee appreciates your words. Everyone hang in there, and we will see how the week goes. Lets all stick together on this, and do what we have to do!!
You are truly delusional, if Roth was such a great union rep, he would be in negotiations and a rep.

He was given his job as a token, he is no savior, look at the POS CBA your working under he was part of it, oh wait, you didnt care because you got a raise while your coworkers were shown the door.

Toe to toe?

That is hysterical, so Ron Roth is your obsession for the week?

Hey Roth didnt negotiate away the IAMNPF and you still support him?

The company fears ron roth?

That is the funniest thing I have ever heard, you need to be drug tested, as yesterday was 4/20.

Yeah have a good laugh .... I remember the talks we had last time ... Vote down the first offer there will be a second contract offer it will be better ... It wasn't ...
Ron got the best possible contract under horrific conditions , the US economy was in the toilet , the east side of the union was delusional in what they expected and yet were not willing to pull their own weight ...

Many of you sit here and #### 24/7 , you like to say we could have done better bla bla bla .... I call BS on such talk there isn't a man here who could do what he did ....

Put your egos away ...
I and I'm sure the rest of the committee appreciates your words. Everyone hang in there, and we will see how the week goes. Lets all stick together on this, and do what we have to do!!

You should invite Ron Roth to join the committe ...not only is he clever , he's in my opinion ruthless , he can ask the membership to do things that no one else could and this managment knows that
Ron got?

So he is a one man union wrecking ball against the big bad company?

Your CBA sucks, you went for money and not protections.

Get real and get a clue.
700 dont waste your breath with that pos as cltrat told me in an earlier post that dude is beyond the needs of help ive never met ron but i trust you over freedom given your vast knowledge and experience

cb np bro you and the gang need all the luck in the world and keep us posted bro
700 dont waste your breath with that pos as cltrat told me in an earlier post that dude is beyond the needs of help ive never met ron but i trust you over freedom given your vast knowledge and experience

cb np bro you and the gang need all the luck in the world and keep us posted bro

Watch your tone ,remeber when you speak to me you are speaking to the MAJORITY of rampers who voted yes on the last contract , that includes field stations and class two stations .

And don't think for an instant that all of our rampers have absolute faith in the IAM pension...

I bring the issues many of you are afraid to discuss
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