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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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Harry I for one agree with you and have felt this way since the merger was announced. That no show BS they pulled last month just backs it up. They have no reason or incentive to offer a contract much less a decent one. Federal laws keeps the union from doing anything worth a damn to force their hand and sorry I don't think some guys outside the airport with some picket signs are going to do jack to make them offer a good contract. I hope I'm wrong but that is how I feel.

This is what you have to consider. While it is almost impossible to go on strike in today's world, and even though the union and the company both know this, the good news is, the traveling public doesn't know this. So when the media gets ahold that you have a strike date set( which comes after asking to be released) and the traveling public hears this, then they begin to book away from your airline, which causes the company dearly. The company knows this, and that is our leverage. So we will use it, along with Picketing if and when the time comes.
ive heard some rumors that its quite possible that the twu n iam for fleet could be similar to the afa/cwa i dont know how much that would be true and ive heard that the twu does not have the money it takes to do a card drive i dont know but that is what ive heard from union shop stewards and other folks just rumors

The TWU doesn't have the money? They have money, they are loathe to spend it unless they absolutely positively must.

Hearing from stewards and the like over here that the IAM has approached the TWU with the fantastic idea of maintaining the status quo with the respective unions "Keeping" their respective stations.Which doesn't address the question of who would prevail in stations like BOS, DCA, ect. where both airlines operate.

One would "join" whichever union covered a particular station.Has all the makings of an epic trainwreck should something that asinine be allowed.The company isn't going to want to deal with two unions interpreting contract language and all the duplicity that will generate.

That would prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that these unions are solely interested in maintaining their revenue streams by keeping as many members paying dues as possible.

What I keep hearing is that the IAM is getting M&R and the TWU is getting Fleet,that way everyone gets a taste of the dues and everyone is happy.

Well, everyone at the executive level at these unions.The membership, not so much.
IF IT stays say status quo what happens to cities like bwi where aa outsourced and their orig rampers have recall rights
This is what you have to consider. While it is almost impossible to go on strike in today's world, and even though the union and the company both know this, the good news is, the traveling public doesn't know this. So when the media gets ahold that you have a strike date set( which comes after asking to be released) and the traveling public hears this, then they begin to book away from your airline, which causes the company dearly. The company knows this, and that is our leverage. So we will use it, along with Picketing if and when the time comes.
thank you for that explanation CB I can understand a little more how that would help, it just seems flusterating to have our hands tied so much by idiot government law when no other industry has those restrictions.
JFK I have heard some that M&R and fleet rumor as well just not fromm any one I would consider at a level to have factual knowledge of it.
Who the hell knows what might happen in reality we as the fleet work group are likely the be the losers.

One thing I have noticed on this board that on the US board it is mostly fleet people posting while on the AA board it is just the opposite with mostly MX posting. I don;t know that it really means anything just an observation.
The company was trying to force a vote between the IBT and the CWA, both unions caved and just accepted the current CBA for the former HP agents and the IBT and the CWA have an alliance and the IBT represents west stations and the CWA represents east cities.
The company was trying to force a vote between the IBT and the CWA, both unions caved and just accepted the current CBA for the former HP agents and the IBT and the CWA have an alliance and the IBT represents west stations and the CWA represents east cities.

so you are saying that work groups is already going on then? where there cases where a station had both east and west agents and if so what happened there?
This is what you have to consider. While it is almost impossible to go on strike in today's world, and even though the union and the company both know this, the good news is, the traveling public doesn't know this. So when the media gets ahold that you have a strike date set( which comes after asking to be released) and the traveling public hears this, then they begin to book away from your airline, which causes the company dearly. The company knows this, and that is our leverage. So we will use it, along with Picketing if and when the time comes.
Right now I think the focus should be bringing the two "IAM's together in visible ways. You yourself have been in the negotiation room for two years now. The company doesn't bother with you guys, negotiates contracts with groups on other airlines, and you guys think now is the time to put up a pretty picture with some kool aid print under it? Really? I don't follow your 'when picketing is necessary' idea because if it isn't necessary now then when is it? Hell the other IAM asked for a release. Kumbuya...... all talk! regards,
The company was trying to force a vote between the IBT and the CWA, both unions caved and just accepted the current CBA for the former HP agents and the IBT and the CWA have an alliance and the IBT represents west stations and the CWA represents east cities.
700 where do you come up with this stuff? The company voluntarily recognized the cwa/ibt and gave them profit sharing and full snap backs. And that was with a group of workers who didn't even have a contract. Ramp and Ticketing were same pay and benefits until ramp voted in IAM in 1994. CWA got voted in upstairs in 1999. Both experienced bankruptcy so how is it that the ramp has had 62 of its 82 stations contracted out SINCE the first IAM contract, and CWA hasn't? How is it that the CWA has profit sharing, making more money, benefits, vacation, etc but IAM isn't? If the CWA caved then what does that say about the IAM? sheesh! regards,
The TWU doesn't have the money? They have money, they are loathe to spend it unless they absolutely positively must.

Hearing from stewards and the like over here that the IAM has approached the TWU with the fantastic idea of maintaining the status quo with the respective unions "Keeping" their respective stations.Which doesn't address the question of who would prevail in stations like BOS, DCA, ect. where both airlines operate.

One would "join" whichever union covered a particular station.Has all the makings of an epic trainwreck should something that asinine be allowed.The company isn't going to want to deal with two unions interpreting contract language and all the duplicity that will generate.

That would prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that these unions are solely interested in maintaining their revenue streams by keeping as many members paying dues as possible.

What I keep hearing is that the IAM is getting M&R and the TWU is getting Fleet,that way everyone gets a taste of the dues and everyone is happy.

Well, everyone at the executive level at these unions.The membership, not so much.
The TWU signed a deal in the US AIR/AMW merger. The TWU tried to up its negotiation presence and got several hundred cards signed from IAM members but then leveraged the cards to hand over its rampees for $500,000. It's in the LM'2s as well. I don't know what is going to happen in this situation but my hunch is to follow history between huey and louie and somehow they will work things out together with the company blessing of course. Never mind the membership in such deals. regards,
Go ask the CWA reps, the company recognized it as the company wouldnt negotiate improvements in the CBA, the west agents just transitioned to the east cba, with no improvements to the east agents.

M&R and Fleet got improvements int their transition agreement, CWA did not.

Go ask Velvet, I know her outside of the work arena, and go ask Hemenway if you dont believe me.

But you know it all tim and your are always right and no one else is and if their opinion and facts differ with timmy's world, you make accusations against them.
I don't know how they got theirs back but the inside agents got their vac / holidays / and 100% sick back on first day I believe. That to me sounds like neg kickbacks from PRE BK
improvements are you kidding maybe for the west but overall the group got hosed how about you have that conversation with the membership from IND or BUF , maybe MSY, ABQ and the other cities that got thrown under the bus I believe since the new IMPROVED T/A US ramp has lost over 500 jobs not to mention the 100 plus errors in the contract that the company never went back and corrected as they were suppose to do. and how about the TYPO as AGC MF states in relation to the 2% pay raise we were suppose to get Jan 2012 give me a break .. Improvements my ass.

Now question for CB or those in the know .
what does the canceling of the Strike Vote at UA do to help or hurt US cause at the negotiations table and why would any UNION do such a thing. I have to say I think this is once again a 1st at least in this industry. It would seem that would have given the UA team some more leverage of which RD apparently isnt interested in ..
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