900-13 votes in PHX says I made the right call ..........
should I have turned my back on my own people here in PHX ?
I will NEVER turn on or betray my own people here , they are like my family , and I am NOT ashamed with what I have done ....
I did what I needed to do ... and yes it was in my self interest ... but as I have stated , further job losses are unacceptable and I will NOT support any contract that incurs them .
you can dwell forever in the past if you like , but I urge you to remember not only my sins , but the sins of the entire east ... you seem to forget what they did to their own ...
but perhaps you dislike me because i'm a threat , not only to the IAM but to the IAM pension which you rely on ...
If the IAM can get us a decent contract and incur no higher costs for us to the IAMPNF then I am fine with them ... if they can't do that , well then all of you know how I feel ...
I do my work for our union for free , many of you cannot say the same .