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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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I don't know how they got theirs back but the inside agents got their vac / holidays / and 100% sick back on first day I believe. That to me sounds like neg kickbacks from PRE BK

you are absolutely right the cwa refused to move on giving up the snap backs and they were rewarded for not bending. I am not a big CWA fan but got to say they seem to have a little more experise in the negotiations ring and they also kept the membership informed every step of the way while they were in negotiations with either weekly or monthly updates of what had been agreed to and the position the company was taking on certain articles. much better than the "company is mean" and " we are making progress"
Go ask the CWA reps, the company recognized it as the company wouldnt negotiate improvements in the CBA, the west agents just transitioned to the east cba, with no improvements to the east agents.

M&R and Fleet got improvements int their transition agreement, CWA did not.

Go ask Velvet, I know her outside of the work arena, and go ask Hemenway if you dont believe me.

But you know it all tim and your are always right and no one else is and if their opinion and facts differ with timmy's world, you make accusations against them.
Maybe John John can respond. But the east got improvements and since 2005 they have advanced tons more than fleet. Didn't they just get a bunch more on January 2012 including another 3% pay raise? So, I think it is incredibly unfair for you to say "They caved in". When we have a discussion why do you always say, "Go ask this person" or "Go ask that person"? Mine wasn't a question, it was a fact that you somehow have a hard time admitting to because of your "My life for the IAM" mentality. Tsk Tsk Tsk. BTW. They also insourced all of reservations. To me, scope is most important so which union caved in on scope more, the one who has work protected in all airports and centers or the one who agreed to support management and sign off on 62 of 82 stations? You don't have to answer that one, it is given. regards,
Is the IAM willing to give away scope so they can collaborate with management to bring IAM-represented contractors like Air Wisconsin and still collect dues?

TIM im not sure if we got the 3% in 2012 but i do recall that it was jan 09 10 11 but not sure about 12 but one thing is very clear. its time for all fleet to stand together and may be get m r together with fleet put aside any and all animosity put strong pressure on the company and even use the news media if need be there has to be several ways to get added pressure on the company to come up with deals even if it temporary deals... but nothing on the disasterous scale that was presented to the ual folks which was shot down
Fleet was scheduled to get 2% in Jan 2012 just like we have gotten every other year since joining the union heck if you ask around all unionized work groups get or have always gotten there/our raises in Jan ( not talking about step raises) but yet once again the work group had the advantage over the company by getting a raise in Jan and then another one in JULY "if a new agreement wasnt reached". its in the contract check it out but yet the leadership RD and his US AGCs chose not to challenge a contract violation with the company on behalf of the membership I realize an extra 20 or 30 bucks in the memberships paycheck isnt a big deal to the boss but it does go a long way to the average guy.

I know Mike is hoping and wishing that something good will be coming out in writing and I hope he is right but remember History has a way of writing the future and what your current leadership (AGCs) have done so far is stand down to management going all the way back to 09 with the attendance grievance .. You know that your living the night mare
Actually M&R has received their raises the past two Julys and this one coming up is the last one.
Tim acting like a UA/CO employee, read the threads and comments.

Actually M&R has received their raises the past two Julys and this one coming up is the last one.

There was no raise July in 2011, they received that raise in January 2011. The only July raise was 2012, and due this July (if no TA).
M&R and Fleet got improvements int their transition agreement, CWA did not.

Funny then why do you keep insisting that the IAM/US contract is not a bankruptcy era agreement? You always use that is your defense to the highly concessionary agreement, but now you are peddling the meager pay raise from the transition agreement. Odd.

Maybe John John can respond.

You ask for it you got it

Your CWA Local Presidents Recommend A Strong Alliance to Maintain Our Passenger Service Careers
An alliance between CWA at US Airways, and Teamsters at America West, is best for the job security, standard of living and working conditions of passenger service employees at both airlines.
The lack of an alliance would be dangerous for agents at both airlines...
With the airline industry in chaos, and employees suffering cuts at every airline, agents at US Airways and America West cannot afford an antagonistic conflict against each other that would risk our salaries, our protections and our benefits.
We have worked out an alliance which will preserve the US Airways agents' CWA contract, their CWA locals and their access to information and participation in their union.
The alliance (called Association of Airline Passenger Service Employees IBT + CWA) will allow us to remain CWA members while the America West employees remain Teamster members. US Airways agents will remain protected by the terms and conditions of their CWA contract.
In the future, the goal is to bring the AWA salaries and conditions up to the CWA contract level, and to improve aspects of the CWA contract (for example: activate our "snap backs" sooner for holidays, vacation, sickdays, premiums, etc.). We eventually want a single, improved contract protecting the entire passenger service group.
When that future, single, contract is achieved, the Teamster agents in eastern stations would be CWA-represented. The CWA agents in western stations would be Teamster-represented. The Alliance will allow us to work in a concerted effort to resolve major contract issues that would affect all members, regardless of location. But that is in the future. For now US Airways agents, East and West, remain protected by their CWA contract.
Those are big goals and we can accomplish them by working together for a united passenger service group.
For the good of our careers, for the good of our new airline, it makes sense to form an alliance between the two work groups that maintains their current representation and contract (US Airways/CWA) and status quo conditions (AWA/Teamsters).
For that reason we recommend and request that you approve this Alliance when you receive your ballot and Alliance proposal in the mail.
Thank You,
CWA US Airways Local Presidents
Airways CWA’ers have voted overwhelmingly for the proposed alliance…
After much discussion and debate, and following the recommendations of the CWA Local President’s, the US Airways passenger service employees have voted by a margin of 84% YES to 16% NO in favor of the proposed passenger service alliance to jointly represent the US Airways and America West agents.
The CWA Local Officers and Staff want to thank all who voted and participated in the discussions prior to this vote.
We also want to assure all those who took the time to write suggestions and messages on their ballots that we will compile those messages and make them available to all local officers and staff.
The ballots were picked up from the US Post office in DC today and counted by the local presidents. The local presidents and staff will continue meeting today to discuss strategy going forward. We’ll keep you posted on these discussions and on any meetings with management (none scheduled this week - probably next week).

US Airways passenger service pay step freeze will be lifted, Holiday Option II will be resumed, and Mainline Express agents will be increased to the Mainline rate of pay...
The new Passenger Service Employee Association IBT + CWA has reached an Interim Transition Agreement with US Airways management on all the outstanding seamless service and transition issues, and we will accordingly withdraw our change of control grievance. After two months of negotiations by the committee (CWA Local Officers, attorneys and staff and IBT attorneys and staff) the agreement calls for the following:
1. End the pay step freeze for US Airways agents effective this coming April 1, 2006 – snap up to $18 per hour top rate from the current $17;
2. Reinstate the Vacation Option II (bid holidays as vacation) for US Airways effective the next vacation bid (Fall 2006);
3. Raise US Airways Mainline Express Agents to the Mainline pay scale in the following steps:
$.40 raise on 4/1/06;
four months later MLE Agents will be increased 25% of the difference between their current rate and the Mainline rate;
six months later MLE Agents will be increased to 50% of the difference between their then current rate and the Mainline rate;
five months later MLE Agents will be increased to 75% of the difference between their current rate and the Mainline rate;
five months later MLE Agents will be increased to 100% of the Mainline rate.
4. Raise America West Agents to the CWA US Airways Mainline pay scale in the same increments listed in #3 above.
5. Transition America West agents to all the other provisions of the CWA US Airways passenger service contract by 6/1/06, or send all unresolved issues to arbitration. 
6. US Airways recognizes the CWA/IBT Association as the legal representative of the agents and the existing CWA US Airways Passenger Service contract remains in full effect.
7. “Seamless Service” provisions for cross-utilizing US Airways and America West agents at overlap stations are established. 
CWA Local Officers and Staff

Mgmt implements our bankruptcy agreement to end the Winston-Salem hiring freeze…
Following through on their commitment to CWA to end the INT hiring freeze, management announced today that there will be a 30-person Res new hire class beginning on October 24.
This is welcome news and signals management's intention to keep Winston-Salem as a viable and key res center.
Per our CWA contract, INT must remain open and functioning for at least the duration of our contract (2012), but we also don't want to see it shrink in size.
Management's bankruptcy court agreement with CWA to end the INT hiring freeze will mean that the center will not only remain open, but will remain a viable center with continuing opportunities for res agents.
CWA resolves Bankruptcy issues prior to Plan of Reorganization...
CWA’ers resolved our objections to the Bankruptcy Plan of Reorganization prior to the court hearing on Thursday, September 15. Here are the terms of that settlement:
* In exchange for a board seat, we agreed to four executive meetings annually ;
* We will accept the new profit sharing plan;
* The Winston-Salem Res center hiring freeze will end;
* Full-timers who have been displaced to part-time may accept an open full-time EO vacancy at their location at their regular rate of pay;
* Our pre-bankruptcy pending arbitration cases will not be wiped out by the bankruptcy court;
* Our entire CWA Passenger Service Agreement (our contract) will be officially “assumed” by the new corporation.
Fleet was scheduled to get 2% in Jan 2012 just like we have gotten every other year since joining the union heck if you ask around all unionized work groups get or have always gotten there/our raises in Jan ( not talking about step raises) but yet once again the work group had the advantage over the company by getting a raise in Jan and then another one in JULY "if a new agreement wasnt reached". its in the contract check it out but yet the leadership RD and his US AGCs chose not to challenge a contract violation with the company on behalf of the membership I realize an extra 20 or 30 bucks in the memberships paycheck isnt a big deal to the boss but it does go a long way to the average guy.

I know Mike is hoping and wishing that something good will be coming out in writing and I hope he is right but remember History has a way of writing the future and what your current leadership (AGCs) have done so far is stand down to management going all the way back to 09 with the attendance grievance .. You know that your living the night mare
except that on page 117 of the 08 contract the part where it says all base rates will increase by 2% in july of 12 people in my station were more than mad bec it never came... but on page 115 the last 2% scheduled was jan 2012 but there was none that i know of last july
Is the IAM willing to give away scope so they can collaborate with management to bring IAM-represented contractors like Air Wisconsin and still collect dues?

That's my concern. Why does the IAM have a American Eagle authorization card? That would be good for the IAM as the collective bargaining agent, but not necessarily for the union. I want more work, more stations and I don't give a crap if the vender is IAM or not if it is taking away our members work. regards,
Tim acting like a UA/CO employee, read the threads and comments.

I'm being a member of IAM141. What's the fuss? I put out a poll asking the United members if they wanted me to help them or not and the poll thus far is like 55 Yes 1 No. You can even vote if you join the facebook page with over 2,000+ IAM 141 members. regards,
You ask for it you got it

Your CWA Local Presidents Recommend A Strong Alliance to Maintain Our Passenger Service Careers
An alliance between CWA at US Airways, and Teamsters at America West, is best for the job security, standard of living and working conditions of passenger service employees at both airlines.
The lack of an alliance would be dangerous for agents at both airlines...
With the airline industry in chaos, and employees suffering cuts at every airline, agents at US Airways and America West cannot afford an antagonistic conflict against each other that would risk our salaries, our protections and our benefits.
We have worked out an alliance which will preserve the US Airways agents' CWA contract, their CWA locals and their access to information and participation in their union.
The alliance (called Association of Airline Passenger Service Employees IBT + CWA) will allow us to remain CWA members while the America West employees remain Teamster members. US Airways agents will remain protected by the terms and conditions of their CWA contract.
In the future, the goal is to bring the AWA salaries and conditions up to the CWA contract level, and to improve aspects of the CWA contract (for example: activate our "snap backs" sooner for holidays, vacation, sickdays, premiums, etc.). We eventually want a single, improved contract protecting the entire passenger service group.
When that future, single, contract is achieved, the Teamster agents in eastern stations would be CWA-represented. The CWA agents in western stations would be Teamster-represented. The Alliance will allow us to work in a concerted effort to resolve major contract issues that would affect all members, regardless of location. But that is in the future. For now US Airways agents, East and West, remain protected by their CWA contract.
Those are big goals and we can accomplish them by working together for a united passenger service group.
For the good of our careers, for the good of our new airline, it makes sense to form an alliance between the two work groups that maintains their current representation and contract (US Airways/CWA) and status quo conditions (AWA/Teamsters).
For that reason we recommend and request that you approve this Alliance when you receive your ballot and Alliance proposal in the mail.
Thank You,
CWA US Airways Local Presidents
Airways CWA’ers have voted overwhelmingly for the proposed alliance…
After much discussion and debate, and following the recommendations of the CWA Local President’s, the US Airways passenger service employees have voted by a margin of 84% YES to 16% NO in favor of the proposed passenger service alliance to jointly represent the US Airways and America West agents.
The CWA Local Officers and Staff want to thank all who voted and participated in the discussions prior to this vote.
We also want to assure all those who took the time to write suggestions and messages on their ballots that we will compile those messages and make them available to all local officers and staff.
The ballots were picked up from the US Post office in DC today and counted by the local presidents. The local presidents and staff will continue meeting today to discuss strategy going forward. We’ll keep you posted on these discussions and on any meetings with management (none scheduled this week - probably next week).

US Airways passenger service pay step freeze will be lifted, Holiday Option II will be resumed, and Mainline Express agents will be increased to the Mainline rate of pay...
The new Passenger Service Employee Association IBT + CWA has reached an Interim Transition Agreement with US Airways management on all the outstanding seamless service and transition issues, and we will accordingly withdraw our change of control grievance. After two months of negotiations by the committee (CWA Local Officers, attorneys and staff and IBT attorneys and staff) the agreement calls for the following:
1. End the pay step freeze for US Airways agents effective this coming April 1, 2006 – snap up to $18 per hour top rate from the current $17;
2. Reinstate the Vacation Option II (bid holidays as vacation) for US Airways effective the next vacation bid (Fall 2006);
3. Raise US Airways Mainline Express Agents to the Mainline pay scale in the following steps:
$.40 raise on 4/1/06;
four months later MLE Agents will be increased 25% of the difference between their current rate and the Mainline rate;
six months later MLE Agents will be increased to 50% of the difference between their then current rate and the Mainline rate;
five months later MLE Agents will be increased to 75% of the difference between their current rate and the Mainline rate;
five months later MLE Agents will be increased to 100% of the Mainline rate.
4. Raise America West Agents to the CWA US Airways Mainline pay scale in the same increments listed in #3 above.
5. Transition America West agents to all the other provisions of the CWA US Airways passenger service contract by 6/1/06, or send all unresolved issues to arbitration. 
6. US Airways recognizes the CWA/IBT Association as the legal representative of the agents and the existing CWA US Airways Passenger Service contract remains in full effect.
7. “Seamless Service” provisions for cross-utilizing US Airways and America West agents at overlap stations are established. 
CWA Local Officers and Staff

Mgmt implements our bankruptcy agreement to end the Winston-Salem hiring freeze…
Following through on their commitment to CWA to end the INT hiring freeze, management announced today that there will be a 30-person Res new hire class beginning on October 24.
This is welcome news and signals management's intention to keep Winston-Salem as a viable and key res center.
Per our CWA contract, INT must remain open and functioning for at least the duration of our contract (2012), but we also don't want to see it shrink in size.
Management's bankruptcy court agreement with CWA to end the INT hiring freeze will mean that the center will not only remain open, but will remain a viable center with continuing opportunities for res agents.
CWA resolves Bankruptcy issues prior to Plan of Reorganization...
CWA’ers resolved our objections to the Bankruptcy Plan of Reorganization prior to the court hearing on Thursday, September 15. Here are the terms of that settlement:
* In exchange for a board seat, we agreed to four executive meetings annually ;
* We will accept the new profit sharing plan;
* The Winston-Salem Res center hiring freeze will end;
* Full-timers who have been displaced to part-time may accept an open full-time EO vacancy at their location at their regular rate of pay;
* Our pre-bankruptcy pending arbitration cases will not be wiped out by the bankruptcy court;
* Our entire CWA Passenger Service Agreement (our contract) will be officially “assumed” by the new corporation.
Thanks John John. John John 1 700 0

I felt it was much worse than a nursery crime when the IAM abolished the Mainline express altogether while the CWA actually kept it and brought them up to mainline pay. If past IAM negotiations are any indication, then I think catering may be at risk. Man I hope our members don't get shafted from this negotiation team but i have seen no evidence that they even did any prelim work. Singing kumbuya with Delaney isn't a prescription for fairness. regards,
That's my concern. Why does the IAM have a American Eagle authorization card? That would be good for the IAM as the collective bargaining agent, but not necessarily for the union. I want more work, more stations and I don't give a crap if the vender is IAM or not if it is taking away our members work. regards,
This it the quagmire that CWA could have with piedmont and mainline
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