Be careful what you wish for, and be even more careful how you vote. The constitutional changes APFA leadership is asking us to approve will not benefit members who pay dues. More money for the perpetually trip removed is a blank check to maintain their cushy lifestyles, and to reward their incompetence. APFA spends millions of dollars and can’t deliver a contract. Now they want more money and less democracy. They want to:
Modernize voting methods HELLO!!! Has anybody forgotten what happened last time APFA changed the way we vote? We ended up with concessions we didn’t approve and now we’re stuck with them.
Change the way the negotiating team is selected HELLO!!! APFA appoints who they want and who we elect doesn’t matter. We voted for Sam Morales, and he is sidelined because he is too independent for the powers that be.
Prevent us from taking a temporary assignment HELLO!!! While APFA leadership never has to fly, those of us who fly year after year might like to do training or a special assignment without having to pay APFA to rejoin the union! This is nothing but a fundraising drive for those who don’t want to fly, but who do want to get paid.
Raise the dues without our approval HELLO!!! APFA wants the dues increases without negotiating a pay raise for us. The same people who took a temporary pay pause while agreeing to permanent concessions for us do not need to be rewarded. They cut our pay and benefits by 30% but it didn’t apply to them.
Force people who aren’t working to pay dues. HELLO!!! APFA is betting they can sell this as a TWA issue. Nothing could be further from the truth. APFA can’t save jobs so we have to pay more. They want money from those on military leave, unpaid sick, maternity, IOD, in addition to the furloughed people. APFA should tighten their belt before asking us to support their lavish spending. If people can’t afford to take a leave without paying union dues, more people are going to be furloughed.
Rumors are flying of a thousand more furloughs in 2010. Rumors of another merger are in the news every day, which means a reduction in force. Airline industry analysts say further reductions in flying must happen to bring supply in line with demand. You will pay APFA for the pleasure of not having a job.
APFA can’t save jobs and can’t negotiate our contract, but they are great sloganeers. They embarrassed us with their Decline or Resign campaign. Management did neither. Next came Mayday is Payday. It wasn’t and again management laughed. APFA is spending thousands of dollars to sell us on paying more dues. If they had done their job to RESTORE & MORE what they gave away, people would have confidence in them. Instead, they are asking us to pay for their incompetence.