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Apfa Election

L1011Ret said:
The hypothesis is that a number of voters were disqualifed because they are not dues current. It is believed by some that the list of current/non current members did not reflect the standing of a few members on the required number of days before the election. I believe there has been a challenge over this by THB.
I have been told that the dues had to be paid by the Friday before the vote was counted. The NBC uses the ineligible list from a list drawn at that time.
Skyyggoddess said:
I have been told that the dues had to be paid by the Friday before the vote was counted. The NBC uses the ineligible list from a list drawn at that time.
You are correct, however, the main issue of the election challenge which THB has filed, or will be filing shortly, is expected to be the accuracy of the dues arrears list.
TWAnr said:
You are correct, however, the main issue of the election challenge which THB has filed, or will be filing shortly, is expected to be the accuracy of the dues arrears list.
Hotel, is this a dead issue or is Tommie still challenging the dues arrears list. I believe she had only 15 days to do so. Could you give us an update? Thanks
Can someone please explain why there even is a dues arrears list? I thought under the contract anyone who is dues arrears faced termination. The APFA website shows over 600 F/A's currently are dues arrears. This is typical of this "so called" union not to terminate those in arrears. With over 5,000 of us ready to come back to work someone needs to start terminating! :angry:

What Unity?
L1011Ret said:
That is a good question but who can answer?
The truth is that it is very difficult to terminate someone for being dues arrears, and it is neither the company's nor the union's fault. It's called, due process.

1. Treasurer determines A is dues arrears.
2. Letter is sent. Some minimum time for response.
3. No response. Second letter sent.
4. No response. Certified letter sent.
5. No response. Termination begun.
6. Company notified of situation and intent to terminate.
7. (I'm guessing here.) Company via FSM makes some attempt to advise A of parlous situation.
8. No response. Termination hearing scheduled.
9. A sends check to union to pay arrears, or in some cases, shows up at termination hearing check in hand.
10. Company can not terminate if dues are paid.
Total time elapsed 6 months-one year.

11. A starts over again not paying dues. Process begins again.

Unfortunately, as long as A pays up at some point prior to termination, there is legally nothing the company or the union can do. Oh, and at any step if the flight attendant does contact the union--say at step 4--and says they never got the other notices, then there is some "hold" on the procedure.

This is the explanation I was given when I asked the same question. I may not be remembering exactly. There may be more or fewer letters sent, but you get the gist of it, I'm sure. Also, be aware, this can be a very expensive proposition for the union--particularly if A brings in legal counsel. Then APFA must do same. As a lawyer friend of mine says, "I don't think for free. In fact, I don't think at all if I'm not being paid."
"That is a good question but who can answer?"

It depends on how John Ward if feeling on the day of the hearing...............

Ward is a good one, may everyone who voted for him live in He-- for the next 4 years...
twasilverbullet said:
Hotel, is this a dead issue or is Tommie still challenging the dues arrears list. I believe she had only 15 days to do so. Could you give us an update? Thanks

Yes, Tommie is challenging the dues arrears list. It seems 135 TWA'ers were dues arrears but, paid their dues prior to the due date. This makes all 135 of them current and eligible to vote in all APFA elections, including the National Officers election. The National Ballot Committee somehow didn't receive the most up to date list before the ballot count. Hmm, I wonder how that happened? Besides all of that a lot of furloughed flight attendants never received their ballots in time to vote.

John Ward knows his days are very limited. THB, has a case against the APFA and National Ballot Committee and she will win it.
LiveInAHotel said:
John Ward knows his days are very limited. THB, has a case against the APFA and National Ballot Committee and she will win it.
As they say, From your lips to God's ears.
LiveInAHotel said:

Yes, Tommie is challenging the dues arrears list. It seems 135 TWA'ers were dues arrears but, paid their dues prior to the due date. This makes all 135 of them current and eligible to vote in all APFA elections, including the National Officers election. The National Ballot Committee somehow didn't receive the most up to date list before the ballot count. Hmm, I wonder how that happened? Besides all of that a lot of furloughed flight attendants never received their ballots in time to vote.
I heard that Linda Herod-Rivas is out as chairperson of the National Ballot Committee. From my short experience, she was the one light of integrity shining out of AApfa elections. And, she had been doing that job for 20 years!

Someone on another board is hinting that she was forced out. I have to wonder that she just threw up her hands and resigned when the ballot discrepancies--false dues arrears, ballots not received--appeared.
I think its interesting how its so much easier for people to spread rumors about whats going on at APFA headquarters than to actually get involved and find out the real information. You don't know how many people I talk to have never even called the hot-line yet are spreading false info to other flight attendants based on posts similiar to the one above. I know things are not perfect at APFA and the past election shows how polarized we are right now. Our number one goal right now is to become united again and provide the company a solid, determined force that will not accept less than gains on all areas of our contract. I'm sure the company is more than happy that the vote went 50/50. We have a much bigger battle on the horizion and its time to start pulling together for it. Stay informed.

Did you ever stop to consider that Ward may be the one starting all rumors. hats how sorry he is.
twaokc said:

Did you ever stop to consider that Ward may be the one starting all rumors. hats how sorry he is.
The fact that you get bogged down into rumors is what boggles me. Who cares why someone resigned? I for one would never want to work for the union. But I do appreciate the ones who give a whole heck of alot to our union and usually are under appreciated. There is way too much time spent on conspiracy theories, time which would be better spent coming up with new ideas on how to approach the company at the next round. For all the "great ideas" that the former TW'ers have always spoke about now is the time to input those ideas into the hat. Forget who did what when. Lets see more action and accountablity now.

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