Well, let's take it one point at a time. And, don't flame back at me. I'm trying to answer your questions as honestly and logically as I can. The questions you asked are ones that have been asked a lot by those of us who are out on the street.
AAStew said:
Maybe I don't understand, but what was the benefit or the company not giving the furloughed fa's unlimited recall rights?
The benefit to the company from this little bit of collusion between JW and Jane Allen is simple. It gave the company the opportunity to furlough almost 4,000 of the highest paid flight attendants and
maybe keep them off the payroll for 5 years. Then replace them with new hires at new hire pay rates.
Unfortunately for JW and the company, I don't think that is going to be possible. As a working flight attendant, do you believe that the company can go with the current size of the flight attendant corps with the numbers that will be retiring/quitting and not recall more than 900 (plus or minus) of the furloughees? There are only about 900 of us collateral damage nAAtives left before you have to start recalling former TWA flight attendants. All I hear from people on the line is how understaffed you are now. I know of two people here in Dallas that just flat quit because they were sick and tired of being worked until they dropped. They were used to holding a line, and with us gone, they were back on reserve.
AAStew said:
I understand the no furlough pay benefit to the company. For those of you on this board who think those on the line don't want you to have this, you are wrong. I personally don't understand why Ward did this.?
Do you really understand the benefit? Do you? JW gave to the company (they weren't asking) a few million
one-time dollars when they were looking for on-going, permanent savings. Now put it in context. The current total debt load of the company is in the
$21 billion range. The actual benefit to the company was negligible. Can you think of a reason other than spite toward the majority of the last group of furloughees--namely, the former TWA flight attendants? I can't. As a nAAtive who got screwed out of furlough pay, I'm just collateral damage as they used to say in Viet Nam. You know, that innocent rice farmer who just happened to be standing within 2 miles of the strike point of the bunker buster bomb.
Also, you need to be aware if you are close to the bottom of the seniority list among those still working (If you're not, you can do like most senior AA flight attendants, skip this part. You won't care.) By giving up furlough pay, JW has opened the door for the company to use the most junior flight attendants as seasonal help. Now, don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm just saying that it's possible. Now that there is no financial penalty to the company to staff up in June and furlough in September (then staff up in November and furlough in January, etc), they can do it. That was the whole purpose of the unions fighting for furlough pay
in the first place. To stop companies with "seasonal" business cycles from using the most junior employees as seasonal help who were never on the payroll long enough to accrue any long-term benefits.
Do you really think that 2 months pay (max) was going to go that far for most furloughed flight attendants? Remember, the presence on the furlough list of flight attendants who were at top-of-scale is a highly unusual (if not unique) occurrence in the history of unions. The people who usually get furloughed are those who are at or near the bottom of the pay scale. I was eligible for 1.5 months at $22.10/hr--about $2300. No, you can't count my vacation pay. I got that, as did all the furloughees. Difference is, we got the JW-reduced amount of vacation. Not what we had actually accrued.
AAStew said:
Does anyone know for sure if Kitty Solder is challenging the disqualified votes. On their website it says nothing! Backontherighttrack.com
Don't know about this one, and like you, can't seem to find out. Another member of this forum posted that THB was, in fact, challenging the dues arrears list, but there's been nothing official come out of Useless Blvd. I guess we'll have to wait and see.