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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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In the beginning of negotiations the committee set ground rules that have to be followed by EVERYONE on the committee. I can't really go into them except to say like I said before, that all of us have equal say so. We do have leaders on the team, but again everyone's voice is heard and is equal. As for scope? We submitted a scope proposal to the company that had much improvement from our current scope article. At this time we do not have an agreement on our scope article. Like I have said before, once the merger was announced, our focus shift from working on a complete contract, to deciding on the things we have to have now vs the things we can get later in integration. Some things we must get now. Some things we can wait on. I am in no way stating that scope is one of the things that can be waited on. Just saying, our focus has changed to the must have now things.
It sounds like the "mix" you guys have assembled, will fairly represent ALL stations big...small...west... and east. That's excellent news to hear. Keep us up to date on what transpires in DCA.
PLEASE KEEP US INFORMED and i personelly want to thank you cb for all of your hard earned efforts at trying to secure a good ta for us and goood luck to you and the other iam folks in dc for the talks.... youll need all the luck bro

I personally want you to be a part of the transition agreement that we enter at some point to integrate AA and US employees into a single agreement. Why? Because then you will realize that talk is cheap and you will see first hand what the process entails. It is so easy to sit on the outside and say I would have done this or I would have done that. I challenge you to bring your knowledge to all in a non-political way as to bring the membership together. Do you really think for one minute that anybody that has ever been in negotiations likes the negative things that come out? Outsourcing, sick policies, insurance, pensions, split shifts, ready reserve etc. are all things everyone would like to make better. The NC we have at US is a great group of individuals who only want to make things better for everyone. I don't doubt that for one second. I know that once a ta is reached that some things will be good and other things not so much. If you think that any group who steps into negotiations will come back with a ta that is loved by all then you need a reality check. What do you say Tim, can you get off the political rhetoric and help this membership or are you going to continue to bash us all? I think you have the knowledge to help if you want but I think your political aspirations are getting in the way.


P. Rez
Prez, When I was on the union dime, I produced. Sorry, no talk here. As far as negotiations, the eboard has failed at Hawaiian and United, mostly because they caved in at the end of negotiations because of failed strategies that not only gave up leverage but also didn 't use the remaining leverage they had. It remains to be seen regarding the US AIRWAYS negotiations team, but I wouldn't know why there would be anything at all negotiated that would come out of it bad. There ought not to be any concessions and all gain. Maybe the gain won't be exhaustive or as much as some had hoped but there would be no reason in the world to come out with any concession on any benefit that is currently enjoyed. You guys have a lot of leverage to work with to attain fairness. In this situation, nothing exhaustive, but certainly something that can be fair leading into the second round of negotiations. Wage bump, increased scope [please, no ass hat security clauses that Delaney did at United]. At any rate, I've never just talked, Pat. Always produced. I'm 24/7. And for a negotiation team that sells the membership out short, I'm Mayhem. I don't like being Mayhem but if my peeps are sold out, I will open up a can of Mayhem like I did at United to help protect and educate our members over there from blowing up this whole industry ramp craft. But, as of now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Transition talks will come but what about organizing? Who put this ass hat organizing plan together without even talking to those who have the skillset and proven record? Talk is cheap Pat. You have my number. Based on what I have seen, the IAM is going to get its ass kicked in its attempt to get the necessary cards. regards,
I also want to remind everyone that everyone of us around that table gets to have our say so and equal vote. No ones vote is any bigger than the other. Small stations vote, is the same as say the hub station vote, which is the same as a AGC vote. We all are equal votes. Everything is discussed and debated, then discussed and debated again. At US there is no one person making the decisions for us all. All of us, do very well in bringing our points out for discussion. This is how we will continue until we get an agreement
Could you please share with us the members who make up the US Negotiating Committee? Their names, respective stations they're from and those who hold elected District positions? I consider myself an engaged and involved union member... yet I don't know who, exactly, makes up the negotiating committee. This information should not be secretive. IMO... the members are entitled to know who represents them, the stations their from and their respective positions with the district. Transparency is the only way a small station vote being the same as a hub station vote within the committee can be verified. Please don't misinterpret... but I believe the vast majority of the membership, including myself, don't know who makes up the NC.
It sounds like the "mix" you guys have assembled, will fairly represent ALL stations big...small...west... and east. That's excellent news to hear. Keep us up to date on what transpires in DCA.
As posted to Charlie I would like to know more concerning the "mix". As stated... transparency to the members is the only way to confirm we have a mix on the committee who represent all members' interests. IMO... the members, including myself, are entitled to the info. I requested of Charlie. Not trying to stir things up... but one would need and should be entitled to this information before reaching a conclusion of a reasonable mix within the NC.
Could you please share with us the members who make up the US Negotiating Committee? Their names, respective stations they're from and those who hold elected District positions? I consider myself an engaged and involved union member... yet I don't know who, exactly, makes up the negotiating committee. This information should not be secretive. IMO... the members are entitled to know who represents them, the stations their from and their respective positions with the district. Transparency is the only way a small station vote being the same as a hub station vote within the committee can be verified. Please don't misinterpret... but I believe the vast majority of the membership, including myself, don't know who makes up the NC.

I think when there is an agreement we will all know who the negotiators are. Until then i dont think it really matters at this point. I just would like them to continue the fight and bring us back something to vote on. In the end we will all know im sure. Leave them to their task because names at this point only lead to possible friction for them.

I think Tim already knows, maybe he can share it with you by PM.......
Charlie,I consider myself an engaged and involved union member... yet I don't know who, exactly, makes up the negotiating committee. This information should not be secretive.

It was posted on the union board in my station and should have been posted on all. In addition, as an engaged and involved member I don't know how you missed it when it was posted on the DL141 website. I'm not certain, but I think it was posted here as well.

Chastising done, you have an excellent point. Why are we making it so hard to see prior updates on the website? If it's not the current one (sometimes one of the last two) it's gone forever. These things should be posted prominantly on the webpage. How about we spend less time creating websites about the US-AA merger (with no substantive information) and for the UA contract and instead focus on having one QULAITY website?
As posted to Charlie I would like to know more concerning the "mix". As stated... transparency to the members is the only way to confirm we have a mix on the committee who represent all members' interests. IMO... the members, including myself, are entitled to the info. I requested of Charlie. Not trying to stir things up... but one would need and should be entitled to this information before reaching a conclusion of a reasonable mix within the NC.
I dont mind at all listing everyone on the negotiations committee. However your post above sounds a little like we are trying to keep from the members who all is on the NC. This info was posted many months ago from the beginning, on the district website.
www.iam141.org. We wanted everyone to know who was on the NC. Thats why we post it from the very beginning. But here is your requested info.

Rich Delaney (PDGC)
Frank Odnnell Phl (AGC)
Mike Fairbanks Clt (AGC)
Pat Retzler Phx (AGC)
Frank Giannola Lga (Cmtte Chair)
Steve Miller Bos (Cmtte Chair)
George Austin Phl (Cmtte Chair)
Mark Baskett Clt (Cmtte Chair)
Steve Willis Las (Cmtte Chair)
Ricky Obar Mco (Cmtte Chair)
Rodney Walker Bdl (Cmtte Chair)

Tom Regen is the GLR that is assigned to our negotiations. He is also there at each session.
I know at one time you could go back and get past post from the district site. Not sure why you cant any longer. I will check and see if we can leave the past updates up for everyone to go back to.
Brothers and Sisters I saw my name mentioned on T.Nelson post and wanted do say to you ALL, you had to be THERE. No place like SFO. Never has been,never will be. The story is ugly and to long to explain on this forum. I still support the IAM going forward. The D-141 E-Board , AGC's and CBA N/C are doing the best they can under the current circumstance's IMO. We ALL need to work towards the same goal. A CBA that protects SCOPE/JOBS and SENIORITY. Let's realize that the enemy should not be US. DP and AMR Group wants us to be Divided, Apathetic,and Fighting. So they can continue to WIN. The LCC/AMR merger will be #4 for me and my last. My advice to those Brothers and Sisters involved in any way with this final MERGER . GET OVER IT ! and GET ALONG or WE ALL LOOSE !
Rich Delaney (PDGC)
Frank Odnnell Phl (AGC)
Mike Fairbanks Clt (AGC)
Pat Retzler Phx (AGC)
Frank Giannola Lga (Cmtte Chair)
Steve Miller Bos (Cmtte Chair)
George Austin Phl (Cmtte Chair)
Mark Baskett Clt (Cmtte Chair)
Steve Willis Las (Cmtte Chair)
Ricky Obar Mco (Cmtte Chair)
Rodney Walker Bdl (Cmtte Chair)

Just out of curiosity, how many of these persons visit this forum? Obviously PRez does, because he's one of the few that has made it clear who he is.
I dont mind at all listing everyone on the negotiations committee. However your post above sounds a little like we are trying to keep from the members who all is on the NC. This info was posted many months ago from the beginning, on the district website.
www.iam141.org. We wanted everyone to know who was on the NC. Thats why we post it from the very beginning. But here is your requested info.

Rich Delaney (PDGC)
Frank Odnnell Phl (AGC)
Mike Fairbanks Clt (AGC)
Pat Retzler Phx (AGC)
Frank Giannola Lga (Cmtte Chair)
Steve Miller Bos (Cmtte Chair)
George Austin Phl (Cmtte Chair)
Mark Baskett Clt (Cmtte Chair)
Steve Willis Las (Cmtte Chair)
Ricky Obar Mco (Cmtte Chair)
Rodney Walker Bdl (Cmtte Chair)

Tom Regen is the GLR that is assigned to our negotiations. He is also there at each session.
Thank you for the information. If it was posted earlier at the begining on the website I must have missed it. Past updates seem to be removed from the website. Not sure why. I know many on the Committee and I'm confident they will put their best effort forward. Wishing the entire Committee the best in DC next week. Keep up the fight!
nec i cant tell you how many of them visit but i think its safe to say that most of them visit this site may be to get input among other things... but i can assure you that some of those folks listed above do actually visit this site...
My suggestion to the Current IAM Leadership . Focus on the Membership. Get Members back to work,get Members off Levels,and get Members their back-pay. Call-out Management when they are violating Federal Laws,State Laws,CBA, and LCC Policies . IMO collecting cards , rubbing elbows with AMR TWU F/S, debating Politics with D-142 Leadership is non-productive. The Members want YOU to help and tell them why ?they should support the IAM. Focus on the present and prepare for the future . The Merger between LCC and AMR to form AMR Group is going to be a long drawn out process. The representation issue will play it's self out because of the LAWS under the NMB that the Unions and Airlines must comply with. Get along or get out of the way. You are dealing with Professionals who will do what ever it takes to CRUSH US and YOU, because there is a lot of MONEY involved with this last BIG Airline Merger.
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