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Apfa Election

Because I don't know your by laws, could a (hypothetical) situation arise where "john boy" was getting ready to kowtow to AA, but be overridden by the rest of the officers, in a 3 to 1 vote against ????????


Talk about BAD luck. Being "saddled" by "weakling ward, by a mere 5 votes.
UN(**CKING) BELIEVEABLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even though Ward was certified as the winner, his election is far from certain. 130 STL votes were voided because those members were deemed to be in dues arrears. Many of those voters paid up their back dues in full, prior to the deadline, in order to become dues current and have their votes count. The APFA bookkeeping is notoriously inaccurate and out of date. A challenge of the elections results will take place and the dues arrears list will be audited. All that is needed is for five percent of the voided votes to be counted in order to reverse the outcome.

It's not over till it's over.
In the interm, jw will be writing thank you notes to all those who make it possible for him to remain at full pay.
TWAnr said:
... 130 STL votes were voided because those members were deemed to be in dues arrears. Many of those voters paid up their back dues in full, prior to the deadline, in order to become dues current and have their votes count. The APFA bookkeeping is notoriously inaccurate and out of date. A challenge of the elections results will take place and the dues arrears list will be audited. All that is needed is for five percent of the voided votes to be counted in order to reverse the outcome...
Who do you challenge? I hope it is not like bringing internal charges (very time comsuming and then APFA is likely to dismiss anyway.) Who does the audit?
JW is as crooked as the day is long. How else could he win this election. The AA f/a's get what they deserve.
Skyyggoddess said:
TWAnr said:
... 130 STL votes were voided because those members were deemed to be in dues arrears. Many of those voters paid up their back dues in full, prior to the deadline, in order to become dues current and have their votes count. The APFA bookkeeping is notoriously inaccurate and out of date.  A challenge of the elections results will take place and the dues arrears list will be audited. All that is needed is for five percent of the voided votes to be counted in order to reverse the outcome...
Who do you challenge? I hope it is not like bringing internal charges (very time comsuming and then APFA is likely to dismiss anyway.) Who does the audit?
Hey Terry - I got a new computer and couldn't remember your website. I had it in favorites along with my 100 others. And you changed the name and I can't remember it - care to share it again. Thanks
JW writing thank you notes? The word gratitude does not appear to be in his vocabulary.
It may read, thank you suckers!! signed, still at 100% of old pay scale john ward
FA Mikey said:
It may read, thank you suckers!! signed, still at 100% of old pay scale john ward
Mike, you've always come across as outspoken and well-informed. Do you think JW is celebrating? And what will become of the rest of his ticket? Will they land in a soft place? And is the company happy with this election result?
jsn25911 said:
Hey Terry - I got a new computer and couldn't remember your website. I had it in favorites along with my 100 others. And you changed the name and I can't remember it - care to share it again. Thanks
You probably mean one of the sites belonging to TJ Norris. I am part of the SaveAPFA group (used to be SueAPFA) that has brought a suit against AMR & APFA for disenfranchising our vote last spring and multiple violations of our constitution.
I do send out the e-mail updates to our supporters, but TJ's sites are


E-mail me if one of these is not the site.

Also, I am very interested if (once again) someone has been disenfranchised.

Skyyggoddess said:
You probably mean one of the sites belonging to TJ Norris. I am part of the SaveAPFA group (used to be SueAPFA) that has brought a suit against AMR & APFA for disenfranchising our vote last spring and multiple violations of our constitution.
I do send out the e-mail updates to our supporters, but TJ's sites are


E-mail me if one of these is not the site.

Also, I am very interested if (once again) someone has been disenfranchised.

Thanks Terry - Yes - I had both of the boards originally - so I appreciate your help.
medr said:
Mike, you've always come across as outspoken and well-informed. Do you think JW is celebrating? And what will become of the rest of his ticket? Will they land in a soft place? And is the company happy with this election result?
With a chance of 130 votes being added to the mix, he should worry. The ousted will likely cuddle up at there old bases in there tight little group and maintain there did all they could under the circumstances. Facts will always tell the other side of the story. We are not better off because of jw. We should have kept Denise. At the very least she would have taken the initiative to be prepared for the eventuality of pay cuts we ALL saw coming.

I am sure the company is happy about it. Jw is a poor leader and negotiator. In that they can get by with a lot, in negotiations. They also know there is not a strong mandate or support for him. All will depend on who else is at the table. Hopefully we will vote in some intelligent negotiators. They know Tommie would have been a thorn in there side. Looking to continue to advance the cause of what we lost and working for the betterment of the work flight attendant work group. Tommie would also be a stronger negotiator.
The hypothesis is that a number of voters were disqualifed because they are not dues current. It is believed by some that the list of current/non current members did not reflect the standing of a few members on the required number of days before the election. I believe there has been a challenge over this by THB.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Because I don't know your by laws, could a (hypothetical) situation arise where "john boy" was getting ready to kowtow to AA, but be overridden by the rest of the officers, in a 3 to 1 vote against ????????


Talk about BAD luck. Being "saddled" by "weakling ward, by a mere 5 votes.
UN(**CKING) BELIEVEABLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bear, what I think some of us are losing sight of is the fact that JW can do little on his own, and having a slate of opposing officers is not the important point. They may bring a little more honesty and transparency to the goings-on at Useless Blvd, but it is the Board of Directors--composed of all the base chairpersons--who ratify or reject whatever JW wants to do. Based upon past votes, the majority of the BOD are JW supporters.

P.S. The APFA could be worse off. What if we were like the USA and had a President who didn't even get a majority of the votes cast? 😀

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