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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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Sadly, the company knows that there are no repercussions for them dragging their feet in negotiations. I'm willing to bet that retroactive pay has never been mentioned by the IAM. Maybe some of you that are in the know can shed some light on this subject.
I hate to even mention that our raise has been dragged out until July again.
i would not even think they would give a raise anyhow in july given that they are solely focused on the merger theyre gonna drag it out ignore or come up with excuse after excuse after excuse... no raise last july and i bet that there wont be any this july either
i would not even think they would give a raise anyhow in july given that they are solely focused on the merger theyre gonna drag it out ignore or come up with excuse after excuse after excuse... no raise last july and i bet that there wont be any this july either

Not sure where your getting that we didn't get a raise last July 2012. All rates were increased by 2% due to us not having a agreement. The bad news is, that was the last raise we are scheduled until we get a new agreement. There is no raise scheduled for this July.
As far as negotiations. We have shift focus since the merger has been announced. The company wants to place us directly into integrated talks with AA and the TWU. We however, have made it clear that we must get certain things for our members in our current contract before we go into integrated talks. The question now becomes, what do we have to have now, and what can wait to he discussed in the integration talks. There are things we must get now. There are other things that would actually be better to wait and negotiate as the worlds largest carrier. This is where we are at now, going over the " must have " issues. Problem is that the company doesn't agree with the " must have " issues.
Not sure where your getting that we didn't get a raise last July 2012. All rates were increased by 2% due to us not having a agreement. The bad news is, that was the last raise we are scheduled until we get a new agreement. There is no raise scheduled for this July.
Wow, that makes it even worse. Can't understand why there are NO penalties for the company stalling something that clearly benefits them. Pathetic....
Wow, that makes it even worse. Can't understand why there are NO penalties for the company stalling something that clearly benefits them. Pathetic....

Can't say I disagree with ya. But I can't answer for the last contract, I wasn't there. I always thought there should have been something like a 5% raise at the end, something that would make the company pay a little for not reaching an agreement. Now all we can do is negotiate, if the company stalls or doesn't negotiate, then we go to the next step, which would be to ask to be released.
I want to take a moment to remind the company and my co-workers that as this continues on we are taking a 2 percent cost of living pay cut for every year this drags on ....

My back hurts and we work Hard when its required of us .... Everyone else gets cost of living increases without fail, we should too.
Not sure where your getting that we didn't get a raise last July 2012. All rates were increased by 2% due to us not having a agreement. The bad news is, that was the last raise we are scheduled until we get a new agreement. There is no raise scheduled for this July.
You are absolutely correct... rates were increased July 2012 by 2%. You are also correct in stating " there is no raise scheduled for this July." To be clear... There will be no further improvements to the current Fleet Service agreement until a new IAM contract is ratified. We are currently in a wage, benefit and working conditions freeze as IAM members. IMO... the current status favors the company. I know the NC and yourself are working as best they can to change this but I believe the company is in no hurry to change our current status.
You are absolutely correct... rates were increased July 2012 by 2%. You are also correct in stating " there is no raise scheduled for this July." To be clear... There will be no further improvements to the current Fleet Service agreement until a new IAM contract is ratified. We are currently in a wage, benefit and working conditions freeze as IAM members. IMO... the current status favors the company. I know the NC and yourself are working as best they can to change this but I believe the company is in no hurry to change our current status.

That was one of many problems with our last T//A that our membership voted in. I always thought we should have had some kind of raise in there to make the company want to negotiate. I agree with you 100%. It does benefit the company!! Parker however does want to get this merger completed and work groups integrated so the creditors can realize those " synergies " that he promised them. So that is some leverage we have, granted, it may be argued about how much that actually is.
ok i was just read it wrong and i do apologize for my mistake there i was lookin at january of 2012 when we did not get the 2% raise.... freedom... if your back is hurting write it up and go to both your doc and the company stooges .... secondly we more the likely would have gotten a better deal had this 08 contract not gone thru but you and vast majority of the west voted it in..

now we are here no raises company goes makes back room door buster deals with anthr airline and their unions... the 142 asks to be released if 141 could do the same even if they would never get the approval.... then at least it would help to pressure the company.....
While I am only one person on the team, I can only tell you what I think. But I would assume that if we get the same response from the company as last time, and we don't make any progress, I would say us asking to be released is definitely a possible outcome after our next meetings.
Can't say I disagree with ya. But I can't answer for the last contract, I wasn't there. I always thought there should have been something like a 5% raise at the end, something that would make the company pay a little for not reaching an agreement. Now all we can do is negotiate, if the company stalls or doesn't negotiate, then we go to the next step, which would be to ask to be released.
Can't say for sure... but I believe the past NC thought the agreed to raise of 2% in July of 2012 served as the penalty for not having a negotiated contract agreement by this date. When was the current contract ammendable? When was the agreed to date to open contract negotiations? I believe both parties agreed to enter into negotiations 6 months before the ammendable date. The 2% raise in July served as a deterent, if you want to call it that, for not reaching an agreement in 6 months. The company honored the 2% raise in July 2012 and now they have us frozen until a new agreement is in place. In the meantime... you have the announcement of a merger with AA, which most likely will drive a representation election between the IAM and TWU and it's becoming more evident the company holds the cards. The company would prefer to negotiate with the TWU and benefit daily by not engaging in meaningful negotiations with the IAM. My advice to you and the US NC is to stand your ground, don't agree to a sub par contract sell out as witnessed with the DL 141 TA at UA. I would rather go into a representation election without an agreement... than the IAM trying to sugar coat a terrible TA, as witnessed at UA, and resoundingly rejected by the membership.The IAM and the District loses credibility just when it is needed most. My opinion brother... wish you and the NC the best.
cb when is the next round and where do they usually hold the meetings at secondly can the company actually stop the 2% that what sounds like to me that the union n company agreed too?

orgac i second that bro 100000% i too wish cb and the team best of luck going into the next round but hopefully something will come about
Your correct about the 2%. The contract became amendable Jan 1, 2012. Negotiations began approximately 6 months prior to that. The 2% was a raise built in, just in case we didn't have an agreement. And I appreciate your suggestions and welcome them. I feel if we can get some of the much needed issues settled, then we should bring a T/A out to the membership for a vote, with the realization we will then go into integrated talks as the no. 1 airline. But again, we don't just want to go straight in to integrated talks IMO without certain issues settled.
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