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It's Official- Dol Says Install Thb!

hp_fa said:
Actually, picketing would be a good repsonse. Make sure the media is invited.

CrAAp like that reflects poorly on all members of unions.
Its too public and reflects bad on the organization. jw has showen already he has no shame and will stoop to any level to get what HE wants and whats best for HIM.
Addressed to:

"The majority of APFA members, who voted in the last presidential election"

Congratulations, Bravo, Job well done, Way to go etc., NONE of these words come close to pointing out what YOU as a Union have accomplished !!!

Your fighting strenght, determination, and resolve are truly REMARKABLE, and you, the MAJORITY VOTING MEMBERS should be VERY proud of yourselves !!!!!!!

A comparable victory to yours ??

The Great Sioux Chief Sitting Bull, and the battle of the Little Big Horn !!

(I wonder if John wAArd now, is feeling anything like Gen. George Armstrong Custer) :shock: :shock: :shock: ?????


I really think that the very junior AA f/a's, who voted FOR tommie, should be congratulated for their insightfullness, and long range thinking !!!!
FA Mikey said:
Its too public and reflects bad on the organization. jw has showen already he has no shame and will stoop to any level to get what HE wants and whats best for HIM.


I would counter-argue that it shows that the members will not allow their organization to disregard the will of the majority and that public silence would reflect badly on APFA. I will, however, grant you it is not my fight to fight.

IMO, it does reflect poorly on all labor unions. Turn it into a positive by now doing the right thing.

(Actually, the right thing was for WAArd to have already resigned.)

I really think that the very junior AA f/a's, who voted FOR tommie, should be congratulated for their insightfullness, and long range thinking !!!!

As a "Junior" (furloughed) TWA/aa f/a..., for us it was more like "Anyone but Bush," Tommie just happened to be someone who could win against Ward, nothing more.
He has never understood our unity and never will.
Perhaps the APFA will now realize that they could use our strengths and resolve to build a better union instead of using their time, resorces and energy trying to exterminate us.
hp_fa said:

I would counter-argue that it shows that the members will not allow their organization to disregard the will of the majority and that public silence would reflect badly on APFA. I will, however, grant you it is not my fight to fight.

IMO, it does reflect poorly on all labor unions. Turn it into a positive by now doing the right thing.

(Actually, the right thing was for WAArd to have already resigned.)
Showing the public internal strife is never a good thing. That will reflect as bad on the organization and its membership. Not only now, but later down the road. There are major hurdles to overcome as well. Dallas is going to be a hard place to get people to come out to picket against jw. They overwhelingly voted for him. How many people can, and will fly in for something like this? Its more a showing for the membership, than for the public at large. A poor turn out, would show weakness and apathy. Giving the otherside an arguement about there being a vocal minority, and this is not the wish of the general membership. There is the legal questions, about how, where, and will the city of Euless allow it. Who will pull the permit for it.

A stronger by far faster, and easier statement would be every member calling and leaving a voice mail for jw. Every member calling and making there feelings known to there base chair. It will have 100 times the participation. APFA's strongest shows of unity and resolve to the company were out of the public eye. Fact is the easier you make it. The greater number you will get involved.

An example, if making a post here required you going to a special place in your city just to post. What would the level of participation be? Since it requires nothing more than a click over in an open browser. Its easy, fast and allows for greater access, view and opinion.
FA Mikey said:
How scared is jw? How nervous? Alot. All his tales are unraviling faster than he can spin new ones. I found this posted by Sherry Cooper - Aug 18, 2004

John and I have engaged in a voicemail war today. He accused me of misrepresenting the DOL's position and told the rest of the BOD to calm down. I know that you are shocked - but I am the only person he attacked in his voice mail He went on to say that the majority of the BOD wanted a new election. (Not true). John Nikides accused him of hiding the DOL letters and demanded to know when he had received them. I responded by saying that I had received my DOL July 21 letter (extending the investigation) on July 24 and that DOL protocol is that the Union is notified before the complainant (me). Someone else said it before me - but - the wheels are definitely coming off. Everything I said in my earlier letter to fellow APFA BOD members is accurate. John is still hoping for some miracle. It won't happen now. The August 17, 2004 DOL letter makes it clear that the DOL will start enforcement proceedings if APFA fails to "voluntarily" install THB.

Mike, I was just curious as to how you found/got this posting from Sherry Cooper?
SkyLiner said:
Mike, I was just curious as to how you found/got this posting from Sherry Cooper?

Good question -

F/a Mikey - where else is this posted?
Well, there is at least one BOD member with some backbone. John Nikides, LAX Base Chair, put out an All Call message today (All Call is the system by which a base chair or National officer can leave a single voicemail and all other base chairs and National officers can retrieve it). In his message he said that it was time for John Ward to do the right thing and resign prior to the 25AUG BOD meeting.

I doubt that will happen, but then stranger things have happened.
FA Mikey said:
If that board doesnt give you a headache nothing will. Go to groups.yahoo.com/mygroups If you are already a member it will come up on your list of groups aafa4m is the group you are looking for.


Truer words have never been spoken (well, that's a bit extreme but you get my point). I tend to get high blood pressure from going "on" the 4m.

I believe you already were attacked over there for your viewpoint. You would be surprised at how many AA F/As READ it but do not post...they are scared to.

Sometimes I am dumb enough to post over there and I get some pretty positive e-mails by non-posters.

It seems like it is always the same 5 or 6 people posting...that gets kind of boring.

I am not on a side, I am an independent concerned about my working conditions. I voted for Steven Ellis, then THB based on what I saw (debate on the internet, twice). I worry about her possible concessionary tendencies but that is it....and I am super-junior. It's funny that the majority of the Steven Ellis and Rock Solomon supporters ended up supporting THB, not JW .

On the 4m, Steven Ellis has been TORN TO FILTH as a member of the Executive Committee. Thank-God for Art. Sorry if you disapprove of your name being dragged into this fray, Art, but I respect you immensely, as do others.

I also greatly respect Frank on the 4m but they tear him to pieces as well. He is either derided as a "former member of management" or a "know-it-all" (usually he is right). Just because he is a THB supporter. I hope they realize that what we see influences us that are on the 4m. The "lurkers, not posters" see the pettiness and childishness (which has been on BOTH sides) and vote accordingly.

I personally would rather have a "know-it-all" represent me than a "Chicken Little". :shock:

I spoke to John Nikides today on the phone. He played his all call message for me to the BOD and I thought it was a great message. I'm flying in for the BOD meeting on August 25, 2004, and I encourage all of you who can make it, to do the same. The stronger presence we have as APFA members at this meeting the more pressure John WAArd will have on him.
FA Mikey said:
Well if you liked the first, you will enjoy the follow up to jay.


I am going to my special "inner zen" place right now...THEN my BP can hit the roof when I see the replies.

P.S. You gotta represent the "Portal"!

Take care,

SkyLiner said:
Mike, I was just curious as to how you found/got this posting from Sherry Cooper?

Thank you for the email, and my question was just one of curiosity. I tried to respond to your email with no luck. You have always been very cordial and helpful (from the beginning) to us/TWA, regardless of our stance on the staple/seniority "disintegration" and for that I am greatful. We don't agree but...hey that's life, you've never put us down or been hateful and that says alot.
SkyLiner said:
Thank you for the email, and my question was just one of curiosity. I tried to respond to your email with no luck. You have always been very cordial and helpful (from the beginning) to us/TWA, regardless of our stance on the staple/seniority "disintegration" and for that I am greatful. We don't agree but...hey that's life, you've never put us down or been hateful and that says alot.

I agree, Mike has always been very candid with us. When we are recalled I hope we will encounter more people like Mike. We can still differ in opinions and still be friends.
The Other Day I had a Flight Attendant run off the Airplane and said "John Ward needs your help". Of course she said it with a deep Texan accent.

I became quite the Southern Belle and said "Bless his Heart, I will be more than happy to help him push that beverage cart to forward cabin!"

Needless to say she didn't hang around much longer, I just cannot for the life of me imgine why?????

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