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April/May 2013 IAM Fleet Discussions

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The organizers were John Carr and Maureen Kelly, I was on the property and was not a full time paid organizer, I worked my regular job, try again. I was never involved in organizing the US ticket agents, I was involved with one of the largest wins in airline union history and that was UA CSA and RES.

I run a small business, so I do have a job, thank you very much.

Keep lying, I will e-mail JR and JC and they do post on here once in a while and they will back up my posts.
The organizers were John Carr and Maureen Kelly, I was on the property and was not a full time paid organizer, I worked my regular job, try again. I was never involved in organizing the US ticket agents, I was involved with one of the largest wins in airline union history and that was UA CSA and RES.

I run a small business, so I do have a job, thank you very much.

Keep lying, I will e-mail JR and JC and they do post on here once in a while and they will back up my posts.
Email whoever you want. Frank O donnel sat on the 3 person committee and Ed Milson was my rep. That was back in the day when the company handbook handled grievances. Better yet, I have been a blessed man and if you say I was terminated one more time after I have instructed you then I will sue you blind and take some money away from that small business of yours. Go ahead and see who you are playing with with your lies? Mark my words. I have put you on notice and so help you if you say I was terminated or served termination I will defaintely sue you. So be very careful of what you say if you want to be litigated. And as for your asshat comment about me filing for fleet service, kindly review the NMB site and please show me if anyone other than the USWA, IAM, and IBT EVER filed for fleet service. Again, be careful of what you say because mine is a live handle and you know who you are talking to and I know who you are and who to sue if you continue to intentionally lie. If you have learned anything, then you must know that I don't play. Try me buddy. regards,
Go ahead and sue me, I never said you were terminated, I said you almost were for posting a slowdown on the Big Picture.

And your empty threats dont scare me.
Again, be careful of what you say because mine is a live handle and you know who you are talking to and I know who you are and who to sue if you continue to intentionally lie. If you have learned anything, then you must know that I don't play.


Try me buddy. regards,

I met with them in INTL headquarters and pleaded with them to allow me to do the Delta campaign because after seeing their plan I realized it was gosh awful. They said, "They got it". So I stayed in ATL and won the AirTran workers as the IAM promptly screwed up the Delta campaigns.


They didn't "have it."

That campaign was botched from the get go...
Email whoever you want. Frank O donnel sat on the 3 person committee and Ed Milson was my rep. That was back in the day when the company handbook handled grievances. Better yet, I have been a blessed man and if you say I was terminated one more time after I have instructed you then I will sue you blind and take some money away from that small business of yours. Go ahead and see who you are playing with with your lies? Mark my words. I have put you on notice and so help you if you say I was terminated or served termination I will defaintely sue you. So be very careful of what you say if you want to be litigated. And as for your asshat comment about me filing for fleet service, kindly review the NMB site and please show me if anyone other than the USWA, IAM, and IBT EVER filed for fleet service. Again, be careful of what you say because mine is a live handle and you know who you are talking to and I know who you are and who to sue if you continue to intentionally lie. If you have learned anything, then you must know that I don't play. Try me buddy. regards,

Nelson, you have intentionally put yourself in the public spotlight as a viable candidate in a legitimate Political Campaign (141 President)-- as well as being an active Public Figure in Organized Labor Issues for decades. It is usually very difficult, if not impossible to win defamation, slander, or liable cases under these circumstances.

Second, you usually have to prove the statements were intentionally false with intended malice, and that the defamation resulted in a measurable financial loss to you before you can even think about a legitimate case that won’t get thrown out of court. If your case is proven to have no merit… then the defendant may have the right to counter sue the plaintiff for court costs, travel, loss of time etc.

Not a pretty picture anyway you look at it… why not try something different? Why not try to actually get involved with educating the membership in a positive manner? You are obviously intelligent, and articulate. However, the disdain for the IAM that you articulate in public (like this forum) is counter productive… it’s that simple. We ARE represented by the IAM… so that’s what we have to work with! Until those circumstances change… we have no alternative but to bargain collectively in good faith... and vote NO if need be!

They didn't "have it."

That campaign was botched from the get go...
There were two fundamental problems I had with the Delta campaign that I tried to change with Roach but was unsuccessful. I told him to get the AGC's off the damn campaign because when I went down there to assess the situation they all were at the irish pub over on Virginia ave drinking and plenty of it. AGC"s are not organizers and plus they are fat and happy even when their jobs are on the line. They never even think that they will lose their jobs. Delaney wanted me to use AGC's on my organizing drives but I told him never. I always used those who were in touch and still working, along with building a strong committee that reconciled the non represented even if they had differences with the union. Some guy named Brian, a former Delta employee who got fired, and a good guy, led things in ATL but he nitpicked and held grudges with some who really wanted the union but dialed out because the organizing committee became a click. Tony K, the INTL rep was a nice guy but at that point he was milking his INTL GLR job as the most senior GLR and only stopped by the offices just enough time so he could chart it on the Friday reports. Organizing has to be 24/7 and you have to be right there in case the company fumbles. Secondly, it seemed Gordon [love him or hate him] had some issues in MSP that were not addressed where the IAM settled a grievance and supposedly kept most of the money [you might know more about that than me]. I suggested to Roach that he either come clean on it or resolve it someway but he just said the rumors were all lies stirred by a bunch of disgruntled members. Either way, the issue remained unaddressed. At the end of the day, Roach said thanks for the advice but you are not a Northwest employee and went with Tiberi's and the INTL plan. It was a fatal flaw indeed. As it turned out, the ramp was theirs but they blew it by 300 votes. regards,
I have to chime in here & I pray I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there will not be one dime or anything for fleet until this merger is done. Company has already done what they're going to do.
Then you will be satisfied to operate under another BK contract for another 4-6-? Yrs. And don't be so sure that if the TWU GETS FLEET that you have the protection you need. A lot of ifs with that contract / MOU
Then you will be satisfied to operate under another BK contract for another 4-6-? Yrs. And don't be so sure that if the TWU GETS FLEET that you have the protection you need. A lot of ifs with that contract / MOU
I dont know about anyone on here or at work or in the system but i think enough is enough and its time to get REAL CONTRACTS WITH BETTER SCOPE PAY ETC
Then you will be satisfied to operate under another BK contract for another 4-6-? Yrs. And don't be so sure that if the TWU GETS FLEET that you have the protection you need. A lot of ifs with that contract / MOU
I agree. Our members need a contract before the merger. The IAM will get one, hopefully a fair one, unless it works things out with the TWU and the company, and FWIW if it works things out with the TWU and company then I'm not thinking that will be the best move. Deal making to take care of the collective bargaining agent and the company always come with a price. Not saying the IAM will do that but I certainly hope it sticks to a contract before the merger and starts doing some prelim work and getting organized demonstrations, and doing a better job of brining 141 and 142 together. Card collection is another thing that might have to get moving within the next 6 months. Assuming a representational dispute will have to be called sometime in late 2014. regards,
ive heard some rumors that its quite possible that the twu n iam for fleet could be similar to the afa/cwa i dont know how much that would be true and ive heard that the twu does not have the money it takes to do a card drive i dont know but that is what ive heard from union shop stewards and other folks just rumors
I have to chime in here & I pray I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that there will not be one dime or anything for fleet until this merger is done. Company has already done what they're going to do.

Harry I for one agree with you and have felt this way since the merger was announced. That no show BS they pulled last month just backs it up. They have no reason or incentive to offer a contract much less a decent one. Federal laws keeps the union from doing anything worth a damn to force their hand and sorry I don't think some guys outside the airport with some picket signs are going to do jack to make them offer a good contract. I hope I'm wrong but that is how I feel.
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