I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm just curious as to why you think the good ideas of the TW people are going to be listened to any better now than before this joke of an RPA. And, some of their ideas were not only good, they would have significantly reduced or eliminated the furloughees. No one at Useless Blvd was even willing to listen to, much less use, the ideas.MiAAmi said:There is way too much time spent on conspiracy theories, time which would be better spent coming up with new ideas on how to approach the company at the next round. For all the "great ideas" that the former TW'ers have always spoke about now is the time to input those ideas into the hat. Forget who did what when. Lets see more action and accountablity now.
twaokc, if you are refering to miaami, he majored in ANTITWALANTOLIGY with a phd in WARDOLOGY. :blink:twaokc said:you never fail to knock former twa, do you????
Ugh..they were not "ideas" MiAAmi, alternate contracts were drawn up fromMiAAmi said:The fact that you get bogged down into rumors is what boggles me. Who cares why someone resigned? I for one would never want to work for the union. But I do appreciate the ones who give a whole heck of alot to our union and usually are under appreciated. There is way too much time spent on conspiracy theories, time which would be better spent coming up with new ideas on how to approach the company at the next round. For all the "great ideas" that the former TW'ers have always spoke about now is the time to input those ideas into the hat. Forget who did what when. Lets see more action and accountablity now.twaokc said:miAAmi
Did you ever stop to consider that Ward may be the one starting all rumors. hats how sorry he is.
Either you mis-understood what I wrote or you are super sensitive. I was only encouraging you (the TW'ers) to put those ideas that they always say they have in the hat and have an input. If your going to quit trying when they don't always agree with your idea, then you have less tenacity than I thought.twaokc said:you never fail to knock former twa, do you????
Again, I ask. What leads you to believe that their efforts will be less wasted this time than last? They made several efforts to help. All were rebuffed. What has changed about the situation?MiAAmi said:Either you mis-understood what I wrote or you are super sensitive. I was only encouraging you (the TW'ers) to put those ideas that they always say they have in the hat and have an input. If your going to quit trying when they don't always agree with your idea, then you have less tenacity than I thought.
Whether you think I'm sincere or not is your own issue. For those of us that want to turn the page on a bad era at AA/APFA, now is the time to focus on repairing our contract and pulling the membership back together.TransWorldONE said:MiAAmi consistantly sarcastically slams us then comes back and says wa wa wa "I hope all the furloughs are back to work soon, including twa," And as far as tanacity is concerned...you still question that? That's rich!
YESjsn25911 said:Miami - you say you want to pull the membership back together and improve the contract. Does that mean you are agreeing that includes getting furloughed f/a's unlimited recall rights?